View Full Version : Any Musicians out there?

28-10-2016, 9:20pm
If so come foward!, I am an amateur musician and dabbles with few different instruments

28-10-2016, 9:22pm
Don't look at me! I'm a hopeless Dabble player:(

28-10-2016, 11:39pm
I noddle a bit of Blues electric guitar.
Never had the discipline to learn properly, don't even know a song from start to finish.
But the guitar sits within arms length of the computer for when the mood takes me.

Like photography and drawing I like how it has its own way of transforming my head space.

Claire M
29-10-2016, 12:16am
Hi darcy, I also like dabbling in the arts, and apart from being an artist and an enthusiast in photography, I'm also a muso, and play guitar, percussion (mostly) and drummer, a little keyboards; and sing occasionally, though nowhere near as much as I used to.
Cheers! :D

Mark L
29-10-2016, 6:43pm
.... I'm also a muso, and play guitar, percussion (mostly) and drummer, a little keyboards; and sing occasionally, though nowhere near as much as I used to.
Cheers! :D
Got any video you can show us Claire??
I'd particularly like to see you playing them drums, but anything will do.:)

29-10-2016, 9:56pm
Cool stuff awesome to know there's fellow noise makers around :) i mostly play around with guitar and theremin and effects to make a space like ambience.

Ross the fiddler
29-10-2016, 10:57pm
G'day Darcy. Yeah, I fiddle, but unfortunately I have been fiddling with cameras more than the fiddle for the last several years, although I still fiddle with them on the bench (repairs etc) & then test play them; that is violins, violas & cellos. I have done double bass repairs too when there seemed to be a severe shortage of quality repairers around but thankfully there is someone else doing them now which relieves me of them (they take up too much room!). I grew up classically trained & played in orchestras etc but later discovered the Scottish fiddle genre of music. I didn't know there was so much of it!


30-10-2016, 7:01am
I too am into music. I used to teach piano and still play at home and do the odd bit of accompanying for students who are desperate and when it doesn't interfere with our retirement travels. Used to play guitar and still have one but haven't played it for a while and all my calluses have gone now.

Claire M
30-10-2016, 1:56pm
Got any video you can show us Claire??
I'd particularly like to see you playing them drums, but anything will do.:)

:lol: There may be some videos of me playing somewhere with different musos, taken through the years, somewhere in Aus!, but none taken in the last 10 or so years, unless we count my time playing at events and facilitating workshops with Sambanistas (a WA Samba community group).