View Full Version : How was this reflection on the water droplets achieved?

Ross the fiddler
06-07-2016, 9:58pm
What method do you think this guy used to achieve the image in the water droplet (beside aiming a macro lens at the droplet)?
Note: He did not use any PP to achieve this (only to touch up small details).
I think he used a mirror above to reflect the scene (buildings) onto the water droplet & adding to the effect the image is then mirrored (upside down) in front of the droplets.

This is one of his images as seen on Bored Panda. Notice what (to me) looks like a mirror above.

*Image altered to a link. Do not post photos directly on AP that you have not taken, it is a breach of copyright. You are welcome to post a simple link to photos on other sites, but must specify it is not your photo in the link - admin*

Unlike the usual nature type that I took here where the scene in the droplet is upside down (as is normal with a single lens element which it essentially is).

http://fourthirds-user.com/galleries/data/509/M1062038-adj-s.jpg (http://fourthirds-user.com/galleries/showphoto.php/photo/30186)

07-07-2016, 6:15am
I dont think they are water droplets in the linked photo.. I could be wrong. But they look like either glass beads of some sort or they are mirror finished metal balls. Your photo shows the light from behind the water droplet being refracted through the droplet and appearing upside down on the surface. If the linked photo are indeed not water, then the image would appear the right way up cause it is simply a reflection.

07-07-2016, 6:48am
tend to agree with Rick on this one... my only add to the mix that it could be drops of mercury which would give the same metallic finish and reflection

Ross the fiddler
07-07-2016, 9:18am
I dont think they are water droplets in the linked photo.. I could be wrong. But they look like either glass beads of some sort or they are mirror finished metal balls. Your photo shows the light from behind the water droplet being refracted through the droplet and appearing upside down on the surface. If the linked photo are indeed not water, then the image would appear the right way up cause it is simply a reflection.

Thanks Rick. I hope it is OK to post his comment from FaceBook (that I don't seem to be able to get back to) where he makes his claims.

I am quite amazed by the amount of people hating. Why do people like to be malicious and miserable?
The photos are genuine, and not Photoshop-ed, except the dirtiness of the chip, and some flaws. They are not inverted, they look like you see it, and that is why I said, I hope I am the first to do such a thing with buildings. If not, it doesn't matter, that is just photography, someone else will do it. You can see a lot of photos of nature with droplets inverted, but that was not the point here. If you like these photos thanks! If don't, leave the people alone to enjoy something different. And yes, I did not write the title...
15 years is when I took a first photo, it didn't take me 15 years to do this, read an article...
And even though you are writing hateful things, it goes good to my portfolio because more people will see it, so thanks
And more of my work old & new you can find here, pay attention to time lapse videos!

I still get the feeling the droplets are on a surface tilted up in front of the lens while a mirror above is reflecting the image on the droplets. Because the base plate is tilted up it is not getting any light behind the droplets (on some there is) & with the darker background the front of the droplet becomes more like a convex mirror. The base surface would have to be water repellent to keep the droplets cohesive as they are (if that is the right term here). Anyhow, I was just wondering if anyone else has come across this deliberate method before.