View Full Version : How to resize photographs for the Internet

19-07-2008, 10:53am
How to resize your photographs for posting on the internet.

Many photography forums have size limits that apply to both the physical and file size limits that apply when you post your photographs to the sites.
There are two sorts of image size to consider, please keep this in mind when reading this tutorial:
The number of pixels (width and height)
The file size, set by JPEG compression levels

There are many ways to resize photographs for display on the internet, and an even larger range of photo editing software to do the resizing in. This tutorial is for Adobe Photoshop. Most other software packages offer similar menu options, so it may mean using the help feature in your software to convert these instructions to your own software.

Ausphotography has the following limits
* 1024 pixels maximum on the longest side and 250kb file size
* The panoramic forum, which has a limit of 1200 pixels and 350kb file size -see here (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=13917) for info
* Photos linked from external sites do not have size or a KB limit, they are resized on the fly (but keep the file-size down as a courtesy to other members bandwidth)

Resizing your Photograph

Open your Image in photoshop and do all your post processing.


When completed and ready to resize, Go to the menu and select Image > Image size


If needed change the ‘dimension’ to pixels. Make sure ‘constrain proportions’ is ticked and also ‘resample image’. Leave the resample method at the default – you can experiment with that later if you like, but its outside the reason for this tutorial.

Looking at the pixel dimension area of that screen, find which is larger of width or height, click in that box and type 800 (or whatever size you want/need). As below:


The Resolution box will determine the quality of your resized photograph. I leave mine at 240 normally, you can go lower, but if you go under 100 you risk seeing a visible deterioration on the quality of the final resized photograph.
Click OK. Photoshop will now resize your image automatically.You are now ready to save your photograph at the new size for uploading to the internet

In Photoshop there are two ways to save the resized photograph. Both are detailed below.

Using the “File > Save As” method

This method retains all your EXIF data, so is worthwhile using if you want other members to be able to view important data about your photograph, including, Camera used, shutter speed, aperture and ISO (and a lot more).

Firstly to save using this method your photograph must be in 8 Bit, go Image > Mode > check that 8 bits/channel is selected (if not - select it now).

Then go File > Save As


There are a few things to do on this screen. mainly, select where you are going to save this version of your photograph on your hard drive, give your file a name in the File Name box, and select JPG in the Format Box (if JPG is not available, you haven't changed your image to 8 Bit - see above). Once done, click Ok

You will then get a quality screen pop-up.


You will need to adjust the slider until the file size is below the required for the website where you are placing your photograph. As you adjust the slider, the file size data (to the right of the slider will change automatically). When done, click OK.

You have now saved your photograph at the smaller size (800 pixels in this example) and at a KB filesize appropriate for uploading.

Using the “Save for web” method

This method strips your EXIF data and therefore will not allow other members to see technical information recorded about the photograph.

Once your image is resized (as per the resizing instructions above)

Go File > Save for Web and Devices


On this screen there are several things to do as well, In the group of sliders on the top right, you will need to adjust the quality one to increase/decease the KB size to suit where you are uploading your photograph to. Under the bottom left corner of the photograph is a small text showing the KB file size, so adjust the quality slider until the KB size is appropriate.

Also in the sliders area is the "preset" option, to the right of that is a small triangle, click that triangle and select 'convert to sRGB'. The internet is optimised to work in the sRGB colourspace, so you might as well have your photograph in the same colourspace.

When you have got your photograph in the right KB file size, you are ready to save it, Click Save (top right). You will then be presented with a screen to select where on your hard disk you wish to save your photograph and the option to name it as well.


When you have set these, Click Save.

I hope this tutorial is useful to you and even if your do not use Photoshop to edit your photographs, that you can convert these instructions for your own software.

Please feel free to discuss this tutorial, if you pick up any errors in the above, let me know. If you use a different software package and wish to add your own tutorial, you are most welcome to.

