View Full Version : Have you done your census?

09-08-2016, 3:49pm
Just a reminder, it's census night tonight :D

09-08-2016, 5:37pm
And don't they want to know the in and out of your xxxx

09-08-2016, 5:40pm
Waiting on paper version

09-08-2016, 6:18pm
Waiting on paper version

Yeah, I struggle with these new fangled computers too.

Mark L
09-08-2016, 6:39pm
Waiting on paper version

Have you ordered one? It won't just turn up.

I @ M
09-08-2016, 7:01pm
Plan is to do it online but to answer "NO" to question #59.

That'll teach them pesky buggas. :p

09-08-2016, 7:37pm
Website's been down for some hours now...

09-08-2016, 7:45pm
was as boring as bat doo doo.

No questions on alcohol, smokes, illicit drugs, what pets, if I am a vegan etc. The most boring census I have ever completed.

09-08-2016, 7:52pm
I just received a notice saying this web site is FORBIDDEN on this computer. So I guess I do not have to do it.

Grant S
09-08-2016, 7:56pm
Getting no joy trying to reach the site. Its down for everyone atm. Bit of an embarrassment for the ABS. :o

09-08-2016, 7:57pm
Just like click frenzy

09-08-2016, 7:58pm
I have found the website down. I am so surprised that I am stupid enough to think that it would work. Government has taken money out of the ABS and expect it to get improved results. I would love to put in my vital statistics....

09-08-2016, 8:27pm
Done it. Took maybe 20 mins flat. Disclosed nothing that the government didn't already know about me. no problem.

Mary Anne
09-08-2016, 10:59pm
Did it two weeks ago when the Forms were posted to us..Will post it tomorrow some time.

10-08-2016, 6:30am
Now they're saying they were hacked?...
Hmmm, wonder what a hacker is going to do with my useless bit of information?

10-08-2016, 6:42am
LOL hacked. Sure. :P

More like 10 million people suddenly tried accessing the site at the same time. :)

I have no idea why they weren't advertising the fact that you could have filled out the online version days ago (or next week).

10-08-2016, 7:05am
I have no idea why they weren't advertising the fact that you could have filled out the online version days ago (or next week).

My thoughts precisely...

I was really surprised when I read some people on this thread did it early

10-08-2016, 7:09am
I was really surprised when I read some people on this thread did it early
I had completed and saved mine days earlier (not much changes here) then logged in last night, submitted...all over red rover :D

10-08-2016, 7:41am
I had completed and saved mine days earlier (not much changes here) then logged in last night, submitted...all over red rover :D

Will save this trick for next time :D

10-08-2016, 12:46pm
Done it. Took maybe 20 mins flat. Disclosed nothing that the government didn't already know about me. no problem.

My thoughts exactly Hawthy. :nod:

10-08-2016, 5:53pm
Well the ABS have released the first census data from last night.

The population of Australia according to the most recent census data is 72.

Mark L
10-08-2016, 6:25pm
^ will go up to 74. Posting our paper copy tomorrow.

10-08-2016, 7:14pm
Yes, at last. We were away. The hosts at "away" had no idea either. We missed the "census person" who
had been doing the rounds and raced back to meet her the following eveing before 7 PM. - At 5:30PM.
Nope! She didn't come that day:rolleyes::rolleyes:. Finally, we decided to get on with our holiday, and
lo and behold, she came and delivered a heap of forms. So, somehow we managed, and this morning we
heard "all about it". Before we left I tried calling every number I could to contact the ABS - no hope.
All "call back later". Sent an on-line enquiry and got a sort of reply some days later.

If that story seems disjointed, blame the ABS:nod:

11-08-2016, 2:52pm
Surprise surprise - census website is back online :eek:

Grant S
11-08-2016, 5:26pm
Been reading some interesting tech blogs from people who might have a clue as to what happened. IBM is going to have some 'splaining to do. Apparently they were offered DoS ( Denial of service) , protection which they refused, then when the poo hit the air conditioning some of their log traffic was thought to be data being stolen from the ABS. The whole thing will have some heads rolling I think.

11-08-2016, 7:53pm
We just got the paper form, dropped off by an ABS person. We didn't get any details for the online login. So, it was kept pretty simple at our place.

11-08-2016, 8:10pm
I thought it was all a bit of a yawn really. No probing questions about anything significant. Bit of a waste of time really.

You'd think it would be easy enough to add a couple of questions such as "Do you believe in marriage equality", and "Would you support voluntary Assisted Dying with appropriate safeguards". Why spend humongous amounts on a plebiscite politicians won't even commit to when we're all answering questions anyway!!

