View Full Version : Nikon announce a 105mm f1.4E ED lens!

Lance B
28-07-2016, 7:37am
Nikon have just announced a new lens, the 105mm f1.4E ED! Now, I think this is a smart move by Nikon, a niche that no one else has filled in this focal length at this large aperture. It is between the two standard focal lengths for portraiture, 85mm and 135mm thus not too long, or not too short but possibly "just right" - I dub it the "Goldilocks Lens" - as seems to be the tradition of Nikon owners to name some of their finest lenses like the 14-24 f2.8, the 24-70 f2.8 and the 70-200 f2.8 VRII trio being called the "Holy Trinity".


Looking at the samples photos and the MTF chart, it certainly looks very impressive! However, the price doesn't look so impressive - US$2,200 which should put it north of AU$2,900 using our Pacific Peso. :( I might have to sell off my 85 f1.4G and Zeiss 21 f2.8.

And for those interested, there is going to be a revamped 70-200 f2.8 announced, probably at Photokina in September.

28-07-2016, 7:50am
Nikkor AF-S 105mm f/1.4E ED (http://imaging.nikon.com/lineup/lens/singlefocal/Telephoto/af-s_105mmf_14e_ed/index.htm)

I've wanted a nice 105mm portrait lens for a very long time now.
Basically ever since I'd acquired my 105 Micro .. I like the 105mm focal length for most portraits.

A couple of years ago I finally found a nice 105/1.8 in good condition and at a half decent price .. and I thought that was a nice fast lens!

This new one from Nikon appears to fit the bill perfectly now.
I just need to work out how to ensure a Tatts win beforehand! :p

Nikon's expected MTF is reasonable looking.
They're expecting just a bit more contrast from this new lens over the AF-S 85/1.4. I'm surprised they didn't try to emulate the super sharp 200/2 in terms of detail rendering.
But according to Nikon's theoretical sharpness estimate, it will be more than sharp enough for portraits.
But what's interesting is when you compare it to the 105VR Micro(which is only a f/2.8 lens)
The new 105/1.4 is much sharper than the macro lens(in the higher frequency test). The higher frequency results basically refer to the ability to render fine detail.
It wouldn't be hard to hypothesise that the new lens stopped down to f/2.8 would be massively sharper than the Micro lens to the same aperture setting.

Price isn't too unreasonable at the recommended US$2200.
Considering the cost base that a 105/1.4 would entail over an 85/1.4(currently RRP of US$1600) .. the extra $500 isn't too steep.

Weight is a significant increase over the 85/1.4 too (and the old 105/2 and 135/2 DC's).
It's 1kg heaviness is close to double those lenses.
135/2 DC is about 800g tho .. but those older gen lenses use the same grade metal tubes as those old Howitzers used in WW2! :p

Lance B
28-07-2016, 7:51am
I had just posted the same thing a few minutes ago!

28-07-2016, 7:52am
LOL! you and me thinking the same things!
I posted my thread at about the same time.

Lance B
28-07-2016, 7:58am
LOL! you and me thinking the same things!
I posted my thread at about the same time.

What do they say about great minds? :D

01-08-2016, 6:23am
What do they say about great minds? :D

Ah, yes!! That they tend to think ali.. !! .... about getting the same lenses :lol:

03-08-2016, 12:31pm
A little surprised there's not as much excitement over this lens here on AP. Maybe the price got to everyone.
Anyways, can we combine AK83 and Lance's threads? Much easier to have all the discussions in one place.

This lens is very high on my wanted list, even with its pricing. But as with most equipment I prefer to wait 6-12 months after launch to buy.

Like many I had initially wanted a 135mm lens but IMO a 105mm @1.4 is even better!!!
If you subscribe to equivalence theory (which I do), it is like having a 135/1.7 at the same time with a minor crop with little sacrifice to resolution.

And I'm kinda glad they left out VR. Marianne Oelund over at DPreview has been offering some of her usual excellent commentary on the lens, as well as the impact on lens design (and likely subsequent lens character) had VR elements been incorporated.

Shooting with just a 58mm currently, this will pair very well as a more dedicated portrait lens.
I just need Nikon to update their 28mm f1.4 lens and I'd have my personal prime trinity.