If you do not have Photoshop and use Windows XP, you can try the free Image Resizer offered by Microsoft here (http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx), down the right hand side of that page find the Image Resizer file and download it. Then when you right click a photo using explorer you can quickly and easily resize it.


There are two main controls for image file size when saving as a JPEG image.

First is the size in Pixels.
I.e. The number of pixels width x height.
Changing the size in Pixels has a secondary effect of changing the file size.
Eg. an image 3000px x 2000px resized to 1000px x 667px will be a smaller file, 6,000,000px
down to 667,000px.

But is the file small enough?

Secondly, the JPEG compression setting.
File size can also be adjusted by setting the JPEG quality (1-100) when you save the image.
The quality is also another way of saying which compression level you want.
The more compressed the image the more detail you may lose.

So to size an image for AP you should set the pixel size you want (typically no more than 1024 on the longest edge)
and adjust the JPEG quality (compression) to get the file size under the 250kB limit.

Some other advanced controls that have a minor effect on the image size are:

Including meta data all, in part or none
Saving baseline or progressive (and how many scans, 3 or 5 etc)
Saving colour profile information (don't bother with sRGB as that's the web default)

Note: You should always make sure the image is saved as an sRGB colour profile for web publishing.

19-07-2008, 8:15pm
Great tutorial Rick and a good reminder for all members. I have several Actions that I use for different sites. I have one for AP which has the settings for 1000, 800, 640 and 600 with and without slight sharpening. I use these for this site as it just makes it quicker, more of a one touch process.

I have saved the action group to my website and if members would like to download it feel free. Its location is:

http://www.embeephoto.net/AP/AP Resize.atn (http://www.embeephoto.net/AP/AP%20Resize.atn)

Feel free to download it and load it into your actions pane on CS2. It should work fine with CS3 also, but please if you experience difficulties let me know.

After using the action you can use either save options to save your file, be it save as or save for web. If you are not happy with the result click on the history tab and you will see a snapshot was taken before the changes were made. Click the snapshot and all changes will be undone.

I hope that this action pack makes it quicker and less hassle for other members here.

This action has been scanned with Trend Micro before uploading.

19-07-2008, 8:36pm
Thank you for the tutorial, Rick, it is a great help. :)
I quite like the image you used also.

20-07-2008, 9:04am
Great Tute Rick ,
a good place for newer members or those new to pS to start, maybe it should be a sticky somewhere so it doesn't get forgotten and maybe include Marks action set if he's agreeable. Good work gents:)

20-07-2008, 9:41am
Thanks for the feedback. I have posted this in the tutorial section, so it should not be to hard to find. As the Tutorials section is kept small by not letting it get inundated with threads that aren't in the style of this one.

20-07-2008, 10:07am
More than happy for members here to use the actions set. I will leave it on the web for as long as people want it.

20-07-2008, 11:19am
Very comprehensive set of instructions Rick, you do put in a lot of time to this forum...let's hope people get it right now :rolleyes:

Helen S
25-07-2008, 4:15pm
This link may be of some use for posting images for the web.

Screen resolution. (http://www.artlebedev.com/mandership/70/) (worthwhile checking out page 69 as well)

You can put your own numbers in, but an example is a 17" monitor with a screen resolution of 1024x768 yields a resolution of 80 pixels per inch.

25-07-2008, 5:11pm
Wow! Ouch! Helen, no disrespect to you here but that page is quite a find! Unfortunately, I don't mean that in a nice way.

My advice to newcomers: do not read that page! If you do read it (and you are absolutely certain to look at it now that I've told you not to - such is human nature :() try not to get your mind around too many of the concepts the author is expounding, because if you do you may never get your head straightened out.

Off the top of my head, I'd struggle to find a worse, more confusing, and less constructive way to start off trying to understand resolution. It's not that the page is wrong in detail (though it is in places), it is just wrong-headed. The author obviously lacks a fundamental understanding of digital display tecnology, and is still stuck in a time-warp, trying to pretend that a computer screen is the same thing as a printed page. He has (apparently) vast knowledge of the detail and the history (and demonstrates that he is no dummy on some other pages), but he simply doesn't get it. No wonder he makes it sound so complicated!

