View Full Version : "Great news" (NOT) Telstra have moved my email to Telstra Mail

27-07-2016, 3:18pm
"Great news, Telstra Mail™ is just a few steps away."

"We’ve successfully moved your email to our new Telstra Mail. As a result, this is the last email you’ll receive in this Telstra mailbox."

That exciting (?) message arrived in my Outlook.com email inbox July 22nd.

Since then I've found it almost impossible to access my bigpong emails.

No joy with Firefox, my preferred browser. In desperation I tried the buggy IE, with limited success, but wouldn't log me in today.

In a :lightbulb: moment I decided to download the Google Chrome browser to try.

"Voila", success !!

Won't get too excited yet, will give it a few days.

I might add that I've spent several hours on the phone to the Philippines, had my password changed several times, and torn out most of my hair. :lol2:

PS: To add to my frustration the 'Search the web and Windows' bar went AWOL yesterday and that took me several hours to recover it. :( I really miss a lot of the features in W7 :nod:

27-07-2016, 6:52pm
Received my e-mail on the 21st July, my change over is due on the 5th August, so we will see what happens.
I am using Google Chrome.


27-07-2016, 8:15pm
Someone at work was talking about that... She spent hours talking to someone at telstra and managed to convince them to part with the precious configuration details to allow her to set up her outlook client to work with the new email address.

If your interested in continuing with your email client, I'll ask my colleague for the details

27-07-2016, 8:26pm
Ive recently swapped to chrome as well. FF used to be a great browser..not so much any more.

28-07-2016, 7:58am
Ive recently swapped to chrome as well. FF used to be a great browser..not so much any more.

I'd agree with that. I'm on Chrome now too. Gave FF the flick about two months ago.

Lance B
28-07-2016, 8:01am
Ive recently swapped to chrome as well. FF used to be a great browser..not so much any more.

Interesting you say that, Rick. I have just moved to Chrome in the last month or so as well after many years using FF. Like you say, FF seems to have slipped a little in recent times. :confused013

28-07-2016, 9:07am
Well all good on day 2 with Chrome.

Hit the email link on my favourites bar and it went straight to the bigpong log-in page and then opened my mailbox. :D

I wonder if Telstra have shares in Google? :( And should I advise them what my problem was. :confused013

I guess I'll get used to not having a Menu bar as most of the functions are available in the drop-down tool on the top RHS.

I only have one problem to sort out and that is finding out why links to eBay Search notifications aren't active when links in other emails seem to work fine. That link takes you directly to the item and saves you having to do a search for the item.

28-07-2016, 6:37pm
Did your Outlook contacts migrate to the web-based email? My wife's business Bigpond email address has suddenly become web-based and her contacts have all disappeared. She is most unhappy. What's that old saying?..."Happy wife, happy life"?

28-07-2016, 10:05pm
Did your Outlook contacts migrate to the web-based email? My wife's business Bigpond email address has suddenly become web-based and her contacts have all disappeared. She is most unhappy. What's that old saying?..."Happy wife, happy life"?

Yep, all mine seem to have migrated to my new Webmail A/c.

31-08-2016, 3:51pm
This Web Mail/T Mail thing from Telstra is a complete stuff-up.

I have daily problems logging in, I hate the layout, and yesterday they lost everyone's emails. :angry0:

Think it time to switch from the big 'T' to the big 'G'.

Lance B
31-08-2016, 5:30pm
This Web Mail/T Mail thing from Telstra is a complete stuff-up.

I have daily problems logging in, I hate the layout, and yesterday they lost everyone's emails. :angry0:

Think it time to switch from the big 'T' to the big 'G'.

They have told me that mine will migrate next week. Looks like I'll have issues next. Was yours a bigpond.net.au or a bigpond.com.au?

31-08-2016, 5:54pm
They have told me that mine will migrate next week. Looks like I'll have issues next. Was yours a bigpond.net.au or a bigpond.com.au?

bigpond.com.au and it's been a shambles.

When I go to log in I'm presented with any one of four different log-in pages. Telstra obviously haven't found one that works yet. As I said I'm seriously thinking of making my Gmail A/c the main one.

I'm still getting yesterdays emails through in dribs and drabs.

31-08-2016, 6:22pm
bigpond.com.au and it's been a shambles.

When I go to log in I'm presented with any one of four different log-in pages. Telstra obviously haven't found one that works yet. As I said I'm seriously thinking of making my Gmail A/c the main one.

I'm still getting yesterdays emails through in dribs and drabs.

So, you are not able to use Outlook even if it is a stand alone program on your computer? I have received an email saying that I am to be transferred to webmail and I shudder.

31-08-2016, 6:27pm
Nope, AFAIK, Outlook is Kaput.

John King
31-08-2016, 6:47pm
I am happily using Outlook 2003 on all my computers with the "new" Telstra mail servers. Also both Android phones and both tablets.

LOVE IT! Zero problems, other than the usual struggles to get port numbers and security levels correct.

I have battled with the unbelievably slow and incredibly unreliable Microsoft Live servers for years - ugh, and ugly. It now takes less than 10 seconds to download emails with 50 MB of image attachments instead of 10-15 minutes .

Lance B
01-09-2016, 5:34pm
Nope, AFAIK, Outlook is Kaput.

I can't remember, are you with Windows 10 or an earlier version?

01-09-2016, 6:53pm
I can't remember, are you with Windows 10 or an earlier version?

The latest incarnation of W10 Lance. For what it's worth. :confused013

03-09-2016, 7:40am


..... :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Ahhhhh .. that was a great laugh! Good start to the weekend, needed that uplift in mood!

Thunderbird .. is the only way ;)
Apart from trying to figure out what server uses what port numbers, never had problems getting emails via T-bird, even tho I have a full Office(2010) suite.

Never used W10's included email program, so can't comment.
I guess it's the modern version of M$'s old Outlook Express?

ps. Kev .. you say Outlook is kaput, but then you say you prefer W7's functionality :confused013
Two different programs.
So is the problem W10 or Outlook?

At my old job, I got everyone at our depot to use T/bird. They loved it.
it just worked, and there were a few handy plugins that made emailing back and forth easy-peasy to sort and keep track of.
Just before I left, a new manager came in and didn't (like the look of) T-bird. It was just unfamiliar to him and switched to using Outlook.
I couldn't get my head around Outlook, so when all the inevitable problems arose no one could fix them.

13-09-2016, 2:30pm
Seems like T-Mail has settled down.

It now offers email service four or five times per week. Unfortunately you can't chose which days.

No email last Saturday or Sunday, worked OK on Monday and gone again today.

It's no longer a joke, it's a bloody disgrace. Telstra forced us over to their in-house email system and they can't service it. :angry0::angry0::angry0:

Lance B
13-09-2016, 3:37pm
Seems like T-Mail has settled down.

It now offers email service four or five times per week. Unfortunately you can't chose which days.

No email last Saturday or Sunday, worked OK on Monday and gone again today.

It's no longer a joke, it's a bloody disgrace. Telstra forced us over to their in-house email system and they can't service it. :angry0::angry0::angry0:

Doesn't sound good. Telstra have advised me that they have postponed my move until the day before I leave on an overseas trip. I can see all sorts of issues that won't be resolved - if at all - until I get back and even then I don't hold out much hope. :(