View Full Version : Nikon 105 f1.4E a few sample shots

Lance B
13-10-2016, 5:48pm
Picked up the new Nikon 105 f1.4E last week but haven't had much of a chance to use it on people, they generally run a mile from me when they think I am going to take their photo! Even my dog won't come near me if I have the camera these days! :(

This lens is about narrow DOF to give a sense of "depth" and also it's about great bokeh with the right background. It is also about being sharp wide open, not an easy thing to accomplish with a fast f1.4 lens like this. To get great bokeh and sharpness wide open is also quite a feat as the two don't generally go hand in hand.

D810 + 105 f1.4, mostly at f1.4 unless indicated otherwise.

1/3200s f/1.4 at 105.0mm iso160


1/8000s f/1.4 at 105.0mm iso64


1/3200s f/1.4 at 105.0mm iso160


1/1600s f/1.4 at 105.0mm iso125


1/5000s f/1.4 at 105.0mm iso140


1/3200s f/1.4 at 105.0mm iso80


100% crop of above showing the incredible detail on the eye and this is WIDE OPEN for a lens of f1.4!! DOF at this distance is total about 25mm but critical focus distance would be less then that!


1/2000s f/2.0 at 105.0mm iso90 - check out the bee.


1/800s f/8.0 at 105.0mm iso640


Mary Anne
13-10-2016, 6:05pm
A lovely assortment of images there Lance and you should be happy with them what a terrific lens that is in your hands
And Well Done for capturing that Bee, that Waratah came up looking good too as did the Dog, and the Bells with that great DoF :2encou:

13-10-2016, 6:14pm
Oh you shouldn't have posted these. Been wanting this lens for ages but because I have the 105 2.8 Macro I figured I don't NEED it....hmm....maybe I need it... I THINK I DO!

Mark L
13-10-2016, 8:27pm
Thinking the first shows why you don't have to use 1.4 just because you have it. I want the nose more in focus.
Everything else seems pretty good though.:th3:

Lance B
13-10-2016, 11:29pm
A lovely assortment of images there Lance and you should be happy with them what a terrific lens that is in your hands
And Well Done for capturing that Bee, that Waratah came up looking good too as did the Dog, and the Bells with that great DoF :2encou:

Thank you very much for your lovely comments and appraisal, Mary Anne. Much appreciated! :)

- - - Updated - - -

Oh you shouldn't have posted these. Been wanting this lens for ages but because I have the 105 2.8 Macro I figured I don't NEED it....hmm....maybe I need it... I THINK I DO!

Thank you very much for your kind comments, Alex. Much appreciated! :)

However, it is a lot of money for such a lens and that 105 f2.8 Micro is a gem anyway! :)

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Thinking the first shows why you don't have to use 1.4 just because you have it. I want the nose more in focus.
Everything else seems pretty good though.:th3:

Thank you very much, Mark. Much appreciated.

My intention on the first image is more about the bokeh, getting the shallow DOF helps get the bokeh to look nicer and also to add to the "3D" look. :)

14-10-2016, 4:54am
Bringing the Extraordinary from the Ordinary


14-10-2016, 5:25am
I'm thinking like Alex .. except that I blame myself for opening this post and almost certainly about to cause major damage to my credit facility! :p

I have the (old) 105/1.8, and it's bokeh is just about my favourite rendering(105Micro is also nice in terms of bokeh too).

I like the rendering in #5(the wind chime looking thing).

.. now I'm off to double and triple check on the financial position! .. but I have 'building commitments' to adhere to(and I'm mightily pissed with Nikon anyhow)

Lance B
14-10-2016, 9:47am
Bringing the Extraordinary from the Ordinary


Thank you very much for your lovely comment, Cupic. Much appreciated! :)

- - - Updated - - -

I'm thinking like Alex .. except that I blame myself for opening this post and almost certainly about to cause major damage to my credit facility! :p

I have the (old) 105/1.8, and it's bokeh is just about my favourite rendering(105Micro is also nice in terms of bokeh too).

I like the rendering in #5(the wind chime looking thing).

.. now I'm off to double and triple check on the financial position! .. but I have 'building commitments' to adhere to(and I'm mightily pissed with Nikon anyhow)

Thank you very much for your wonderful comments and thoughts, Arthur. Much appreciated! :)

16-10-2016, 7:53am
Great shots as always Lance, giving a great idea of what the lens is capable of! Thanks for posting! Brenden

16-10-2016, 1:57pm
What a great lens - stunning rendition of colour and wonderful texture and bokeh! Nicely captured images from your part as well! :-)

16-10-2016, 6:11pm
Nice shotes, and nice looking dog too! Looks like serious competition for 85mm 1.4.

Lance B
16-10-2016, 7:09pm
Great shots as always Lance, giving a great idea of what the lens is capable of! Thanks for posting! Brenden

Thank you very much for your lovely comments and thoughts, Brenden. Much appreciated! :)

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What a great lens - stunning rendition of colour and wonderful texture and bokeh! Nicely captured images from your part as well! :-)

Thank you very much for the great comments and appraisal, Euskadi67. Much appreciated! :)

- - - Updated - - -

Nice shotes, and nice looking dog too! Looks like serious competition for 85mm 1.4.

Thank you very much, Nick. Much appreciated! :)

16-10-2016, 7:19pm
Great photos Lance. I've very jealous.

16-10-2016, 8:42pm
Great sample shots lance:th3: The sharpness and bokeh are excellent in your capable hands:nod: I'm jealous too:(:D