View Full Version : Yahoo Flickr, going, going, SOLD!

28-07-2016, 5:59pm
I just found out today that yahoo got sold.

Is my email safe? Are my photo's hosted on Flickr safe?

These and other relevant questions almost answered in this link.

I wasn't sure where to post this thread. the last time I posted asking which image hosting site people used, I posted it in the new to photography section??? I was so Newb back then LOL.

But it looks like we have 2 yrs to sort our stuff out before we have to make the heavy decisions.
Do we leave a faceless corp that we have our personal stuff hosted on (email, pics, etc) for another faceless corp just because they are getting taken over by a faceless corp?

So, I'm not really a conspiracy theorist. But new owners can change privacy rules (not that I thoroughly read the existing rules).

Hrmph. :confused013
Should I care. I do a bit.
I will have to go through and save any important info in my emails, in case they are lost.
And I have a bit of time and effort invested in my images.

I'll go back to my old thread and probably choose a new image host.
Just to be sure.

Anyway. Just a heads up for anyone else that finds this news of yahoo being sold off, as a bit of a surprise.

28-07-2016, 6:06pm
The irony in this is that a bit over 10 years ago, Yahoo was in a position to buy Google.. for around $3Billion. Yahoo declined. Google is now worth around $500Bill.

28-07-2016, 6:14pm
I was pleased at their decision not to buy Google.
Not a fan of companies buying up their competition. I'd rather things play out based on business practices and decisions.

So when Yahoo missed with their opportunity to purchase Facebook. That 'What the...?' decision is one of many that probably sees them being sold for such a token amount (relatively speaking).

28-07-2016, 7:56pm
The irony in this is that a bit over 10 years ago, Yahoo was in a position to buy Google.. for around $3Billion. Yahoo declined. Google is now worth around $500Bill.

Yes, and still more irony...only a few years ago Microsoft tried to buy Yahoo for (I believe) $44billion, and Yahoo refused, and now it is selling up for about $14billion!


29-07-2016, 2:26pm
What's a couple of billion here or there

Mark L
02-08-2016, 9:54pm
Why wouldn't the new owner say Flickr is a wonderful resource that many people use and have invested in so lets update it a bit and do things that make it a more vibrant place to play?
The only problem for me if Flickr dies is finding another place to link my photos to here from (I really should dream a bit bigger:()