View Full Version : Catherine Hill Bay Jetty and the Milky Way NIGHT Shoot

01-07-2016, 3:03pm
Invitation to Novocastrians, Lakesiders, Central Coasters and others who may be interested in shooting the Catho Bay Jetty under the Milky Way.

The Planets have to align for this to happen, well not so much the planets, more the moon, the clouds, or the lack thereof, and the weather generally, with no wind for preference.

The windows of opportunity are from now till July 8 and July 24 till August 6 when the moon will not be in the frame and will be far enough behind you so as not to cause lens flare on your widest lens.

You will need a stout tripod, your widest lens, ie something around 24mm and wider, (the good old 18-55mm kit lens will do the job) a remote shutter release if you have one (you can get one locally from around $5.00 up) warm clothing and possibly gloves.

I envisage meeting at say the Catho Hill Bowlo before sunset, and moving to a shooting possie before dark.

I'm flexible with the day of the week although this will need to be on a 'ready to go with 12 hours notice' sort of an arrangement, and will require a cloud spotter on the coast to call the day.

01-07-2016, 7:47pm
Hey Kev.

I'm keen to meet up and also be another set of eyes as a cloud spotter.
Working weekends, I won't be able to attend any Fri, Sat or Sunday.

Here's hoping the heavens are kind to us and we get the perfect night for it.
Note to self: Must buy a decent set of gloves :D

04-07-2016, 12:36pm
Hi Kev, I am extremely interested in this meetup, with my NZ trip fast approaching and my astrophotography experience a big fat zero. LOL

Trouble is I cannot commit, as I live 2 hours away, therefore much depends on the local motel availability, my boss' mercy, etc. And unfortunately that also means I cannot participate in cloud spotting.

I have a decent tripod and a 24mm, but sadly no shutter release. However, my camera apparently has a timed mirror lock-up feature (it shoots 2 secs after button release), I am hoping this will be a good enough alternative to a $200 Nikon ML-3. Please let me know if it's not the case.

I'll be keeping an eye on this thread and try my best to attend. I'll also do my astro homework so that I won't trouble anyone.

Thanks for arranging this :-)

04-07-2016, 3:01pm
...I have a decent tripod and a 24mm, but sadly no shutter release. However, my camera apparently has a timed mirror lock-up feature (it shoots 2 secs after button release), I am hoping this will be a good enough alternative to a $200 Nikon ML-3. Please let me know if it's not the case...

Hi Picz, I saw your comment and thought I'd rave about the mobile phone app I use to remote activate my camera's shutter release. Then I thought, "Hey, Picz has probably checked that option and found it doesn't work'. So I googled.
Yep. Glad I did. Seems that Nikion's "WirelessMobileUtility" https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nikon.wu.wmau&hl=en For Android mobile phones doesn't work with a D800. Bummer dude.

So I dove a bit deeper into the google depths and found a solution that might be something to consider.
"...Helicon Remote is a utility for tethered shooting and camera remote control..."
This means that with the right USB cable, you can use your mobile phone as a shutter release, a remote viewfinder, access exposure controls, auto or manual focus and more apparently.

I haven't tried the tethered option, but looks like it might be something to consider?

Cheers and hope to see you there when the clouds clear. :D

05-07-2016, 7:59am
Hi Picz, I saw your comment and thought I'd rave about the mobile phone app I use to remote activate my camera's shutter release. Then I thought, "Hey, Picz has probably checked that option and found it doesn't work'. So I googled.
Yep. Glad I did. Seems that Nikion's "WirelessMobileUtility" https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nikon.wu.wmau&hl=en For Android mobile phones doesn't work with a D800. Bummer dude.

So I dove a bit deeper into the google depths and found a solution that might be something to consider.
"...Helicon Remote is a utility for tethered shooting and camera remote control..."
This means that with the right USB cable, you can use your mobile phone as a shutter release, a remote viewfinder, access exposure controls, auto or manual focus and more apparently.

I haven't tried the tethered option, but looks like it might be something to consider?

Cheers and hope to see you there when the clouds clear. :D

Aw man, why did you build up my hopes only to crush them. :D Really, thanks for all this info, I really appreciate you researching all these for me. Never came across my mind that my phone is capable of more than calling/messaging/facebook. LOL.

Tethering is not an option unfortunately, since my laptop battery life is only 3 hour max (urgh).

