View Full Version : Ausphotography 10 Questions : Tell us about you!

01-08-2016, 8:30pm
As suggested by Brian500au; in this thread (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?148213)

Here are a series of questions. Feel free to copy them into your reply and answer them, so we each find a bit more out about each other. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced member, tell us a bit more about you, by answering our questions.

1. What/Who got you interested in photography?

2. What is your favourite genre and why?

3. Who was/is your greatest inspiration in photography?

4. What advice would you give someone new to photography?

5. If you had a choice, where in the world/or who would you most like to photograph, and why?

6. Has there been a "special moment" for you in photography?

7. What is your favourite piece of photography gear and why?

8. Tell us something embarrassing/funny that you have had happen/done, related to your photography?

9. Do you have website (or Facebook page, Redbubble, etc) for your photography, that we can share with the members?

10. And finally, what do you enjoy most about being a member of Ausphotography?

Mark L
02-08-2016, 8:42pm
My answers are in the May 2015 newsletter here ... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Ausphotography_Newsletters
But many things have change since then and there's nothing asking about how I turn a photo to crap with how I PP them.:D

03-08-2016, 5:58am
My answers are in the May 2015 newsletter here ... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Ausphotography_Newsletters
But many things have change since then and there's nothing asking about how I turn a photo to crap with how I PP them.:D

or how to turn a bird into a landscape to win a competition:D

Mark L
03-08-2016, 7:09pm
Yeah, not quite there yet, but you never know, I'm still alive.

A room with a view.

03-08-2016, 9:03pm
1. What/Who got you interested in photography?

I got myself interested, because I'd found a form of artistic expression that I could learn rather than be born with. That was 50 years ago though ...... I still haven't got it right.

2. What is your favourite genre and why?

Table top photography, because it gives me total control (you don't get to control much else in your life).

3. Who was/is your greatest inspiration in photography?

Seeing what others can create, and wanting to emulate their skills.

4. What advice would you give someone new to photography?

Enjoy what you can do rather than being frustrated at what you can't.

5. If you had a choice, where in the world/or who would you most like to photograph, and why?

Volcanoes ..... close up ..... really close up!

6. Has there been a "special moment" for you in photography?

Many, many such moments. Winning my first competition was probably right up there.

7. What is your favourite piece of photography gear and why?

My SLR ..... with an optical viewfinder rather than any electronic crap.

8. Tell us something embarrassing/funny that you have had happen/done, related to your photography?

The day I stood beside a busy highway, carefully composing a delightful and artistic tree in the viewfinder. I lined it up, focused, pressed the shutter ..... and my pants fell down.

9. Do you have website (or Facebook page, Redbubble, etc) for your photography, that we can share with the members?

Nope ...... nothing worth sharing really.

10. And finally, what do you enjoy most about being a member of Ausphotography?

It's a place where I can always find a kindred photographic spirit, no matter what time of day. It places no demands upon me, nor I upon it. It's a way of resolving photographic issues easily, seeking a second opinion, sharing images or knowledge if I want - or not if I don't want. It's an uncomplicated way of relating to other photographers without the barriers of age or gender nor needing to feel intimidated by those whose skills surpass my own.

Geoff Port
03-08-2016, 11:06pm
1. What/Who got you interested in photography?
Not really sure, it was so long ago I can't remember. I do clearly remember the excitement I felt when I walked into the grocers shop, yes,grocers shop and purchased my first camera. I was all of 12yrs and had saved for nearly 6 month doing a paper round. A Luxor range finder. I took several rolls of film with extremely bad results before a workmate of my dad"s told me I needed a light meter.

2. What is your favorite genre and why?
Landscape sunrises and sunsets. Don't really know why, they simply fascinate/ mesmerize me. Continually changing, appearing from nowhere when you have almost given up. I also have a deep sense of tranquility at those times of day when I'm out in the paddock with nature putting on a fantastic display seemingly just for me.

