View Full Version : Just an idea to interview some advanced togs on this site

01-08-2016, 8:46pm
Just throwing it out there. I think it would be a good idea every now and again to ask Rick / mods to conduct an interview with some of the more advance photographers on this site.

You could pick a different genre each quarter and ask them a series of questions - what type of gear they use, what settings they use and why, how long do they normally take to pick a site or find a bird (do they wait for the correct lighting or stalk a bird etc). What studio lights do they use and how do they set them up? Preferred settings for any given genre etc?

Maybe a little history on the photographer themselves - how long they have been involved and what techniques stand them out from the crowd etc.

I think sometimes we take for granted the high quality of photographs we see but never really appreciate the time and effort that went into the photography itself - be it hiking to the spot, waiting on the light, or even how much work goes into taking that high quality sports event shot.

I think we would all benefit from a little insight as to what goes into making a great photograph.

The interview could be done via questionnaire - and I think could be built up a little to let us know who could be featured in an up coming article.

What do others think?

01-08-2016, 9:06pm
We have done that with the last two newsletters : http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Ausphotography_Newsletters

01-08-2016, 9:18pm
Rick I was thinking of making it a highlight on the site rather than part of a newsletter. To be honest I get newsletters all the time form various sites - to be honest with you I treat most newsletters as a type of spam.

There is always more interest when i pick what I want to read rather then having it sent to me and I have to sort it out from advertising, future Russian girlfriends, and people who would like to manage my bank account for me.

Just highlighting it is already a feature in a news letter is news to me, and proves new letters maybe do not get the attention they deserve.

01-08-2016, 9:25pm
Ok, so here is an idea. I use the questions from the newsletter and create a thread. Any member can then copy the questions, and answer them as a reply. Rather than it just being advanced members, it can be anyone.

01-08-2016, 9:31pm
Here you go Brian500au; you can go first. http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?148216

01-08-2016, 10:16pm
Maybe I am not making my point in the correct way Rick.

And just for the record the thread above is NOT WHAT I SUGGESTED.

The title of the thread was to gather opinions and discussion on if other people thought this was a good idea. My suggestion was to interview advanced photographers who might want to impart some of their knowledge to help other photographers and also help understand the skill and patience it take to create some great photographs. There are some people on this site who are consistently good at what they do. I have pm'd some people to ask more detail about a certain photograph, or why they use the technique in what they do.

I thought this might be of interest to other like minded photographers.

I wonder why you would put up a thread suggesting I go first - where is the value in ridicule?

02-08-2016, 6:56am
I was not intending to ridicule you at all. However you stated in your original post :

" it would be a good idea every now and again to ask Rick / mods to conduct an interview".

"Maybe a little history on the photographer themselves - how long they have been involved"

"The interview could be done via questionnaire".

My thread does all three!

I pointed out that we already do that with the newsletters, and you advised that you really do not read newsletters etc. Perhaps you have never really appreciated the time and effort that goes into the production of our high quality newsletters. My thread was merely a way to allow members to generate their own interviews by responding to the questions asked. The same questions we asked in the interviews for the newsletter. You know that stuff you deem spam.

If you are not willing to go first, then why should anyone else consider contributing to your idea?

I merely thought I was helping out with the idea you presented and as we here at AP like to have things that all members can be involved in (not just advanced ones), why not consider the beginners and intermediate members as well? But you obviously think the newsletters are a waste of time and my thread the same, so I leave it you to arrange whatever you want in relation to these interviews. After all members (ie you) are just as capable of conducting interviews and posting threads as the admin/mods team are. My efforts are obviously not what you want, so how about doing it and showing us how it is done?

02-08-2016, 11:25am
Rick you have obviously taken offence to my thread - which in no means was the intention.

Let me start with the newsletter - I in no way have said you did not put an effort into a news letter (but this was not what this thread was about). I am not sure about other people but I can say personally I enjoy logging on to a site to read the forums - I do not get the same enjoyment out of the numerous newsletters I receive each day. That is not to say they are not high quality or unappreciative of the effort that goes into producing them. Our world is in information overload - the average person now is bombarded with electronic information. Advanced email programs now sort the mail into categories and then still it is difficult to get through it all in one day. My relaxing time is logging onto a forum of my choice and not looking through countless email to find the few high quality newsletters. Yours may be the best out there but they still get lost in all the traffic. I never said the newsletters were a waste of time - they certainly don't waste my time and I cannot speak for others.

