View Full Version : Photo by my daughter

01-12-2016, 9:49am
Got permission from Rick to post this given my daughter is 6.

I was trying to get her to agree to some photos while I play around with my softbox but instead she asked if she could take the photos. I've let her take photos with my D750 (and she has her own nikon kids camera) so I decided to give her a go with the X-T2 whilst I held the softbox out to the one side with my hand. The upside with the x-t2 is that its small enough for her to hold comfortable.

This was the result which I cropped. Granted, its a bit of luck given her age, but the question now is how to I get her to keep taking them, and if she does, how do I get my camera back :) I uploaded the photo to lightroom, took her through the editing process and she seemed pretty impressed with what she had created and seems keen to try it more.

Positives - She seems to like photography
Negatives - She got the first softbox photos out of my camera before I could get one so I'm a tad jealous.

The little one on my back wasn't intended. She uses me as a climbing mechanism.


01-12-2016, 3:09pm
Excellent! I do the same with my son who is about to turn 7. I have future visions of father son photography trips to NZ and Iceland. He's a bit spray and pray, but at least he agrees that anything out of focus can be deleted. He may also provide a good excuse for storage upgrades ("but Honey, it's for our boy, he just takes a lot of photos"). He has an old Panasonic compact of mine and can also provide upgrade/handmedown excuses too [emoji3].

01-12-2016, 3:41pm
Lovely......Just make it enjoyable, as l see you're already doing, and the rest will look after itself:) Cheers.

Mark L
01-12-2016, 8:16pm
That's a wonderful photo Athol. Wouldn't be the same without you and the climber.:)

Let your young one play with various things to photograph but I'd think there will come a time where you can ask what she seems to like taking photos of and start focusing on that. Let's hope she doesn't say birds.:) Give her a reason to refine what to take photos of at some stage.

What a wonderful photo.:)

02-12-2016, 7:29am
Excellent photo - she is very talented. Puts some of us adult photographers to shame.:D Showing her our positive comments and making it fun may encourage her to keep going with it. On the other hand, if you push her too much to take photos she may burn out and lose interest - let her pace herself.

I reckon you could enter that photo in a local show (in a children's photography section) and it would do well. :nod:

05-12-2016, 10:25am
Sorry for the delayed response everyone, been the usual weekends of mayhem with all the kids christmas parties and the usual things on.

i've showed her the comments and she's really excited with the feedback. I'd like to keep her going with this but I don't want to put too much pressure on her or she'll stop enjoying it so we'll gauge it and see how she goes.