Bloody stupid politicians (sorry for the tautology)

12-08-2016, 9:02am
The server was supposed to up again on Thu evening, but nowhere to be found Fri morning :confused013
Looks like the debacle is still in progress!


Mark L
12-08-2016, 9:14pm
You'd think it would be easy enough to add a couple of questions such as "Do you believe in marriage equality", and "Would you support voluntary Assisted Dying with appropriate safeguards". Why spend humongous amounts on a plebiscite politicians won't even commit to when we're all answering questions anyway!!

Bloody stupid politicians (sorry for the tautology)

Excellent Bob.
Then a treaty question?

14-08-2016, 7:31am
Excellent Bob.
Then a treaty question?

The list is endless. You could ask so many questions about so many things, and really get a clear idea about what the people want (as distinct from what the vested interests want).

Basically the government doesn't want to know what we want, it gets in the way of what they want.

14-08-2016, 7:37am
Ah, Bob:nod:
I just pointed out to the state government (feedback form) the folly of charging a merchant's fee
when renewing rego online. The joque is that if it cost them little to implement that dis-"service",
it will now cost them much more when I actually go and pay it at the office:confused013

14-08-2016, 10:45am
My thoughts precisely...

I was really surprised when I read some people on this thread did it early

in the past the instructions read to do it in the evening.
the letter with our logon code said to do it on Tuesday. so i did ours in the morning, suspecting that government departments being what they are had probably not tested for a couple of million people trying to log on in the evening. I worked as a programmer and operator in 3 Federal departments, that gave me insights most don't have
why so many left it til the evening to do it i don'tn know. some/ a lot could have done it on their phones or lap tops in their lunch break during the day.

14-08-2016, 12:35pm
Ah, Bob:nod:
I just pointed out to the state government (feedback form) the folly of charging a merchant's fee
when renewing rego online. The joque is that if it cost them little to implement that dis-"service",
it will now cost them much more when I actually go and pay it at the office:confused013

I just lodged an online complaint to Telstra who apparently no longer support non computer users. My sister-in-law wanted to set up a direct debit so I went on-line to do it for her, but her email address (which she doesn't have) was mandatory. I then rang and asked them to send her a form, but they don't have paper forms any more. No-one I spoke to was a native English speaker, so i guess those have gone as well. Finally, when i pressed "send" to make my views known, their system told me there was a problem with their software and the message couldn't be sent. I guess that's one way to limit the number of complaints! 8*)

14-08-2016, 3:11pm
in the past the instructions read to do it in the evening.
the letter with our logon code said to do it on Tuesday. so i did ours in the morning, suspecting that government departments being what they are had probably not tested for a couple of million people trying to log on in the evening. I worked as a programmer and operator in 3 Federal departments, that gave me insights most don't have
why so many left it til the evening to do it i don'tn know. some/ a lot could have done it on their phones or lap tops in their lunch break during the day.

I can relate with you. With the budget cut all across the nation, I'm not too surprised if the system didn't get properly tested, or if the testers found problems but got pressures from the big fish to just sign off the system.

14-08-2016, 3:53pm
this year's "censless" (as Mongo chooses to call it) is a joke of monumental stupidity and ineptitude. What greater praise for any governing body.

Forget potentially compromised security of online. The idea of sending back this information through clearly identifiable envelopes using (of all things) Australia Post, is just stupidity upon stupidity. More things go missing in the post (even registered items) than one can count - let alone targeted items like completed censless forms.

On top of all this, the cost has probably blown out to over one and a half times the original expense had they stuck to the old drop off - pick up system. Mongo would think that most will now not do this online but ask for paper copies anyway.......HOPELESS !!

I @ M
14-08-2016, 3:58pm
Basically the government doesn't want to know what we want, it gets in the way of what they want.

Amen, never a truer word written methinks. :th3:

14-08-2016, 5:27pm
Like millions of others I got the "Call back later" message so submitted an online query (six days before the Census) which was finally acknowledged at 11.00 am last Friday (12/8) telling me that Field Officers were in the area and to approach them and explain my circumstances (3 days after the big day).

As it happened we actually got a paper form with login details dropped in the driveway on the Monday so I managed to get an on-line entry into this chook raffle at 5.46pm on Census night, obviously before the big crash and got a receipt to confirm the form was submitted.