3. Who was/is your greatest inspiration in photography?
A Mr John Cernick, he was the guy who told me I needed a light meter, lent me one (and I can no longer remember the brand). Mr Cernick was severely physically disabled and lived life in a wheel chair but produced amazing photographs. He taught me about DOF, metering, exposure, composition and generally how photography worked. He lent me photographic books to read and I was and still am amazed how Ansell Adams could turn the most mundane scene into a photographic masterpiece.
Currently I'm inspired by all the fantastic photographers we have on AP.Oh how I wish I had the talent some of them/you have.

4. What advice would you give someone new to photography?
Take photos, lots of them.Its easy and cheap to do in this digital world. Watch the light of everyday scenes, note how it changes, brings out textures enhances objects. Again, Take photos, lots of them and most importantly share them on this site for Constructive Criticism.

5. If you had a choice, where in the world/or who would you most like to photograph, and why?
Not sure. Maybe the Rocky mountains in Canada. Definitely right up the west coast of this fabulous country of ours.Then again there's the east coast to provide me with an unending supply of seascape sunrises

6. Has there been a "special moment" for you in photography?
Yes! I was asked to take some candid photos of a friends wedding. I agreed on the proviso that I was not going to be the official photographer. I went "artistically" crazy and had an enormous amount of fun in the process. To my amazement the results of my efforts were stunning an the bride and groom choose most of my images in preference to the professionals. His were used for the formals only.
As an addendum to that story, the groom asked if he could take the photographs at our engagement party. Poor sod had the ISO inadvertently set way to high and the result were extremely poor. He was very embarrassed but we had plenty of others snapping away so it mattered not.

7. What is your favourite piece of photography gear and why?
I have been thinking on this and I reckon its my 60D body. It feels good in my hands, the controls are all easily operated and it never falters. My 18-55 kit lens is OK, I have a love / hate relationship with my Tamron 24 - 70 f2.8. The 100mm f2.8 macro is fantastic as is my 300mm tele. Rarely use my 430EX11 flash and I reckon my Manfrotto tripod is great. So yeah, the 60D body is my pick.

8. Tell us something embarrassing/funny that you have had happen/done, related to your photography?
3am one morning I was taking time exposures on the south bank of the Yarra. Bare in mind this was in the early '70s and the south bank of the Yarra was totally undeveloped. All industrial and rather nasty. My girlfriend of the time was with me, it was really cold, I was attempting to capture light trails via long exposures and small apertures. When its cold, the camera is doing its thing, you have time on your hands and a pretty girl for company. Well! The police that happened to investigate the "abandoned" rather good looking worked on EH Holden ('64 model for the youngster readers) near the river bank were difficult to convince that the purpose of my sojourn at that spot was for photography. Embarrassing. One could say that I was nearly caught with........ but maybe I shouldn't say.
The young lady was also embarrassed.

9. Do you have website (or Facebook page, Redbubble, etc) for your photography, that we can share with the members?
Photobucket only. GeeKayPee on Photobucket.

10. And finally, what do you enjoy most about being a member of Ausphotography?
I absolutely love the fact that when ever I ask a question, no matter how dumb sounding or basic it is always answered in detail, with respect, never any sarcasm or derision as happens on other forums. All my photographic posts are treated with respect and with genuine Constructive criticism being proffered. Advice that I attempt to take on board. There's no better feeling for me to have one or several of the members congratulate me on a good capture. This site is a fantastic place to learn more about photography, share with like minded others and gain huge amounts of enjoyment in the process. I recommend it to all that I talk to in regard to photography.

04-08-2016, 6:28am
1. What/Who got you interested in photography?
Bit of a late bloomer in regards to Photography, i was a tattooist for many many years in the UK, left art college with degree in graphic design so iv always been involved in some kind of art form. i didnt want to carry on my tattooing here in Australia , so i turned to photography as an outlet for my arty needs..... and I never looked back

2. What is your favourite genre and why?
I love wildlife and landscape, but if i had to choose it would be .......wildlife, i love being outside early morning catching a glimpse of a bird wondering what it was. You/I can spend hours upon hours walking through rain-forests or bush without realizing how long you have been outside.. and the results can be very rewarding/frustrating

3. Who was/is your greatest inspiration in photography?
anyone who has stuck with it, iv met some amazing people who don't mind sharing there knowledge and hopefully iv helped a few myself.