Digital images do not have a linear dimension.

Simple as that. Digital images only take on a particular linear dimesion when they are displayed under particular circumstances (normally beyond the control of the image publisher), by particular software (also beyond the control of the publisher) on particular hardware (again beyond the control of the publisher).

How big is an 800 pixel image? Answer: 800 pixels. Always. Every time. It's that simple.

Helen S
25-07-2008, 8:48pm
Ooops, my bad... thought it looked fairly knowledgeable. :o

25-07-2008, 9:09pm
He he.... take it on the chin Helen, I did a similar thing elsewhere, though I'd found a gold mine of info, turned out to be a coal mine, black hole, I felt a real goose, but hey we are only trying to help:)

25-07-2008, 9:33pm
That is the weird thing, Helen, He is knowledgable! Looking, for example, at the previous page in that same multi-page article, we see him make almost the same point I made above ....... and then he throws that entirely out the window and goes back to talking about pixels per inch, which is meaningless nonsense. Doubtless, if we were to read the whole thing from beginning to end it would make decent sense .... but as a one-page intro: ouch!

Just to reiterate my point, once you throw away the silver halide and go digital, everything is pixels. There is nothing else to measure the size of, not if you want to be able to compare it to anything.

(I should write a review of my favourite fast image editor, which is so much bettr to use than Photoslug that they are in different universes. But not tonight.)

Helen S
25-07-2008, 11:26pm
Yep Dave, this jaw's not made of glass. ;) I understand completely what you mean Tony, looking back on it now. I should take the time to read the lot... good project for the next rainy day. :)

I still like whipping out the AE1+P every now and then... happy reminds me of my humble grass roots. :)

12-08-2008, 11:07am
Oops sorry Rick Ive been letting photobucket resize and I didnt realise the file sizes on my posts are to big. I can change em if you want, Ill be sure to make sure their under in future. :)

12-08-2008, 11:23am
filesizes (250KB) dontapply if you link in from photobucket etc. As long as the dimensions meet AP requirements - 1024 pixels in longest side, or 1200 for Panoramics.

31-10-2008, 4:48pm
Hey Rick
Just been trying to follow the save for web instructions, but my screen that comes up in CS3 has a lot of different options on it than the one you have. it has things like lossy, colours dither etc.?
Can you shed any light on what I need to adjust, its obviously a different version. :confused:

Thanks if you can. :)

31-10-2008, 4:50pm
I use CS3 Lani, you will see filetype on the top right is probably set to GIF, change it to JPG, in the save for web screen.

31-10-2008, 5:00pm
I use CS3 Lani, you will see filetype on the top right is probably set to GIF, change it to JPG, in the save for web screen.

Thanks Rick, a small but important step. :)
Every time I think I have learned something, I find ten more things I don't know. :D

Kevin M
22-02-2009, 7:37pm
Hello Rick,
Firstly & most importantly - Thank you Rick , I must admit to reading a post from you in a seperate thread a week or so ago....& at the back of my mind I was thinking I should go & read that tutorial.
I am glad I did...whilst my way was still getting the job done this is a quicker way by far.
Thanks again. :th3:
NB: The silly thing was I learnt about this way of doing it probably 3 + years ago now.... but just plain forgot.

Kevin M

09-07-2009, 10:57am
Hello Rick,
Firstly & most importantly - Thank you Rick , I must admit to reading a post from you in a seperate thread a week or so ago....& at the back of my mind I was thinking I should go & read that tutorial.
I am glad I did...whilst my way was still getting the job done this is a quicker way by far.
Thanks again. :th3:
NB: The silly thing was I learnt about this way of doing it probably 3 + years ago now.... but just plain forgot.