Interview - my suggestion was to interview (either via questionnaire or following up questioning) the more advanced photographers, not to ridicule me by putting up a thread and inviting me to go first. You know that was never my intention and your response is purely there to embarrass me. When you say you "merely thought" you are being condescending. As for not considering beginners and immediate as well - I would have thought we could all learn and appreciate the words of somebody who is a highly advanced in the field of photography. I personally eagerly follow half a dozen photographers on this forum and often follow up questions either via pm or email asking about the techniques they used in taking the photograph. I also noticed via another thread I could be missing out on some great photographers work as I am not aware or have previously shown little interest or appreciate the effort and skill that goes into another genre.

I am not sure if others feel the same - so I simply asked the question and put up the idea. The thread was never intended to offend anybody.

02-08-2016, 11:54am
I'll just add my two bob's worth, if I may.
I think the original suggestion, that the site moderators request interviews from the experts in their field, is a good one.
I don't think it is a good idea to simply ask all and sundry to contribute to this, I reckon the value is in having carefully selected photographers participate, and have them pass on their pearls of wisdom, so to speak.


02-08-2016, 12:06pm
Rick you have obviously taken offence to my thread - which in no means was the intention.

Let me start with the newsletter - I in no way have said you did not put an effort into a news letter (but this was not what this thread was about). I am not sure about other people but I can say personally I enjoy logging on to a site to read the forums - I do not get the same enjoyment out of the numerous newsletters I receive each day. That is not to say they are not high quality or unappreciative of the effort that goes into producing them. Our world is in information overload - the average person now is bombarded with electronic information. Advanced email programs now sort the mail into categories and then still it is difficult to get through it all in one day. My relaxing time is logging onto a forum of my choice and not looking through countless email to find the few high quality newsletters. Yours may be the best out there but they still get lost in all the traffic. I never said the newsletters were a waste of time - they certainly don't waste my time and I cannot speak for others.

Interview - my suggestion was to interview (either via questionnaire or following up questioning) the more advanced photographers, not to ridicule me by putting up a thread and inviting me to go first. You know that was never my intention and your response is purely there to embarrass me. When you say you "merely thought" you are being condescending. As for not considering beginners and immediate as well - I would have thought we could all learn and appreciate the words of somebody who is a highly advanced in the field of photography. I personally eagerly follow half a dozen photographers on this forum and often follow up questions either via pm or email asking about the techniques they used in taking the photograph. I also noticed via another thread I could be missing out on some great photographers work as I am not aware or have previously shown little interest or appreciate the effort and skill that goes into another genre.

I am not sure if others feel the same - so I simply asked the question and put up the idea. The thread was never intended to offend anybody.

I really do not understand what the difference is in asking the questions in a thread and getting people to respond if they want to, to asking them via PM and then creating a thread of their responses. I took offence at being told I ridiculed you, and that you think the newsletters are spam. Perhaps consider the way you communicate, my responses are a reflection of that? Explain how asking you to post to a thread is ridiculing you? Cause I do not get it! If you think I did that to ridicule you, then you are very mistaken. Why would I do it to ridicule you?

Here is a suggestion. Rather than PM people asking your questions, perhaps ask them in their threads so that others can benefit from the replies that you are getting via PM. After all, sharing amongst everyone is what the site is about.

02-08-2016, 12:13pm
I'll just add my two bob's worth, if I may.
I think the original suggestion, that the site moderators request interviews from the experts in their field, is a good one.
I don't think it is a good idea to simply ask all and sundry to contribute to this, I reckon the value is in having carefully selected photographers participate, and have them pass on their pearls of wisdom, so to speak.


As commented previously. Members can do this too. The site is not about what I or the mods post. Members can create threads, come up with ideas etc. Look at the photo painting challenge, the who/what/where etc. They are all member driven. If members want this, they can set it up, just as easily as myself or a mod.

If Kel wants it and doesn't like the way I offered it up, there is zero stopping him from taking the initiative and turning his concept into a reality. Members can offer up the questions, choose who to interview and do it, or if he doesn't want to, any other member can.

Mark L
02-08-2016, 9:11pm
We have done that with the last two newsletters : http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Ausphotography_Newsletters

And the May 2015 newsletter showed how this idea won't work.

02-08-2016, 9:18pm
And the May 2015 newsletter showed how this idea won't work.

