View Full Version : Go the Trumpster!

10-11-2016, 2:06pm
I'm really enjoying the reactions of the clueless left to Trump's win in the US Presidential Elections. Don't think it can't happen here..... :lol:

10-11-2016, 2:16pm
I'm really enjoying the reactions of the clueless left to Trump's win in the US Presidential Elections. Don't think it can't happen here..... :lol:

Hasn't it?:p

Isn't it a party of Right Whingers that is in guvverment now? double:p

10-11-2016, 2:58pm
Nothing wrong with shaking up the establishment...

10-11-2016, 3:41pm
This is the best explanation for what happened

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AqHJuRcB-y0 (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AqHJuRcB-y0&feature=youtu.be)

10-11-2016, 6:17pm
Michael Moore picked the mood of the many USA voters who felt disenfranchised from society. (God, I hate that phrase).

Pay rates in the USA have stalled. Blue collar jobs have shifted to China and Mexico. Politicians are more interested in gay marriage and climate change than in reinvigorating the mid-west. Wealth stays with the wealthy and the working class go backwards. So, I can understand them giving the establishment the “biggest f*** you!” via the polling booth.

But now that they have that off their chests…what next? Apparently “The Donald is going to “Make America great again.”

Is he going to start a trade war by imposing tariffs? Remember the good old days when we had tariffs on cars and a Ford Falcon cost the equivalent of 60 week’s pay on the average wage. Now with no tariffs, it costs 30 week’s pay. Tariffs don’t sound like a good idea to me.

Is he going to kick out all the migrants who do the shitty jobs on minimum pay that Americans will not do? I think not.

Will he generate jobs for the downtrodden? Perhaps - through increased government spending.

His Hispanic consultant has already talked down “The Wall” saying that it could be a metaphor for increased border security rather than a physical barrier. They have also said that they will only be expelling illegal migrants who have committed crimes – exactly what the policy is now.

Is he going to tear up the NATO and ANZUS treaties? The only time that the NATO treaty was invoked was after September 11.

So, other than raising the middle finger to the establishment, exactly what has been achieved?

The one good thing here is that the Republicans have control of the Congress and the Senate and will be able to pass legislation – unlike our moribund parliament. Common sense should prevail and there should be enough checks and balances so that Trump can’t run roughshod.

Am I from the “clueless left”? Definitely not left - possibly clueless.

10-11-2016, 7:15pm
We should thank our lucky stars that we are not yet a Republic or we could be looking forward to President Pauline. :eek:

10-11-2016, 7:31pm
Well said:nod:

Well, Andrew, you are not alone. Who has got a "cloo" in the world:D

Analyses will be coming thickly and quickly, and haste will not always be recognised as
(the) waste (it usually is). Every rationale will be touted as "the ultimate"... &c., &c.

I guess we will just "haffter way 10 c". (Not much other choice.)

Mark L
10-11-2016, 7:50pm
Firstly, I don't think the "clueless left" ever had much influence in the mighty U.S.A. Warbler. How far left is Obamacare and a Clinton, let alone a Bush.

How angry will the angry dispossessed American folks who voted for Donald get when he doesn't do what he said he'd do? Or when he does some of the things he said he'd do and that makes them even worse off.
Bugga "drain the swamp". "Burn the house."

10-11-2016, 8:04pm
was hoping to get away from all the political US of A stuff, best way, visit a photography forum.... got it wrong again :rolleyes:

Mark L
10-11-2016, 8:09pm
was hoping to get away from all the political US of A stuff, best way, visit a photography forum.... got it wrong again :rolleyes:

Well don't open, view and comment on something obviously not photography related then. It was your choice to look at this thread and then comment.:eek:
Go and comment on the photos I posted in the bird place early this evening if you need to negatively comment on something.:p

10-11-2016, 8:13pm
Read this and weep.


10-11-2016, 8:24pm
Well don't open, view and comment on something obviously not photography related then. It was your choice to look at this thread and then comment.:eek:
Go and comment on the photos I posted in the bird place early this evening if you need to negatively comment on something.:p

Duly noted, clicked the wrong link and my own fault I guess. As for a "need to negatively comment" I don't see any value in that, severe criticism, well that's a different kettle of fish :D

Mark L
10-11-2016, 8:33pm
Read this and weep.


The Daily Telegraph's front page this this morning was "W.T.F" with a photo of the Don. W.T.F is W.T.F doing as a headline?
Critical comment I suppose.
And I had to edit this to put full stops into ### (jep that's what was on their front page of the paper) to make W.T.F. appear here. But a national newspaper can do it? ###:)

11-11-2016, 4:50am
This is a pretty good precis of the situation in these days of social media posturing. Just like the protests over the Brexit vote and the refusal to pass legislation on a plebiscite here, there are people who see democracy in action as something that they can and should prevent at any cost. They call it populism.


11-11-2016, 5:24am
The world is filled with Chicken Little's at present. Running around screaming. It is rather amusing. :D

11-11-2016, 7:09am
The world is filled with Chicken Little's at present. Running around screaming. It is rather amusing. :D

The less than 24-hour news cycle and the associated Social Media have made “Chicken Littleism” the main form of political analysis these days. In the pre-Facebook days of 2000, the razor-sharp social commentary of The Simpsons actually forecast the election of President Donald Trump:


Get ready for President Lisa Simpson next. (That is if Kanye West doesn't beat her). :Doh:

11-11-2016, 8:04am
If Kanye becomes president we'll have to put in place emergency measure to ensure we can stop the influx of refugees from the states.

I have the campaign title already...stop the planes

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-11-2016, 8:42am
If Kanye becomes president we'll have to ... build a wall ...

11-11-2016, 8:54am
While 1/2 asleep I (vaguely) heard on the BBC overnight news that: 1) Clinton won the poplular vote, and
2) fewer people voted than in previous elections:confused013

11-11-2016, 10:13am
A man was walking along a Florida beach and stumbled across an old lamp. He picked it up and rubbed it, and out popped a genie.

The genie said, "OK, You released me from the lamp, blah blah blah. This is the fourth time this month, and I'm getting a little sick of these wishes so you can forget about three... You only get one wish!"

The man sat, and thought about it for a while and said, "I've always wanted to go to Australia, but I'm scared to fly, and I get very seasick. Could you build me a bridge to Australia so I can drive over there to visit?"

The genie laughed and said, "That's impossible!!!

Think of the logistics of that! How would the supports ever reach the bottom of the ocean? Think of how much concrete -- how much steel!! What about the impact to sea life? Ocean currents? No, think of another wish."

The man said, "OK, I'll try to think of a really good wish."

Finally, he said, "I'm concerned about Trump being president. I'd like you to make sure that Trump is a good honest president, he takes care of the average person's needs and the USA grows as a result. I want to see him drive it in such a way that unemployment is reduced and the rich don't get richer at the expense of the poor"

The genie said, "Do you want that bridge to be two lanes or four?"

11-11-2016, 11:44am

No $hit Sherlock!

Mark L
11-11-2016, 6:36pm
This is a pretty good precis of the situation in these days of social media posturing. Just like the protests over the Brexit vote and the refusal to pass legislation on a plebiscite here, there are people who see democracy in action as something that they can and should prevent at any cost. They call it populism.

Not sure I get that. Isn't populism exactly what got Trump elected??

11-11-2016, 6:48pm
[Ah, those who forget the lessons of history...!] Funny, isn't it:eek: [/Ah, those who forget the lessons of history...!]
:D/:(/:rolleyes:/, as the case may be...