Kevin M
Gosh I am so lost. I dont have photoshop at all only paint and the software that came with my new camera. It is photoimpact 12se. I havent ever used anything of this kind before and so I am assuming I need to download that to edit my photos instead of just using the standard windows programme on here.(photo gallery).
There is so much to learn besides learning how to use the camera and taking photos.
I would like to put some photos on here for critique, but cant understand how to do it in my home page. Please help!!!!!! Sorry to seem so dumb but this site is so different to others I have been on, but also so very good, and the tutorials seem so informative. Thank you. Possum.
PS only joined yesterday.

09-07-2009, 10:59am
I think I posted that message in the wrong place. Sorry.:o

09-07-2009, 11:15am
Gosh I am so lost. I dont have photoshop at all only paint and the software that came with my new camera. It is photoimpact 12se. I havent ever used anything of this kind before and so I am assuming I need to download that to edit my photos instead of just using the standard windows programme on here.(photo gallery).
There is so much to learn besides learning how to use the camera and taking photos.
I would like to put some photos on here for critique, but cant understand how to do it in my home page. Please help!!!!!! Sorry to seem so dumb but this site is so different to others I have been on, but also so very good, and the tutorials seem so informative. Thank you. Possum.
PS only joined yesterday.

I think I posted that message in the wrong place. Sorry.:o
No problems.

Have a look at the New To Photography forum (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=104).
Among other things it cover's how to post images etc. and gives options for free software (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=24359) (item 7).

09-07-2009, 11:27am
Excellent Rick - now I see where I was going wrong with the quality. Thanx - this tip will go straight to the pool room. :-)

I have a favourite folder I have named The Pool Room for all my favourite topics. Bit of a fan of that movie.

01-10-2009, 8:43pm
Thanks Rick, I found this very helpful.

01-10-2009, 8:52pm
Thanks Rick, I found this very helpful.

Welcome Geenie. Good to see you posting. If you need assistance getting around the site, just ask. If you can't find the answer to something, click my username in a post and send me a private message and I will assist.

07-10-2009, 3:33pm
For your information

There is freeware program from http://www.faststone.org/ called FastStone Photo Resizer

That allows image resizing and can even do a batch of them at once.

Chris Bevan

07-10-2009, 4:27pm
If you have XP it's worth downloading the excellent image resizer powertoy, it integrates in to the explorer shell and allows resizing of single or multiple files at in a simple manner. On my Vista machine I use VSO image resizer as the Microsoft powertoy doesn't work with Vista.

07-10-2009, 4:54pm
You may find it beneficial to resharpen after downsizing.

07-10-2009, 5:01pm
BDSIZER is also a good option for those without Photoshop and it is Free.


19-04-2010, 11:44am
There are two main controls for image file size when saving as a JPEG image.

First is the size in Pixels.
I.e. The number of pixels width x height.
Changing the size in Pixels has a secondary effect of changing the file size.
Eg. an image 3000px x 2000px resized to 1000px x 667px will be a smaller file, 6,000,000px
down to 667,000px.

But is the file small enough?

Secondly, the JPEG compression setting.
File size can also be adjusted by setting the JPEG quality (1-100) when you save the image.
The quality is also another way of saying which compression level you want.
The more compressed the image the more detail you may lose.

So to size an image for AP you should set the pixel size you want (typically no more than 1024 on the longest edge)
and adjust the JPEG quality (compression) to get the file size under the 250kB limit.

Some other advanced controls that have a minor effect on the image size are:

Including meta data all, in part or none
Saving baseline or progressive (and how many scans, 3 or 5 etc)
Saving colour profile information (don't bother with sRGB as that's the web default)

Note: You should always make sure the image is saved as an sRGB colour profile for web publishing.

24-07-2010, 10:07pm
Thanks Kym and Rick: another quality tutorial for people to learn from.

13-08-2010, 11:29am
Thank you Rick this has helped me with resizing as I always have several attempts before I get it right

16-08-2010, 11:17am
For your information

There is freeware program from http://www.faststone.org/ called FastStone Photo Resizer

That allows image resizing and can even do a batch of them at once.