4. What advice would you give someone new to photography?
DO NOT GIVE UP.. take as many photos as you can, learn from others, Constructive criticism should always be taken on board, never get disheartened by what others think, it truly is a great way to learn

5. If you had a choice, where in the world/or who would you most like to photograph, and why?
Iv been lucky to have traveled this wonderful earth on more than one occasion. The wonderful people and scenery of Cuba, The amazing birding in Mexico's Riviera Maya, But if i had to choose i would say Africa, there is nothing quite like seeing animals in there natural habitat, it truly does take your breath away and makes you feel like a child again

6. Has there been a "special moment" for you in photography?
Plenty, its always a special moment when you nail a shot you've been waiting for, to get back home and check your pictures and realise all the hours and hard work have paid off...magical

7. What is your favorite piece of photography gear and why?
My Canon 7D... a true work horse of a camera, built to withstand even my clumsy hands, and if your not using to take photos you can always hammer nails with it...bloody thing is build like a tank

8. Tell us something embarrassing/funny that you have had happen/done, related to your photography?
im a true professional so nothing funny ever happens..........ok maybe a little , i was doing a school formal shoot , everything was going great, all the girls were smiling and giggling , made for some very nice candid photos.. then i realised the reason they were all having a good laugh was my zipper on my trousers had been down all the time.... and there's me thinking it was my charm as a photographer that made them giggle

9. Do you have website (or Facebook page, Redbubble, etc) for your photography, that we can share with the members?

10. And finally, what do you enjoy most about being a member of Ausphotography?
The chance to share and learn from some very talented photographers... im always learning and never take what i know for granted... oh and there can be some rather amusing P!$$ taking which makes for some great reading

Lance B
04-08-2016, 5:17pm
1. What/Who got you interested in photography?

It was back in 1980 whilst on holidays with my then girlfriend, now wife, and I had a crappy Agfa 110 film camera that just didn't "cut the mustard" so to speak. Got home and invested in a Pentax ME Super and 50mm f1.7 lens and got the photography bug. The rest, as they say, is history.

2. What is your favourite genre and why?

Birding photography is probably my main passion, as if most of you didn't know! I think I just stumbled into it when I switched to a Nikon D700 back in 2010 and once I got my Nikon 300 f2.8 VRII later that year. Sar, from this forum also helped inspire me into birding. However, I am also very much into landscape/urban/travel photography - I really love taking my travel photos.

3. Who was/is your greatest inspiration in photography?

I don't think I had any one real inspiration. As I stated above , Sar - from this forum - did help me get into birding and has been a wonderful help and a great friend over the years, but most of the things I was interested in was self taught through observation via books and the internet etc.

4. What advice would you give someone new to photography?

Whatever genre/s you are interested in, just observe what makes a photo appeal to you and then try to ascertain what it is that makes it work. There are many guidelines as to what makes a photo work like light, rule of thirds, leading lines, foreground interest, etc and they are all important, but you need to see how they can work in each photo you take. Looking at many images will help you to work out how you can make your own images work.

5. If you had a choice, where in the world/or who would you most like to photograph, and why?

Anywhere there is history that I feel is important or interesting to me, or unusual birds and animals, or great scenery. I am not fussy, I'll take anything that fits the bill! This could mean Europe, Africa, Antarctica or South America.

6. Has there been a "special moment" for you in photography?

There have been many special moments. Shooting Puffins in Farne Islands in the UK. Taking travel photos in Europe/UK on my trips there. Being lucky enough to be able to take photos of rare birds such as the Lord Howe Island Woodhen - there are only 300 in existence on Lord Howe Island, brought back from near extiction in the 1970's when there were only 30 birds in the world! Being lucky enough to take photos of the White-rumped Sandpiper of which there was only one in existence in Australia due to it coming to Australia from Alaska by accident instead of flying to South America in the summer like it should have done. The last time there was one in Australia was in 1975! Taking photos of the Eastern Bristlebird which are not all that common. Just being in many of the exotic destinations throughout the world on my travels I consider a privilege and an honour to be able to see and photograph.