Lance dubbed the lens goldilocks. From the initial product pic leak I though it was going to be a pretty big lens so I was gonna dub it the mini-chubby. The chubby being the nickname for the 200/f2 of course.

Anyways, not long to wait for the lens to make its way into user's hands.

03-08-2016, 1:18pm
All I am able to say is my first camera had a 1.4 lens and it was so much fun taking pictures of people in the dark.

Lance B
03-08-2016, 1:59pm
A little surprised there's not as much excitement over this lens here on AP. Maybe the price got to everyone.
Anyways, can we combine AK83 and Lance's threads? Much easier to have all the discussions in one place.

This lens is very high on my wanted list, even with its pricing. But as with most equipment I prefer to wait 6-12 months after launch to buy.

Like many I had initially wanted a 135mm lens but IMO a 105mm @1.4 is even better!!!
If you subscribe to equivalence theory (which I do), it is like having a 135/1.7 at the same time with a minor crop with little sacrifice to resolution.

And I'm kinda glad they left out VR. Marianne Oelund over at DPreview has been offering some of her usual excellent commentary on the lens, as well as the impact on lens design (and likely subsequent lens character) had VR elements been incorporated.

Shooting with just a 58mm currently, this will pair very well as a more dedicated portrait lens.
I just need Nikon to update their 28mm f1.4 lens and I'd have my personal prime trinity.

Lance dubbed the lens goldilocks. From the initial product pic leak I though it was going to be a pretty big lens so I was gonna dub it the mini-chubby. The chubby being the nickname for the 200/f2 of course.

Anyways, not long to wait for the lens to make its way into user's hands.

I agree with you. It is a very exciting lens and I think Nikon has really made a brilliant decision releasing it, no one else has this focal length at this speed. :)

03-08-2016, 2:53pm
All I am able to say is my first camera had a 1.4 lens and it was so much fun taking pictures of people in the dark.

Haha.. not sure if there's a bit of tongue-in-cheek there.
But I'm often at f1.4 even in the brightest conditions and sometimes run out of shutter speed on my D700 which hits 1/8000 but base ISO is pretty high at 200. Maybe I need a D810 with that nice ISO 64 setting.

03-08-2016, 11:08pm
Haha.. not sure if there's a bit of tongue-in-cheek there.
But I'm often at f1.4 even in the brightest conditions and sometimes run out of shutter speed on my D700 which hits 1/8000 but base ISO is pretty high at 200. Maybe I need a D810 with that nice ISO 64 setting.

.. get a 3 stop ND filter

I'll try to combine my thread into this one too.

EDIT: woohoo! :th3:
I seemed to manage to merge the threads without blowing up the internet, sucking AP into an ether vacuum of black hole proportions .. or making too much mess when my head exploded when faced with all the relevant options! :p

So if the thread seems a bit funny .. there are now two threads merged into one.

04-08-2016, 10:57am
.. get a 3 stop ND filter

Yea it seems some of the guys on the Fredmiranda 58G thread are doing just that but I seldom use filters and so it's not handy when I need it. I just gotta live with stopping down I guess. I know... first world problems lol.

04-08-2016, 2:13pm
Definitely something on my to buy list. Pricing may hold me back for a little while, but I've always battled to justify the 85 f/1.4 because I'm happy with my 70-200 for portraits.

I @ M
04-08-2016, 3:30pm
A little surprised there's not as much excitement over this lens here on AP.

I started out excited but quickly found out my wallet was very much underwhelmed at the prospect of being disemboweled ( further ) for a lens that while probably excellent just misses the mark by a millimetre or so in usefulness for me.
I love my 85 / 1.4 D and will never part with it, the 70-200 does a good job as an all rounder for portraits but I would have rather seen a 135 / 2 released.
Maybe that is still in the pipeline? :confused013

Lance B
04-08-2016, 3:39pm
Definitely something on my to buy list. Pricing may hold me back for a little while, but I've always battled to justify the 85 f/1.4 because I'm happy with my 70-200 for portraits.

I have to agree. Whilst my 85 f1.4 is a stunning lens, the 70-200 gives such superb results I find it difficult to justify the 85. I really think the 85 is a luxury and so will the 105 f1.4. I have to sell the 85 to even think about getting the 105.