Then late Friday afternoon I get another gobbledegook message assuring me that although my data was safe, I might like to fill out the paper form and submit it just to satisfy myself that I was included - no danger of duplication as the system could detect duplicate submissions - why I don't know if my data is safe.

Not much chance of that happening as the paper form went through the shredder on Wednesday after and is now in nesting boxes for sugar gliders!

You hit the nail on the head Mongo! :th3:

15-08-2016, 2:01pm
i only got my log in details yesterday, got online and did it today. pretty simple really. :)

18-08-2016, 10:05am
I'm waiting for a "why-didn't-you-do-your-census? message from them.

It stands to reason that if you did it, you should get such a message :crzy:

18-08-2016, 10:56am
I've done mine as soon as they came back on line. Seeks like there are a few people not completing the form yet. Just over half of population have done theirs.

18-08-2016, 2:15pm
I'm waiting for a "why-didn't-you-do-your-census? message from them.

It stands to reason that if you did it, you should get such a message :crzy:

I keep my receipt (online user privilege) just in case the mayhem causes this to happen :D

19-08-2016, 9:58am
Completed mine prior to the Tuesday, but saved it to submit later, then ran foul of the shutdown.
Was only able to get access to the site on the following Monday, at which point it refused to accept my password to get to my saved data.
A phone call revealed that they had 'deleted' all the saved forms 'for security purposes', and I would have to start again which required a new login code.
Completed and submitted the form, then got a letter yesterday saying the system was now up and I could complete my form...and gave me my old login code:confused013
Rather than try to count the things that have been buggered up in this, it will much easier to count what was done right...Nil!


19-08-2016, 11:02am
I did mine a few days late. I considered making a typo error with my name to see if I would received junk mail in that name in the future. But I thought about it and thought it might cause other problems. Update...I just received a letter from them, Headed you missed the cup off date. Binned it.

Mary Anne
19-08-2016, 11:47am
We also just received a letter, would you believe stating that we did not fill in the On- Line Form ???
Of course we didn't we filled in the paper form that was posted to us, filled it in weeks ago and posted it back 9 days ago.
I know Australia Post as getting slower, though I did not realize they were that slow.

My Daughter also received a letter from them this week stating the same as ours, and she is still waiting for that new login code.
She has rang then a few times too.

The mind boggles as how many millions of $$$ this census is really going to cost us Tax Payers.

19-08-2016, 4:15pm
I just looked up the dictionary meaning of censless:

a taxpayer funded waste of financial resources(at a time when we're all supposed to be coming to terms with the end of the age of entitlement) for a questionable questionnaire, that would have been better spent on the actual services that the census was supposed to be guesstimating(which is almost certainly erroneous anyhow!).

Grant S
20-08-2016, 5:44am
I just looked up the dictionary meaning of censless:

a taxpayer funded waste of financial resources(at a time when we're all supposed to be coming to terms with the end of the age of entitlement) for a questionable questionnaire, that would have been better spent on the actual services that the census was supposed to be guesstimating(which is almost certainly erroneous anyhow!).
That definition left off the bit about the fact that the government already have more than the information being collected making the whole exercise even more redundant. :D

We still haven't paused long enough to fill ours out yet. Might do it tonight if we remember.[emoji12]

23-08-2016, 9:17pm
We're away and the letter with our log in details hasn't ever turned up through the redirected mail.

I was wondering what to do but not overly worried, if they really want to get my details they'll find me (thinking this in jest).

On Friday 5th, before the census, we went out to Wittenoom for a squiz, as one does with such a notorious location. Interestingly its not a ghost town as at least 5 of the remaining houses are occupied

We then drove up the Wittenoom gorge.

About midday this chap was coming the other way and of course I expected him to pass on by. As he slowed I guessed he was going to ask some directions, or offer some advise on spots to check out, but no. He's from the census and wanted to hand out a form, so he did.

Definitely going well out of their way to find everybody

https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8652/28791650326_7ea93c18c4_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KSdJyf)zenfolio--53 (https://flic.kr/p/KSdJyf) by boo 53 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/49764331@N06/), on Flickr

Mark L
24-08-2016, 7:49pm
So we can then assume you have taken the time to fill out in the form John.

24-08-2016, 9:37pm
Did it on the night (which took all of 5 minutes) and mailed it when we passed through Exmouth.

Interestingly we were at a wayside stop about half way between Tom Price and Exmouth on "the night", about 25 other vans there as well, and just sitting down to dinner when there was a "hello anyone there" (no I gone to walk the 200km to the next town) and it was the ABS there to catch anyone who hadn't been got by then