View Full Version : New here

26-08-2016, 7:13am
Just a quick introduction. I'm new to digital photography, and hope to benefit for the experience on this site. Many years back I was a keen film photographer but with a young family I didn't have the time and ended up giving away all my gear.
Now approaching retirement in a few years I have purchased a D7100 and i'm still trying to get my head around all the technical stuff.

26-08-2016, 7:37am
Welcome aboard, Memake (Mems for short :nod:)

I think you should be intermediate rather than beginner here.

Nevertheless, join in, enjoy, and learn.

Am (for short).

Mary Anne
26-08-2016, 3:58pm
Hello Memake and Welcome to AP.. Plenty to learn here, have a read of the New to Photography Book (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:New_To_Photography_Book) to refresh your memory.
Post some images on the Forums for cc, that's a great way to learn, and have a go at commenting at other Members posts also.
Lots of Competitions to enter and there is always The Weekly Challenge (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?193-Member-Challenges-52-2016) something different every week, perhaps give that a go :nod:

26-08-2016, 4:29pm
Welcome. See you and your photos on the forums soon.

26-08-2016, 4:32pm
Welcome to the forum.

I was in the same situation about six years ago, with a background in film cameras, and no bloody idea of this digital stuff.

I started to read the manual, but once I got past the camera familiarisation pages I got lost. I sat down and had a think about just what was different between film and digital.

Basically, the film has been replaced with a sensor with adjustable ISO, but the other two main factors were the same, a lens with selectable apertures, and the ability to control the shutter speed.

OK, this can't be too hard, just whack the little bugger into Manual mode, refresh myself on the 'Sunny Sixteen Rule' and away we go.

WooHoo, I was taking photos, and I didn't have to wait to see my results, or pay to have them processed. How good is this?

If I was confronted with a shot that I was unsure of the right settings for, I just slipped it into 'Auto' and had a look at what this Ubeaut digital fandanglery came up with.

I've never read the manual but use it for for reference and have familiarised myself with the bits I need for my style of shooting.

One of the first changes I made was to set my camera up for back button focusing. Greatest invention since sliced bread.

Take some photos and put them up for CC. We are generally a pretty helpful lot here and nobody is going to bag you. Actually it's quite the opposite as the worse the shot, the more people are keen to help you get it right.

Happy shooting, and remember, it's all about the light. :nod:

Mark L
27-08-2016, 7:57pm
Welcome aboard Memake.
I like what Kev has said but it doesn't mention that we now have to post process our photos.:( this is the hardest thing to learn about digital.
Most of the basics don't change other than less noise with higher ISO.
Getting involved is what makes forums work, so hopefully you'll get involved here.
Don't be afraid to ask questions and make comments (really like ..... because .....).

29-08-2016, 11:31am
Hello and welcome to AP :)