Chris Bevan

Thank You chrisbevan. :) The program you suggested is so easy to use, as I don't have Photoshop.

16-08-2010, 11:54am
Thanks very much

10-12-2010, 1:38pm
Great Tutorial, I found it very helpful

05-01-2011, 12:50pm
Hi ricksta im having trouble resizing because i am running a Mac 10.5.8 and i cant figure out how to do it . Its help guide is useless:action:

05-01-2011, 1:08pm
Hi ricksta im having trouble resizing because i am running a Mac 10.5.8 and i cant figure out how to do it . Its help guide is useless:action:

this is not operating system based. What photo editing software do you use?

05-01-2011, 1:11pm
Hi ricksta im having trouble resizing because i am running a Mac 10.5.8 and i cant figure out how to do it . Its help guide is useless:action:

The principle is the same regardless of software.

Do these two things.

Size the image to no more than 1,024 pixels on the longest edge
Save the image and adjust the JPEG compression level (a.k.a. quality) until the filesize is less than 250kB
- there is usually some control on the save function of most software for this step

It would help if you told us what image software you have on you Mac?

11-01-2011, 5:58pm
Thank you! All these tutorials are very useful for us beginners! :)

27-07-2011, 11:48am
Thank you Rick,

This was really easy to follow and I've already resized a picture to post.
Thanks to MBPhoto as well, I have now created my first action in Photoshop.


Warren Ackary
12-08-2012, 11:42am
Im still lost as I use Lightroom & have a MAC (new still learning to use it).

Dont like PSC5 so it is as clear as mud (sorry Rick)

12-08-2012, 12:10pm
Im still lost as I use Lightroom & have a MAC (new still learning to use it).

Dont like PSC5 so it is as clear as mud (sorry Rick)

See my PM reply re 'exporting' in lightroom.

12-09-2012, 3:44pm
Thanks for this info as i have been away from the computor for a long time and all is so rusty now but i am back ready to try again
cheers, mark

22-11-2012, 1:52pm
Many thanks for this very useful tutorial Rick. I feel foolish for (a) asking a dumb question on another thread when the answer was right here (RTFM again!); and (b) accidentally pushing the wrong button on this screen somehow. Mea culpa, I shall try to pay more attention. In the meantime I'll go and stand in the corner.

31-12-2012, 7:58am
Thanks everyone! Just learning about uploading photos, found the thread a great help, cheers

21-01-2013, 7:11pm
This is al very nice hoe do I resize on a "Apple":eek:

21-01-2013, 7:35pm
This is al very nice hoe do I resize on a "Apple":eek:

What software are you using?

22-01-2013, 9:09am
Capture NX 2, iPhoto, Aperture, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4, Double Take, Photomatix Essentials, Previev..

22-01-2013, 12:44pm
thanks Hansi, there is a link in THIS THREAD (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?115859-HELP!-LR-exporing-problems) to a video on youtube on how to resize in Lightroom. You will find Youtube is full of tutorials for editing

10-05-2013, 1:51pm
Very good method thanks Rick.
I was wondering how pasting a direct photo link from the very good Smugmug with default settings compares.
So I tried a linked image downsized from Smugmug and a downsize from Photoshop along the methods you so well described.
(Sharpening can be customized in Smugmug. http://help.smugmug.com/customer/portal/articles/93250#displaysizes)
From what I can see the method you describe for resizing yields better results with the customized sharpening. Than a direct Smugmug link at default settings.
Where one loses some control over how sharp the individual image appears when Smugmug downsizes.
I suppose this is fairly obvious when sharpening is different for every image and downsizing needs further sharpening. So no fault of Smugmug who do an excellent job.
I was hoping I could remove a step in the workflow. But for critical work it seems very necessary.

Any comments appreciated.
Please correct me if I am off the mark as I am keen to learn. :)


3736 x 2491 sRGB Image from Smugmug direct photo link. 1024 XLarge link embedded. (see above) The image appears sharp at the full resolution size.