From what I gather, the remote shutter release is a must when shooting with more than 30 secs exposure, in which case, the stars would start trailing. Since I don't want any star trail, perhaps the timed mirror lock up is (hopefully) sufficient...? If it's not, I guess Nikon ML-3 it is... if I need it now, I reckon I would need it for my NZ trip anyways. Though if I can, I'd like to minimize spending to get a beloved D5. :p

05-07-2016, 9:47am
From what I gather, the remote shutter release is a must when shooting with more than 30 secs exposure, in which case, the stars would start trailing. Since I don't want any star trail, perhaps the timed mirror lock up is (hopefully) sufficient...? If it's not, I guess Nikon ML-3 it is... if I need it now, I reckon I would need it for my NZ trip anyways. Though if I can, I'd like to minimize spending to get a beloved D5. :p

G'day piczilla,

The remote release won't cost an arm or a leg, should be under $20.00 like these ... http://www.ebay.com.au/sch/Camera-Photo-Accessories/15200/m.html?item=161446906546&hash=item2596fc4ab2%3Ag%3Ay8gAAOxyCTtTdGvu&_ssn=boltbestbuy with an intervalometer. Just select the appropriate one for your camera model. They are used to eliminate unwanted vibrations when you touch the camera shutter release button.

JD, it looks like our first window of opportunity will pass us by with another East Coast Low looming. Last Saturday night would have been good. I almost toddled down on my own.

:crossed: for later on in the month.

05-07-2016, 10:23am
The remote release won't cost an arm or a leg, should be under $20.00 like these ... http://www.ebay.com.au/sch/Camera-Photo-Accessories/15200/m.html?item=161446906546&hash=item2596fc4ab2%3Ag%3Ay8gAAOxyCTtTdGvu&_ssn=boltbestbuy with an intervalometer. Just select the appropriate one for your camera model. They are used to eliminate unwanted vibrations when you touch the camera shutter release button.

Whoohoo bought and paid. Thanks for the cheap suggestion. Sadly it won't arrive until 20th at the latest :(

05-07-2016, 11:05pm
JD, it looks like our first window of opportunity will pass us by with another East Coast Low looming. Last Saturday night would have been good. I almost toddled down on my own.

:crossed: for later on in the month.

I was driving home from work Saturday night thinking how perfect it looked.
Was cursing under my breath all the way.
Yes. Fingers crossed. After seeing some more astro images online while researching apps and stuff, I'm even more looking forward to it.

11-07-2016, 7:31am
On the bright side, this abysmal weather is falling outside the window of prime night/milky way shooting opportunity.

I saw on the weather site that we might get a couple of clear nights in the next few days. No good, as well outside the window we were looking at, but made me think... it is supposed to be very windy. This should keep the skies clear, but unless I hang a cinder block as a pendulum from my tripod, I doubt that my equipment will stay still enough to get a clear shot. :rolleyes:

Anyway, here is a link that may be of interest to other interested night shooters of that area.

Another photographer I was chatting to expressed interest in attending. Not on this site, but I'm assuming the more the merrier?

11-07-2016, 9:32am
On the bright side, this abysmal weather is falling outside the window of prime night/milky way shooting opportunity.

I saw on the weather site that we might get a couple of clear nights in the next few days. No good, as well outside the window we were looking at, but made me think... it is supposed to be very windy. This should keep the skies clear, but unless I hang a cinder block as a pendulum from my tripod, I doubt that my equipment will stay still enough to get a clear shot. :rolleyes:

Anyway, here is a link that may be of interest to other interested night shooters of that area.

Another photographer I was chatting to expressed interest in attending. Not on this site, but I'm assuming the more the merrier?

No objection from me, the more the merrier, and the more I can learn from :D

No objection on postponing it another week either. I know I should be disappointed, but I'm sort of relieved seeing that my eBay remote trigger hasn't arrived yet lol. Well I can use timer if I have to.

Thanks for keeping us updated JD

Mark Aitkens
12-07-2016, 6:27pm
Hi guys, I would love to join in on the festivities. I have never done astro and would appreciate the gathering to discuss and have a go. I m in Newcastle so not a good sky spotter option so will rely on others.

12-07-2016, 6:49pm
Hi guys, I would love to join in on the festivities. I have never done astro and would appreciate the gathering to discuss and have a go. I m in Newcastle so not a good sky spotter option so will rely on others.

Hi Mark.
Will be good to see you there.
I haven't had much experience with night shots and all my attempts to date have been from the back balcony of my home. Those efforts have assisted me greatly with failures I have learnt from and images to post that others have been able to see what I need to focus on improving. The advice I have gotten has been invaluable and shows with a noticeable improvement in my shots.