7. What is your favourite piece of photography gear and why?

My 400 f2.8E FL VR lens. It is just stupid sharp, stunning overall IQ and I can add TC's so as to have a 560mm f4 lens, a 680mm f5 lens and an 800mm f5.6 lens, all with superb IQ, a truly versatile piece of gear.

8. Tell us something embarrassing/funny that you have had happen/done, related to your photography?

There are a number for sure, most would be lost in translation, ie you'd need to be there to understand why it is so funny.

9. Do you have website (or Facebook page, Redbubble, etc) for your photography, that we can share with the members?


10. And finally, what do you enjoy most about being a member of Ausphotography?

This is a very good site full of some truly lovely people most of whom are very willing to help and are quick with praise and encouragement. I have met some great friends, Sar and Mongo are two such close friends that I regularly meet up with. There are a few others that I have met from the forum, all lovely people. Maybe photographers are generally just nice people. :)

A final comment

Photography has been a very important part of my life as it has encouraged me to go to places that I may not have had the desire to go to had it not been the urge to photograph those places. As such, I have visited many exotic and historic locations and photography has played a major catalyst in making me go to these places just so as I could photograph them. Even in my birding endeavours, I have seen many parts of Australia and the world that I wouldn't normally have gone to and enjoyed the birds, beauty and tranquility of these places. Photography has also introduced me to a number of interesting people which has also broadened my outlook on life in general. Another side to photography is the technical aspect which also helps to keep me abreast of modern technology in the form of computers etc.

Mark L
04-08-2016, 8:34pm
That's all kinda interesting.:th3:
Time for some new questions for the next newsletter Rick.:)

06-08-2016, 11:30am
1. What/Who got you interested in photography?
I don't know why, but it's something I was always interested in - even before I owned a camera. I got my first camera for my 14th birthday because I begged for it, and straight away I loved trying to take arty photos as well as documenting life. My first camera was an early digital camera - a Kodak EasyShare DX4530. It was a great camera in 2004, with a massive 5.0 megapixels.

2. What is your favourite genre and why?
Landscape and nature, however of late I have also been enjoying documentary and portraiture styles. I love the solitude and peacefulness of landscape photography, just enjoying nature for its own sake.

3. Who was/is your greatest inspiration in photography?
I've never been too interested in following other photographers closely or researching them, so I don't really have a good answer for this. However I do find a lot of Dylan Toh's work inspiring.

4. What advice would you give someone new to photography?
Just take photos. Get out and do it, experiment. If you want to try something and are not sure how, then do some research to work it out. But otherwise, just practise.

5. If you had a choice, where in the world/or who would you most like to photograph, and why?
I just want to go everywhere because I love traveling. I also love taking photos where I am. I don't really think about going to specific places just to take photos very often, I just like to have my camera with me all the time.

6. Has there been a "special moment" for you in photography?
There have been many - that's why I do it, because I love it. But, I don't think I can think of any in particular that stand out among the others.

7. What is your favourite piece of photography gear and why?
I keep it pretty simple - I don't have many gadgets. So really, it would have to be just my camera and go to lens. That is, a D800E and 14-24mm.

8. Tell us something embarrassing/funny that you have had happen/done, related to your photography?
I couldn't tell you the number of times I've slipped over on ice and mud.

9. Do you have website (or Facebook page, Redbubble, etc) for your photography, that we can share with the members?

10. And finally, what do you enjoy most about being a member of Ausphotography?
I do like the community, and the opportunity for knowledge sharing. I have learnt a LOT from reading the forums here, and I hope I have contributed something worthwhile also.

06-08-2016, 3:17pm
1. What/Who got you interested in photography?
My parents encouraged me when I was around 12 years old, developing B&W in the bathroom. More recently, taking photos good enough for my father to put onto canvas.

2. What is your favourite genre and why?
Currently its landscape . Again my father was an amateur artist and manly painted Landscapes.

