View Full Version : Hi all, I'm back

27-10-2016, 3:02pm
Hi everyone I'm back after a recent bout of medical problems. First a skin cancer scare, removed and now clear. Second a bowel cancer positive test followed by a colonoscopy, thankfully the results came back clear but 2 weeks later I suffered a massive haemorrhage in the bowel, I was rushed to hospital where I spent 5 days, 3 to stop the bleed and 2 to build my blood levels back up. In amongst all this I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis and am now undergoing treatment for this. This has slowed my photography as I cannot hold the camera long and am in constant pain, this is the first time I have been able to type for many weeks. I also have to see a cardiologist next week to review my arrhythmia medication after all the changes.

27-10-2016, 3:10pm
Geez, Keith! That's quite a lot!!! All the best for a full recovery. Really, take it easy, though.

27-10-2016, 3:17pm
Thanks AM.

Mary Anne
27-10-2016, 5:27pm
Hello Keith so sorry to read all this, Medical problems do slow you down, you look after yourself now.
Good to see you back though :nod:

27-10-2016, 7:01pm
Welcome back Keith. how many mirrors have you broken lately? Hope your road to recovery doesn't take any more detours and your strength and determination all comes back soon.

Mark L
27-10-2016, 7:01pm
Wow Keith, there's plenty of things in your signature I wouldn't mind.:lol:;)

Seriously though. Hope things get better for you. Don't stress to much will help as you get treatment for different things. (easier said then done)
As far as holding the camera goes consider getting a monopod (now there is much less weight in your hands) and a tilt/ball-head (it helps you move the camera around).
You can just offer advice to some that you think may need it here as you recover.
All the best.

27-10-2016, 7:15pm
Welcome back, Keith. Had a few of those issues myself. Seems like every conversation that I have with a doctor these days has this phrase, "Well Andrew, as we get older..."

That said, getting older is a hell of a lot better than the alternative.:nod:

28-10-2016, 8:46pm
Hi Keith, we missed you!

01-11-2016, 2:11pm
A very warm welcome Back. Sorry you are having health problems.
I am having simalar health problems and I am happy to be back to. Good luck for the future.

01-11-2016, 2:18pm
Thank you all for your thoughts and well wishes and the best of health to all.

Jorge Arguello
02-11-2016, 9:20pm
Look that you were attending important matters... welcome back.
In my case, I have been traveling for work, but I will start posting photos soon.