If you get a chance anytime, try some test shots. Every shot helps :D

As for weather spotting.
I'm at the Sydney end of the Central Coast, so Catho would be about half way between us.
With your sky spotting and mine (and any others also), we should get pretty close. :th3:

12-07-2016, 7:40pm
Hi folks,
I'm kind of keen to have a go at astro too. I've got the gear, I just don't use it, so this might be a good opportunity. I'm at Macquarie Hills, not too far from Catho.


Mark Aitkens
12-07-2016, 7:42pm
Sounds like a plan re: sky spotting.

I only have an APS-C camera at the moment, but, may bring a film camera to try as well (Pentax LX). In fact I will. The film camera has a unique capability in that it meters the shot off the film surface, so, all I have to do is fire the shutter and leave it alone until it is exposed. Never tried that feature and would be keen to do so.

Unless my K-1 FF pentax digital arrives soon, I will resort to a K5iis (16MP) APS-C camera with a bunch of lens possibilities. I have a 20mm 2.8 in addition to some slower by wider angle lenses (Sigma 8-16/4.5-5.6; 17-50/2.8; fish-eye-takumar 17/4; Pentax DA 10-17/3.5 fisheye). Not sure it really matters - could try them all.

12-07-2016, 7:56pm
...I only have an APS-C camera at the moment...

Unless it rains down a whole lotta Lotto on me, I'll be doing what I can with my APS-C camera as well :th3:

Mark L
12-07-2016, 8:52pm
So when are you all meeting up?
Thurs/Friday nights seem promising.

12-07-2016, 9:00pm
Not sure about Catherine Bay area, but it's been crazy windy on my side of the country these past few days

12-07-2016, 9:26pm
So when are you all meeting up?
Thurs/Friday nights seem promising.

Hey Mark. My understanding is that it will be a meet up when all the conditions are favourable for the exercise.
We need clear skies, No moon and clear schedules for the meet to work out.
Also, I hope that if the best night for the shoot falls on a night that I can't attend, that the meet still go ahead and I will be sorry if any can't attend due to schedule conflicts, but I still will if I can.

Making it a regular weekly event is not something I'd be interested in, but would like to attend when I can.

As a starter, I'm hoping that this next moon free window is accompanied by very clear skies on a day that all can attend.
Shoot for perfection, take what we can get. ;)

Not sure about Catherine Bay area, but it's been crazy windy on my side of the country these past few days

Windy? It was so windy here. (How windy was it?) It was SO windy, that out in the boat today with a mate fishing and the anchor was doing a better job as a sea bed plow than holding the boat in one spot. It was windy. :D

Mark Aitkens
12-07-2016, 9:37pm
Yes really windy to say the least today across the whole region.

OK, the moon phase is not the best ATM, although can be used to advantage. It is 81% visible this Friday; perhaps the best weather day in the foreseeable future (light winds and partly cloudy). The next new moon is on 3 August (no moonlight) but we could aim for any time between 27 July and 3 August as the moon rise for this period is after 11:30pm (the middle of this period is smack in the middle of a weekend). Weather in that period is ????

13-07-2016, 12:59pm
Well, quite a good crew gathering in the wings. :th3:

Unfortunately due to the unpredictably of the weather it is almost impossible to nominate a date more than a day or two in advance, and then we have to do a last minute check with the cloud-spotters on the coast for a cloud free horizon.

Just had a :lightbulb: moment. The Surf Cams could be of assistance in checking cloud cover. http://www.coastalwatch.com/surf-cams-surf-reports/nsw/terrigal

And this bloody wind is a no-no for long exposures too.

In the meantime we can all work on the best way to focus our various lens. Auto-focus is very iffy, and with a lot of lens the infinity marker is off the mark. Get out in the yard when you can see a star and practice till you can capture a pin point of light and not the bloated donuts I've often captured.

If you have a laptop and a card reader bring it along so you can check your results on the fly. I'll have mine there for those who don't have one.

This is a spot I envisage as a good shooting possie. Car parking and a nice elevated platform. For those brave enough to climb down onto the beach there are many more possibilities although this old woose won't be lugging two or three grands worth of gear down the rocks in the dark.

OK, here's the shooting possie.


And here's the Milky Way at 6pm on July 24


And this is a very, very rough idea of what I hope to get on the night. This is a composite of two images, one day, one night, with two different lens in two different locations. But you get the idea.


:crossed: for the weather gods to play nice. :nod:

13-07-2016, 2:35pm
Nice mock up Kev.

Would be a thrill for me to get anything remotely like that for real.
I'll bookmark that coast watch link. A top idea.