Same as above but resized in Photoshop by Bicubic (best for smooth gradients) to 1024 x 683 sRGB. No sharpening. 229kb. Uploaded here from my computer.

Same as above but with Selective Unsharp Mask, Amount 68%, Radius 0.4, Threshhold 0. 231 KB. The added sharpness is clearly seen.

10-05-2013, 1:55pm
I always sharpen just after resizing as any resizing can affect sharpness. So my final workflow for images for the net, is resize, sharpen (high pass sharpen method for me), then add watermark, save

10-05-2013, 2:06pm
I always sharpen just after resizing as any resizing can affect sharpness. So my final workflow for images for the net, is resize, sharpen (high pass sharpen method for me), then add watermark, save
Thanks Rick do you upload from computer or embed a link.
If embedding a link it is then best to not let your host apply any adjustments on upload as some do.
Some people are not aware that their image hosting site alters the images by default.

10-05-2013, 2:07pm
I was taught that the last thing to do is sharpen and make sure you do it at 100% resolution not to fit screen, adjust sharpening until you can see the effect taking place and that is enough.

10-05-2013, 2:43pm
I was taught that the last thing to do is sharpen and make sure you do it at 100% resolution not to fit screen, adjust sharpening until you can see the effect taking place and that is enough.
I suppose the best thing for me to do is make a folder with my image hosting website and remove default options from the gallery settings for example sharpening.
Then upload finished sharpened images using the points set out in tutorial. Then add image from the URL to forum.
Sorry people if I side tracked the subject.

10-05-2013, 2:54pm
Thanks Rick do you upload from computer or embed a link.
If embedding a link it is then best to not let your host apply any adjustments on upload as some do.
Some people are not aware that their image hosting site alters the images by default.

most hosting sites do apply alterations. I use photobucket and I also upload direct to AP

10-05-2013, 3:26pm
most hosting sites do apply alterations. I use photobucket and I also upload direct to AP
Thanks very much Rick. Appreciate your helpful advice. Got just what I need.
I wonder how many people are aware their photos are altered in some way.
And that the direct photo links resized from the hosting site may not be the sharp image you want to display on AP. :)

10-05-2013, 3:49pm
Thanks very much Rick. Appreciate your helpful advice. Got just what I need.
I wonder how many people are aware their photos are altered in some way.
And that the direct photo links resized from the hosting site may not be the sharp image you want to display on AP. :)

It is certainly something that has been discussed on the site a few times over the years.

10-05-2013, 4:45pm
I always give the images a sharpen after resizing for the web , PS Has a "best for reduction" function for Jpegs

Newses Bach
12-12-2013, 5:42pm
I do have and use Photoshop, but I wanted a quick and easy way to shrink picture size without the rigmarole, and tried to download the Image Resizer program last time I was here. It didn't work, so I thought I would try again today, but got the message that the page was no longer available. Any suggestions?

12-12-2013, 6:03pm
I do have and use Photoshop, but I wanted a quick and easy way to shrink picture size without the rigmarole, and tried to download the Image Resizer program last time I was here. It didn't work, so I thought I would try again today, but got the message that the page was no longer available. Any suggestions?

Photo editing in general is not 'quick and easy' until you learn how to do it. Spend some time learning a process and you can do it fast without the rigmarole. I can resize a photo in photoshop in about 10-15 seconds, including saving the newly sized file.

Mark L
12-12-2013, 6:51pm
Any suggestions?
BD-Sizer ..... http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Graphic/Graphic-Editors/BD-Sizer.shtml
This is easy to use once you know how. Drag and drop and can batch process. Can add watermarks and borders. Comes at a cheap price:). I use it to re-size nearly all photos I post on AP. Generally sharpen them when re-sizing. Sees to work.:th3:

- - - Updated - - -

If you have trouble downloading from the above link, try this one ....... http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Graphic/Graphic-Editors/BD-Sizer.shtml