View Full Version : Hi from Eltham, Victoria

20-07-2016, 1:24pm

my name's Clinton - I'm leveraging my super nerdy handle of binary0110, which just happens to be my birthdate.. happy coincidence for an IT geek.

I own a Canon EOS-40D, with a handful of lenses, the EF-50mm f1.4 being my favourite.

A friend has just been showing off her EOS 5D with an EF 100-400mm mk II to me, and I've turned green and decided it's time to get into some birding with a decent long lens - hence why I've joined this forum today. I have a 9 year old budding photographer daughter too, who is great at motivating me to get out and about and see what we can shoot.

Looking forward to learning a lot from you all.


Mary Anne
20-07-2016, 1:54pm
Hello Clinton and Welcome to AP, great place Eltham, live a couple of suburbs away many years ago.
I can understand you getting green with envy, I get that way myself when I see some of the cameras and especially the lens that Members use here.
Only problem is the bigger and heavier they are the more they cost :nod: I like Birds too so will look forward to seeing what you post on the Forums.

20-07-2016, 6:54pm
Welcome Clinton. Looking forward to seeing you and your photos on the forums soon.

22-07-2016, 1:22pm
Hi Clinton! I'm in Doncaster, just around the corner. Eltham sounds like the spot to do some bird photography! You won't learn anything from me though.

What model of 5D does your friend have? I have the original; when I bought it second-hand, it was the only model of any brand I could find that was full frame and in my budget. Despite the lousy auto focus and average ISO performance, it takes beautiful (and to me, filmic) photos. It doesn't do colours like the new Nikons though :-/

22-07-2016, 2:08pm
Clinton, Ben, If it is birds you are after try Banksia Park, closer to both of you than to me. I am in Greensborough. If you drive through as far as you can, keep right. Walk to the right of the dog run. In one day I encountered more than half a dozen species. Black Cockies. Silver eye, restless, White faced Heron, Thornbill, Grey Fantail, Srub Wren and Superb Fair Wren. and more

22-07-2016, 10:50pm
Hi Clinton and welcome to AP :D