View Full Version : Richard Hammond's Jungle Quest

13-09-2016, 8:41am
Last night on SBS 8:30 pm they showed the first episode of Richard Hammond's Jungle Quest. It is a chronicle of Richard's attempt at being a wildlife photographer in the Amazon jungle. It was quite amusing and anybody who has tried wildlife/bird photography will be able to relate to the trials & tribulations Richard encounters. It's also quite interesting. If you missed the first episode I would recommend catching it on SBS "On Demand". Episode 2 screens next Monday night 8:30 SBS 1.

13-09-2016, 9:52am
Thanks for the link. :th3:

I was watching 'Cosmos' so I will look at it via 'On Demand'.

14-09-2016, 10:24am
Well worth watching enseth and some lol moments.