View Full Version : Wanted a lightning trigger

29-01-2017, 11:36am
I need a really good lightning trigger.

I have a Nero and really disappointed, sure it works but it is hit and miss, especially in daylight or low light, works ok when dark.

So what I'm asking is what is the best lightning trigger available.

I don't need or want a multi function trigger.


30-01-2017, 10:05pm
Surely someone can advise on a lightning trigger,,,,,,,,please.


Steve Axford
31-01-2017, 1:46pm
I'd suggest you try some specialist forums. I found this one http://photo.net/nature-photography-forum/00ZwaA but I'm sure there are others, there may even be a lightning photography group, maybe on Facebook.

31-01-2017, 2:24pm
Thread moved to another section of AP - Flash/Strobist.
Axle. I don't know much about modern flashes and accessories. Does this trigger have a threshold adjustment?
Can you not set it to operate when something exceeds the strength/duration of ambient light?

31-01-2017, 6:32pm
Thread moved to another section of AP - Flash/Strobist.
Axle. I don't know much about modern flashes and accessories. Does this trigger have a threshold adjustment?
Can you not set it to operate when something exceeds the strength/duration of ambient light?
Yes mate it does have a sensor adj, but if you set it high just the moving bright white clouds set it off and set it low and it doesn't go off every strike and in daylight ya lucky if it goes off at all.
If someone has experience with a trigger that works properly I am happy to purchase one.
Our storm season is very short up here.