3. Who was/is your greatest inspiration in photography?
My Father. We often talked about composition (Which I still struggle with)

4. What advice would you give someone new to photography?
Learn the basics and the capabilities of your gear.

5. If you had a choice, where in the world/or who would you most like to photograph, and why?

6. Has there been a "special moment" for you in photography?
Taking underwater photos with a box brownie in Tahiti 1974.

7. What is your favourite piece of photography gear and why?
My current camera and lens. After some courses I have become more confident in its functions,moreso than any of my past cameras.

8. Tell us something embarrassing/funny that you have had happen/done, related to your photography?
Nothing really,havnt found a funny landscape yet.

9. Do you have website (or Facebook page, Redbubble, etc) for your photography, that we can share with the members?
My Facebook is currently disabled

10. And finally, what do you enjoy most about being a member of Ausphotography?
The CC helps me take a look at my photos from different perspectives which helps me grow. Also the inspirational photos that are regularly posted by members..

19-08-2016, 8:32pm
I'll chip in my 2c for general interest:

1. What/Who got you interested in photography? I guess I've always looked at books on all sorts of subjects filled with some stunning photographs and one day I thought "I wish I could do that"

2. What is your favourite genre and why? Aircraft, spent a number of years fixing them and have been in the aviation industry on and off ever since. There is nothing to beat seeing a jet you've spent hours fixing take off and fly away, on the ground they may be pigs and ungainly, but I haven't seen one yet that doesn't look graceful and beautiful in the air.

3. Who was/is your greatest inspiration in photography? No real favourite, there have been many inspirations over the years and some of them are friends and work colleagues.

4. What advice would you give someone new to photography? Jump in and try whatever takes your fancy, then try something new, and keep trying something new every so often.

5. If you had a choice, where in the world/or who would you most like to photograph, and why? Anywhere I haven't been before!

6. Has there been a "special moment" for you in photography? First time I entered a photo competition. It was the local camera club, and a couple of months ago I'd taken an image of a local beach as the sun was going down. It turned out pretty good, so I got it enlarged and mounted and entered it in the next club competition. It came second out of three entries, but I was just chuffed that other people liked what I had done.

7. What is your favourite piece of photography gear and why? My macro tubes, bought for 20 dollars off e-bay. Cheap and simple but it gave me a whole new genre to dabble in.

8. Tell us something embarrassing/funny that you have had happen/done, related to your photography? Spent about 20 minutes trying to get into the ideal position to photograph what I thought was a very well camouflaged animal, to find out it was an old jumper....... whilst being watched by a bunch of picnicers!

9. Do you have website (or Facebook page, Redbubble, etc) for your photography, that we can share with the members? Not really, I only occasionally post images here or on other forums.

10. And finally, what do you enjoy most about being a member of Ausphotography? The chance to post images for general comment, see the great work of other members and generally discover new aspects to the hobby

19-08-2016, 8:46pm
There is nothing to beat seeing a jet you've spent hours fixing take off and fly away, on the ground they may be pigs and ungainly, but I haven't seen one yet that doesn't look graceful and beautiful in the air.

Sounds awfully like bringing up children really ..... :lol:

20-09-2016, 12:44pm
1. What/Who got you interested in photography?
While I've always had basic compact cameras for social events, taking the typical "selfies" and group shots in high school just didn't cut it for me. I realised I much preferred being behind a camera than in front of one. So after completing four years of university, I struggled to find employment and ended up having to live back at home with my parents for a year. It was depressing and I needed to find something to pick me out of that rut. So I got a job packing mangoes on a farm (my parents live in a very rural town in QLD) and saved up for my very first DSLR - a Canon 60D. Photography gave me a whole new reason for self-driven study and a break from the pressures of job hunting. It has been a passion for me ever since!

2. What is your favourite genre and why?
I appreciate so many genres, and love admiring others' styles, but my favourite would have to be landscapes. I find it the most challenging to photograph and have much to learn about capturing and perfecting decent compositions. But from what I've seen just on Ausphotography alone, it's definitely a direction I hope to pursue.

