View Full Version : A different take on Remembrance Day

11-11-2016, 2:05pm
I went to the supermarket today and it happened to be 11.00 am when I got to the checkout. They announced that there would be a one minute's silence (November 11, 11 am Remembrance Day) and so everyone fell silent - except for a young checkout guy who kept talking.

People were telling him to shut up and he ignored them and kept on talking. The guy he was serving must have been an ex-serviceman or something, and flipped his wig completely! He grabbed the checkout kid around the throat and tried to throw him out of the store. Big burly security guy came along, sat him down and called the police.

Always good to see people coming together peacefully as they share that special moment of silence. Lest we forget.

11-11-2016, 5:25pm
Interesting. I agree that we need to respect the solemnity of the day and also respect those who died.

That said, Building Services piped a pre-recorded presentation through a tinny speaker in my office today and I decided that if I ever go to war, the first person that I would shoot would be the bugle player.

12-11-2016, 5:01am
Being ex Serviceman, I would have waited until the 1 minute silence was finished, then verbally ripped into the kid. Have done it before I would do again :cool: Big mistake in touching the kid. He should have shown a bit more restraint. I know how it touches each of us differently, but to go to actual assault.....over the line.

21-11-2016, 9:18pm
As another ex-serviceman, I agree with Ghostbat. The way to get the point across is to stand right in front of the talker and stare pointedly at them, saying nothing. Once the minute is over I'm sure you can come up with something pointed and pithy to say that puts across the meaning of what you just shared.

At the going down of the sun, and in the morning

22-11-2016, 2:33am
A letter of complaint to the supermarket would help. A clip across the ears from his father(if he had one) a few years ago would have been appropriate. Or from an ex serviceman a short,sharp jab to the solar plexus whilst nobody was looking. Maybe open a can of baked beans and pour it all over his counter then walk out leaving all your groceries in his line. Give me a minute or so and I might think of something devious

22-11-2016, 5:41am
A clip across the ears from his father(if he had one) a few years ago would have been appropriate.

Ahhhh, sadly the days of parenting have gone. These days the kids would lodge a writ in the Supreme Court and accuse the father of abusive behavior requiring court ordered counseling and a 10 year re-education program. A clip over the ear was soooo simple, effective and timely. Of course a foot up the bum was similarly useful! :D

22-11-2016, 10:43pm
⬆️ I had my fair share of them. :lol: