View Full Version : Where do all the orb weavers go in winter?

27-08-2016, 8:28pm
During summer, there were lots of Orb weaver spiders around all over the place. Now that we are in the middle of winter, there are NONE around.

Where do they go when it is cold?

In the middle of summer I have to get up frightfully early to be able to catch the early morning light in their webs... now when the early morning light is not so early, there aren't any spiders around at all... (I guess that's a good thing, because at this time of year you have to get up in the cold to catch the early morning light)

28-08-2016, 5:22am
Wait....what.....up early :eek:

I have wondered that also. Trail running is good in winter....not so in summer. Orb Weavers tend to have webs face height over trail :crzy:


Mary Anne
28-08-2016, 10:19am
Seems they die John.. And Google is your Friend here scroll down to Life Cycle http://australianmuseum.net.au/garden-orb-weaving-spiders

28-08-2016, 4:43pm
Well, I was thinking they all turned space-farers and went into ORBit.
If not, then perhaps only to ORBost. But sadly it looks like M A is correct
and they just end up in the ORBituaries:confused013

28-08-2016, 7:17pm
I was going to suggest you read Charlotte's Web. :(
Read it 15 times.. cry every time.