3. Who was/is your greatest inspiration in photography?
Contradictory to my previous post, my greatest inspiration in photography would have to be Paul Nicklen (nature photographer). I watched a Ted talk from him years ago on leopard seals and have been following him on social media ever since. If you have the time, I'd recommend taking a look at his work. The narwhal photos are particularly mind-blowing.

4. What advice would you give someone new to photography?
Do not fear manual mode! Join a basic photography course, read up on the works of Bryan Peterson, and play around with it until it starts to make sense. Eventually it all just seems to click (pun unintended!). I personally love the challenge, and it's a great way to learn all about your camera. Also, if you're beginning with photoshop, I love the tutorials from Gavin Hoey. He takes you through everything step by step from photoshoot to photoshop - very cool stuff!

5. If you had a choice, where in the world/or who would you most like to photograph, and why?
Ohhh there are so many...so here are my top 3: Canada as it has been a dream of mine for a very long time, Iceland because it is such an intriguing and beautiful location, and Croatia for ancestral reasons.

6. Has there been a "special moment" for you in photography?
Yes! There have been quite a few actually, always out of the blue and gone within seconds. One of my favourites would be climbing up "the Pyramid" in FNQ. By far the most physically demanding hike I had ever done, but the beautiful views were worth it. Anyway, I got to the top of the Pyramid and was looking out on one side, when this dog walks up from behind me, steps up onto the rocks before me and looks out at the view. I grabbed my camera, took a photo and he disappeared back into the shrubbery. Keeping in mind that domestic pets are strictly not allowed at the Pyramid, I couldn't believe my luck.


7. What is your favourite piece of photography gear and why?
My Canon 60D, easily. I worked so hard for that piece of equipment, and it is a beauty :) (in my eyes anyway!).

8. Tell us something embarrassing/funny that you have had happen/done, related to your photography?
After first purchasing my camera, my lovely boyfriend took me up to the top of a waterfall at Davies Creek in FNQ. I happened to come across this amazing rock formation with a tree growing out out it, so I of course left the path to pursue this photo. After taking a few shots, I realised just how high up I really was. I had a moment of panic, realising that one wrong step would likely end in me toppling down to the rocky base of the waterfall. Stupid mistake on my behalf and I cannot emphasise that enough, but I made it back down to my boyfriend safely and, as I recall, the first thing I said to him was, "thank god my camera is okay". Yes, turns out in potentially dangerous situations my camera is my first priority over personal safety. Actually, this makes another good point for new photographers - stay aware of your surroundings!

9. Do you have website (or Facebook page, Redbubble, etc) for your photography, that we can share with the members?
No, maybe one day. My brother is a website designer and does amazing work, so he has promised to create something for me in the distant future.

10. And finally, what do you enjoy most about being a member of Ausphotography?
Honestly, I tend to come and go depending on my career demands, but the one thing I can count on when I get back is the potential that Ausphotography offers. The potential to improve, to learn something new, to connect with some unknown person on another computer who shares this one passion. I think that is all pretty darn cool.

20-09-2016, 7:42pm
1. What/Who got you interested in photography? The little creatures that everyone seems to overlook.

2. What is your favourite genre and why? Macro. Love the details in subjects.

3. Who was/is your greatest inspiration in photography? At this stage, Gary Ramage.

4. What advice would you give someone new to photography? Don't become a gadget geek :D

5. If you had a choice, where in the world/or who would you most like to photograph, and why? Asia. FULL of creepy crawlies

6. Has there been a "special moment" for you in photography? Not yet but waiting :cool:

7. What is your favourite piece of photography gear and why? All of it....otherwise I would be bored.

8. Tell us something embarrassing/funny that you have had happen/done, related to your photography? Nothing yet.......

9. Do you have website (or Facebook page, Redbubble, etc) for your photography, that we can share with the members? Flickr, under specopstrooper

10. And finally, what do you enjoy most about being a member of Ausphotography? The creative and instructive critism I get from MORE experienced peeps than me.