04-08-2016, 3:55pm
Lottery beckon me badly
D500 + Nikkor 16-80mm f/2.8-4 and the mighty 105 mm f/1.4
One Day Lust hits me BAD


04-08-2016, 4:08pm
I started out excited but quickly found out my wallet was very much underwhelmed at the prospect of being disemboweled ( further ) for a lens that while probably excellent just misses the mark by a millimetre or so in usefulness for me.
I love my 85 / 1.4 D and will never part with it, the 70-200 does a good job as an all rounder for portraits but I would have rather seen a 135 / 2 released.
Maybe that is still in the pipeline? :confused013
Me too re: 85/1.4D. I love the rendering of that lens but didn't like the mechanics or the CA. Never tried the 85/1.4G as the FL is a bit close to the 58G so I've been without a portrait lens since I sold my 70-200 VR2 which was a great lens but a little big to bring everywhere.
Fortunately for me, without ownership of any of the 85/1.4 varieties nor the 70-200 VR2 holding me back the new 105 seem like the perfect choice for me.
Just gotta start saving.

- - - Updated - - -

I have to agree. Whilst my 85 f1.4 is a stunning lens, the 70-200 gives such superb results I find it difficult to justify the 85. I really think the 85 is a luxury and so will the 105 f1.4. I have to sell the 85 to even think about getting the 105.

Yea it'd be pretty difficult to justify the 105 if you already owned the 85.
I guess it comes down to your preferred FL. But as you've said, the 105's not too long and not too short, its just right ;)

Lance B
04-08-2016, 5:19pm
Lottery beckon me badly


It's not hard to win the lottery as you have a 50-50 chance, ie you either win or you don't :lol:

04-08-2016, 5:59pm
It's not hard to win the lottery as you have a 50-50 chance, ie you either win or you don't :lol:

Sounds like any Nikon product of recent release ... you get a 50/50 chance of it working. It either has an issue ... or not! :p

24-08-2016, 2:34pm
More samples are starting to show up now.

Not really sure yet about the completely defocussed bokeh in the current samples but the sharpness and focus transition are looking superb.

25-08-2016, 6:41pm
not so sure about this lens. It sounds good and looks good on paper but........Price and feature wise, does it go far enough ahead of existing offerings to warrant it. Some reviews are starting to come in and it is good to get a seemingly unbiased review from someone who has used it.......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUHbSVaUO9o (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUHbSVaUO9o)

25-08-2016, 10:30pm
Thanks for that info mongo. I was just starting to feel a bit GAS'y so that should settle me l hope:D Sharpness seemed to set it apart from the others, but it appears that that's about all:confused013 More samples needed.

Lance B
26-08-2016, 7:39am
I like extra bit of sharpness from the new 105 (which can be seen in the samples he shows), I also would rather the slight shallower DOF offered and also the extra reach offered. It is looking like a close relationship of it and the legendary 200 f2 VR but in a smaller package.

The only questions I have about the video is that he lauds the 200 f2 VR but doesn't compare it to these lenses and using his test criteria I doubt he would see much of a difference using it either. In other words, he dismisses the "slight sharpness advnatage of the 105" as not being a real benefit, nor the slightly narrower DOF, all things that makes the 200 f2 VR such a legendary lens.

26-08-2016, 10:14am
I like extra bit of sharpness from the new 105 (which can be seen in the samples he shows), I also would rather the slight shallower DOF offered and also the extra reach offered. It is looking like a close relationship of it and the legendary 200 f2 VR but in a smaller package.

The only questions I have about the video is that he lauds the 200 f2 VR but doesn't compare it to these lenses and using his test criteria I doubt he would see much of a difference using it either. In other words, he dismisses the "slight sharpness advnatage of the 105" as not being a real benefit, nor the slightly narrower DOF, all things that makes the 200 f2 VR such a legendary lens.

I think this lens comes down to level of expectation. I think the average photographer will be happy with the 85 1.8 or 1.4 or even the 105 f2 but for those who seek the optimal output and flexibility, it's the ultimate. I think if you're not good enough to take advantage of the 105 1.4, or know how to use it, the 85 1.8 is probably more than enough lens for you.

Comparing it to the 200 f2 is a little pointless, largely because there are very few in the market for the 200 f2, and those who are, will probably be good enough to know whether it meets their requirement, or get access to a demo of it before purchasing.