I found your replies really interesting Mark. It gave us an insight into what drives you as a photographer. But then I suppose you have to read the newsletter to find that out :D

Mark L
02-08-2016, 9:38pm
I kind of get where Kel is coming from and I'm not sure how it would work on a forum.
Rick's 10 questions is a bit static. There needs to be room for people to add their individual questions they want answered.
Where do we put the interview and how to get members involved. Some may wish to ask me about how/why/what with birds. Others may wish to ask Dylan about landscapes. (not that I should compare my birds to his landscapes). Do members that like these genres look at f/stop or site matters if the interviews where there?
And there's the shoutbox at top waiting for a purpose. Could a member be lined up for 3/4 hours one night to answer questions posted in the shoutbox. But that don't work if Rick is lined up for Friday night and I have to go out for a birthday.

So I think the idea of asking people in threads what/how they do is good. But some won't give you the kind of detailed answer that I'll bet you get from asking in a PM.

02-08-2016, 11:08pm
Brians proposal seems reasonable and a great idea, but possibly difficult to impliment.

Rick said:

Perhaps you have never really appreciated the time and effort that goes into the production of our high quality newsletters.

Yes, time and effort appreciated, but high quality? absolutely NOT!!. Great photos, but they are thwarted by the garish and illegible design and inappropriate placement of advertising.

I didn't bother to read any of the text - it was too hard, especially with the text that spanned the whole page. Photography, Art and Design all have something in common - you have to draw the viewer in. Photographic images by themselves, great - but to foul and surround them with poor design is a big no no.

I certainly wouldn't want any one of my fabulous images represented in that Newsletter! :2disgu: Yuk!!

03-08-2016, 6:50am
Brians proposal seems reasonable and a great idea, but possibly difficult to impliment.

Rick said:

Yes, time and effort appreciated, but high quality? absolutely NOT!!. Great photos, but they are thwarted by the garish and illegible design and inappropriate placement of advertising.

I didn't bother to read any of the text - it was too hard, especially with the text that spanned the whole page. Photography, Art and Design all have something in common - you have to draw the viewer in. Photographic images by themselves, great - but to foul and surround them with poor design is a big no no.

I certainly wouldn't want any one of my fabulous images represented in that Newsletter! :2disgu: Yuk!!

that 'advertising' pays for this site to be online, Seeing it is FREE for you. If you do not like what you get for free, PM me and I will happily close your account.

03-08-2016, 7:35am
If you want it, you can do it.

I and the mods have enough to do and the site is about what members contribute, not what the mod/admin team post.

I made a suggestion and created a thread based on Kel's original post, that was shot down. So as said previously, if Kel (or anyone else) wants this, they can organise it just as easily as the mods/admin team. It's up to the members to do this if they want it. It will not be done by the mod/admin team!

Kel? or anyone else up to doing so?

03-08-2016, 7:42am
This is just a suggestion after reading all the discussions on this thread - perhaps create something like an AMA (ask me anything) section where the more experienced photographers can take initiative or be invited to start a thread, then AP members can ask whatever photography related questions they want and the thread starter can reply? Not sure if this will solve this issue...

03-08-2016, 12:36pm
I think Piczzilla is on the money.

Any member can open a thread in the Ask Me Anything forum. That way, if you want to share, you can, you just have to wait for someone to ask you.

And for what it's worth, I tend to agree with Rick. Forums only work when the members have input. If you just want to read about photography, buy a magazine. It's the interactivity that makes forums great.

And to that end, I've opened up a thread in f/stop where you can ask me, Brendo, anything you want about my interest in Photography. Just don't expect to be dazzled with brilliance, everything I know can be placed on the back of a postage stamp. :)

03-08-2016, 3:03pm
I think Piczzilla is on the money.

Any member can open a thread in the Ask Me Anything forum. That way, if you want to share, you can, you just have to wait for someone to ask you.

And for what it's worth, I tend to agree with Rick. Forums only work when the members have input. If you just want to read about photography, buy a magazine. It's the interactivity that makes forums great.

And to that end, I've opened up a thread in f/stop where you can ask me, Brendo, anything you want about my interest in Photography. Just don't expect to be dazzled with brilliance, everything I know can be placed on the back of a postage stamp. :)

Thanks Brendo. Nice to see someone who wants to do, rather than those that expect someone else to do it for them.