01-06-2017, 7:30pm
1. What/Who got you interested in photography? Originally an interest in astronomy led to my interest in photography. Wanting to acquire a decent SLR to attach to telescope , seeing the projected image from the telescope through the camera viewfinder, and give me more settings than my Instamatic had, led me to browse through brochures and magazines ; seeing all the amazing images in those media really distracted me from the astro genre, and moved me into the general photo genre.

2. What is your favourite genre and why? Probably landscape and architecture. Mainly because they are static, allowing me time to consider the composition, lighting, exposure issues, and the subject usually doesn't move before I can capture it. Also, always had an interest in architecture.

3. Who was/is your greatest inspiration in photography? Not just one, but among the candidates : Peter Dombrovskis, Peter Eastway, Ernst Haas, Jerry Uelsmann ; to a lesser extent, A.Adams, Ken Duncan, Henri Cartier-LeBresson , Sebastiao Salgado, Ben McRae, Rene Groebli, and probably others I can't think of now.

4. What advice would you give someone new to photography? Get a camera that has some degree of manual control, and learn the important fundamentals of the craft, practice, practice, practice, and don't be afraid to make mistakes.

5. If you had a choice, where in the world would you most like to photograph, and why? Again, too many to decide on just one, but among them : India/Nepal, Japan, south-east Asia, Africa, return trips to Europe and Egypt. No particular people.

6. Has there been a "special moment" for you in photography? When few of my photos were first published, albeit in somewhat specialist publications with limited circulation, but nevertheless , still published.

7. What is your favourite piece of photography gear and why? Probably jointly my medium and large-format film cameras. Just have a preference for the film process.

8. Tell us something embarrassing/funny that you have had happen/done, related to your photography? Hmmmm . . . . : relating to abovementioned publication, boss asked me to do shots of military parade at night for front cover of magazine, and did I stuff up or what ? :Doh:

9. Do you have website (or Facebook page, Redbubble, etc) for your photography, that we can share with the members? Not at present.

10. And finally, what do you enjoy most about being a member of Ausphotography? Hopefully, engaging in camaraderie and discussion of mutual interest

01-06-2017, 9:01pm
Great thread!

1. What/Who got you interested in photography? My father was a keen photographer since about 1940 or so. He gave me my first camera in about 1967. It was a bakelite Kodak Box Brownie. After a year or two I graduated via older brother hand-me-down to a Brownie 127, still bakelite. My first more advanced camera was a Minolta, possibly a Hi-Matic G. It took 35mm film and I think you could also take half-frames to save money (forgive my memory, this was about 1974 or so). It had a fixed lens (40mm or so), manual focus, and automatic exposure: you set the shutter speed and it set the aperture all by itself, which was pretty gee-wiz in 1972. Then I took a little while off - about a quarter of a century actually - and I was drawn back to photography by my love of birds. I wanted to record either their sounds or their shapes. I wound up going for their shapes, i.e., photography rather than sound recording. The rest was ... well, not exactly history, more like credit card bills.

2. What is your favourite genre and why? Curiously enough, landscapes. Of course, I mostly do birds and spend vastly more time and money on that side of things, but in a way you just work hard and wait a long time and the bird either does the creative bit for you or it doesn't. Landscapes, you spend less time waiting and more time thinking. Although I love taking bird photographs, when I browse pictures for pleasure (here on AP for example) I tend to look more at the landscapes than the birds. And finally, I worked hard and got to be about 80% or 90% of the best bird photographer I can be ten years ago, where I'm nowhere near the best landscaper I can be yet.

3. Who was/is your greatest inspiration in photography? Michael Morcombe (same chap who does the field guide). A wonderful photographer. Also writer, field naturalist, painter. I met him once, by chance out in the bush with our cameras. Thoroughly nice chap. The only other one I'd particularly mention is Frank Hurley.

4. What advice would you give someone new to photography? Mostly, I try to avoid giving general advice. But I really enjoy helping people gain a mastery of specific skills. (Why use exposure compensation, and how? How to use a long lens and get sharp results? How to get closer to the bird? How to use fill flash? And so on.)

