View Full Version : C.R.Kennedy Suck.

25-11-2016, 9:36pm
I took my 150-600 Sigma to the Brisbane office on Wednesday, as the focus ring was a sticky. They said they would send it to Melbourne for warranty
repair that afternoon and it would be in Melbourne on Friday.
I rang Melbourne on Friday and they could not find the lens and surmised it was still in post.
Today (The following Friday), I rang Melbourne and they could not find the lens. Said they would contact Brisbane and see what was happening and get them to call me.
Four hours later I rang Brisbane and they seem to have posted it yesterday ( so they say ), but could not ring me back like requested.
Good thing I don't make a living out of photography with appalling service like this.
See what next week brings.

26-11-2016, 1:53am
Sounds like someone needs a rocket you know where. I have nothing but praise for CR Kennedy when I bought my lens. They price matched and posted in quick time. Sounds like it might be one individual. Did you upset someone? Maybe look sideways at them? Either way it is bad business. Hope things improve for you.

26-11-2016, 7:48am
What?! Good ole Crake's? - Nah! Must be some mistake. Some local yokel "staffed" up.
I've always had the OPPosite experience with Crakes.

08-12-2016, 9:59pm
Got my lens back today and the Tech said there was nothing wrong, it's focus ring is not sticky, it's like the others he has in stock.
I have a Sigma 105 macro and a Sigma 24-105 and they are both smooth when manual focusing.
The 150-600 is sticky when trying to move it initially, and then smooths out.
My wife can even tell the difference in rotation.
Not happy with C.R.Kennedy as a whole, and I have nowhere to turn now except to a reparer that I will have to pay out of my pocket I suppose.

09-12-2016, 8:59am
Not happy with C.R.Kennedy as a whole, and I have nowhere to turn now except to a reparer that I will have to pay out of my pocket I suppose.

B4 you do anything like that, go to any reputable retailer that almost certainly has the same lens as yours in stock and ask to have a look at it.
You probably don't even need to mount it to a camera to judge the feel of the focusing ring. But take your camera for good measure and judge how it feels on camera too.
Judge the difference in focusing feel between a brand new demonstrator model against yours before you attempt to fix something that may be fixable.

The comparison between a Sigma 105 or 24-105 lens to the 150-600 is an errant one.
Those two other lenses are much smaller and move fewer lens elements that weight less(ie. have less inertia).

I wouldn't even compare the focusing feel of a 150-600C against a 150-600S lens as they too will be likely to feel different. Again, the optical formulae will be different between the two lenses, so other than to comment on their respective feels, comparing between the two to judge if there is a problem is not the way to work out if there is an issue!

09-12-2016, 9:03am
John. This might sound obvi:nod:us, but have you got the AF switched OFF when doing this?
I know that mine feels the same when (rarely) I use MF and forget the AF is still :eek:N!!

09-12-2016, 11:07pm
AM, only tried with lens in M or A/M.

Mark L
12-12-2016, 9:31pm
John. This might sound obvi:nod:us, but have you got the AF switched OFF when doing this?

It shouldn’t matter if it's set to AF, MO or MF, the focus ring just works the same.:th3:
Having said that, set lens to MO. I doubt it would make a difference to your problem though.

13-12-2016, 6:35am
It shouldn’t matter if it's set to AF, MO or MF, the focus ring just works the same.:th3:

N:(t on mine, mine, mine,... (ie, several of).

Mark L
13-12-2016, 6:19pm
N:(t on mine, mine, mine,... (ie, several of).
Fair enough but things have changed.