5. If you had a choice, where in the world would you most like to photograph, and why? The Australian outback in all its flavours. I never tire of it.

6. Has there been a "special moment" for you in photography? My first big trip: 10,000 km through Victoria, NSW, all the way up the Queensland coast, the Gulf, Darwin, Central Australia, home via SA. I've had some great trips and never had a bad one, but the first kiss is the sweetest.

7. What is your favourite piece of photography gear and why? Any Canon pro camera body. I can never quite explain why the 1 Series cameras are so much better than anything else (bar the Nikon equivalents which are no doubt similar) except by saying that you don't operate the camera, you just take pictures. They are so beautifuly engineered that you aren't really aware of the camera at all, you just see, frame, capture. It's all about the pictures you are making, the scenes in front of you, the machine is like a perfect waiter or a perfect drummer in a band - you know he must have been perfect because you didn't even notice he was there. After using a 1 Series body, any other camera is like having sex with your clothes on.

8. Tell us something embarrassing/funny that you have had happen/done, related to your photography? I've doubtless told all my best stories here already. How about the time a mate and I discovered a new species of spider in a tree above our campsite? Bloody great big black thing, unknown to science but hinted at in local Aboriginal legend. We were afraid to get too close to it - too far from medical help in case it dropped onto our heads 'coz the only angle we could see it from was directly underneath - but I rigged up camera and macro flash, and my mate rang his mate the spider expert with a PhD with a blurry mobile phone shot and a description. Yep: unknown species for sure. Uploaded the pictures onto my laptop. "Mate, what's it look like?" he asked as I zoomed in to see some detail. "Mate, it looks ... it looks ... it looks like ..... a bloody plastic one some b- has nailed to the tree!" Yes, we had been drinking, but one, repeat one, beer. True story.

9. Do you have website (or Facebook page, Redbubble, etc) for your photography, that we can share with the members? Yes, but not updated for several years. It needs a complete re-write including, among other things, mobile compatibility. Soon!

10. And finally, what do you enjoy most about being a member of Ausphotography? Talking about gear. Dunno why. In real life I'm not remotely a gear freak, I'd much rather talk about birds or flora or the art of making pictures. But on-line discussion of gear is always for some reason interesting to me, and I've learned many useful things from kind AP members over the years.

Plays With Light
02-06-2017, 3:37pm
A very interesting thread, wish I had seen it ages ago!

1. What/Who got you interested in photography?
I gave up smoking a few years ago and had saved up some money when I spotted a cheap deal for a bottom of the line kit and thought I'd give it a go as I enjoyed looking at others images.

2. What is your favourite genre and why?
Long exposure architecture. There's something about the combination of sharp architecture mixed with a dreamy sky that just grabs me.

3. Who was/is your greatest inspiration in photography?
It's hard to decide between Joel Tjintjelaar (http://www.bwvision.com/) and Julia Anna Gospodarou (http://www.juliaannagospodarou.com/).

4. What advice would you give someone new to photography?
Take the time to explore all forms of photography. You never know which ones you will show a natural affinity towards.

5. If you had a choice, where in the world/or who would you most like to photograph, and why?
Antarctica! For the desolate landscapes and unique inhabitants.

6. Has there been a "special moment" for you in photography?
Yes, when photographing a dandelion head early one morning I realised the magic of light and its importance in photography. Ever since I've been chasing light of varying forms, but generally favouring the softer light if it's available.

7. What is your favourite piece of photography gear and why?
My Manfrotto 410 (https://www.manfrotto.us/410-junior-geared-tripod-head-easy-to-use-ergonomic-knobs) geared head, for its precision of alignment it offers.

8. Tell us something embarrassing/funny that you have had happen/done, related to your photography?
Nothing comes to mind, I'm sorry folks, but I really enjoyed Tonys story above about the spider!

9. Do you have website (or Facebook page, Redbubble, etc) for your photography, that we can share with the members?
Yes, but I really just use it as a storage vessel for any online imagery I share.

10. And finally, what do you enjoy most about being a member of Ausphotography?
The invaluable tips and feedback from the members.