After seeing your pic of a proposed location for the shoot, I am considering maybe doing a scouting trip there in the next couple of days.
Although i often go to the beaches around that area and stay at the park nearby, I haven't actually been to the jetty since I was a teen. Will be nice to get a feel for the place and maybe checkout some angles for the shoot (and what tracks lead down to the beach). In the end I'm probably going to play it safe as well and find a spot around where you have suggested. I still baby my equipment and don't take many risks with it. :D

I did notice, while watching another blokes night shoots efforts, that he and the others at their shoot used 'Red Lights/torches' so as not to interfere with everyones long exposures. I had seen that some of the night sky software for my phone have a 'red lighting' setting and I now realise that it is so not to ruin each others shots.

Does anyone have a 'red light' torch?
I guess I could use the phone app set to red to see my camera settings.

Fingers still crossed. All we are asking for is some clear skies. Not like we want the planets to align or something :D

13-07-2016, 4:20pm
Hi JD,

The only 'safe' way to get down on the beach is at the Surf Club, a couple of hundred metres away. And if you are thinking of doing the beach thing, better have a look at the tide charts for the day. From memory, the day I was there I got the impression that the tide came right up to the rocks below the shooting possie.

The red light torch is for not stuffing up your night vision like a white light does. When your eyes are exposed to white light it takes maybe 15 minutes to readjust your night vision. It probably wont be such a big deal for us as we will probably be looking at our cameras live view screens anyway. It's a big no-no at dark sky sites tho.

And while I think of it, if your camera doesn't have a viewfinder cover it is a good idea to have something handy to cover the viewfinder with to stop stray light from getting in. Your hankie will probably do the trick.

13-07-2016, 4:39pm
hope you guys have a great time... i would have come along , but alas ALL my camera gear has been " permanently borrowed by a stranger " so ill have to give it a miss. looking forward to seeing the results if all go ahead.

13-07-2016, 5:11pm
hope you guys have a great time... i would have come along , but alas ALL my camera gear has been " permanently borrowed by a stranger " so ill have to give it a miss. looking forward to seeing the results if all go ahead.

Ahh crap dude!
Sorry to hear of your misfortune Paul.
That could happen to any of us. I hope you can build a collection of equipment again soon.
If you think that replacing the digital equipment might take some time, have you considered maybe grabbing some good quality film equipment?
Second hand 'pre-digital' equipment is being almost given away. Not sure of the costs of film and processing, but the thought of trying the "Old Fashioned" :D stuff does appeal to me sometimes.
Might be another way of getting back into the game?

13-07-2016, 5:18pm
hope you guys have a great time... i would have come along , but alas ALL my camera gear has been " permanently borrowed by a stranger " so ill have to give it a miss. looking forward to seeing the results if all go ahead.

Really sorry to hear that Paul.

We do have our fair share of 'A' holes in this country.

- - - Updated - - -

Ahh crap dude!
Sorry to hear of your misfortune Paul.
That could happen to any of us. I hope you can build a collection of equipment again soon.
If you think that replacing the digital equipment might take some time, have you considered maybe grabbing some good quality film equipment?
Second hand 'pre-digital' equipment is being almost given away. Not sure of the costs of film and processing, but the thought of trying the "Old Fashioned" :D stuff does appeal to me sometimes.
Might be another way of getting back into the game?

JD, I can assure you that your enthusiasm for film will evaporate rapidly when you look at the cost per shot of your keepers. :nod:

Mark Aitkens
13-07-2016, 6:59pm
Great instructions there. Thanks :)

I am now trying to work out how to go about the astrophotography process. Digital and Film - I'm using both. Oh, and if anyone is interested, I am prepared to bring a few film bodies for those who are interested - but bring your own film (I can supply Pentax / takumar lenses too for those interested).

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Paul, I can bring some extra digital camera bodies to share if you like. I have plenty to share.

13-07-2016, 7:54pm
hope you guys have a great time... i would have come along , but alas ALL my camera gear has been " permanently borrowed by a stranger " so ill have to give it a miss. looking forward to seeing the results if all go ahead.

Hey Paul, I'm terribly sorry to hear about that. Hope you can get something to shoot with soon. In the meantime, if you're thinking of attending this astro meetup (and if I can go), I have a D90 and either a 17-50mm or a 24-70mm I can share with you (I'd rather you bring your own memory card to make things easier). Though I don't have an extra tripod unfortunately. Or perhaps Mark has something better he can lend.

- - - Updated - - -

Windy? It was so windy here. (How windy was it?) It was SO windy, that out in the boat today with a mate fishing and the anchor was doing a better job as a sea bed plow than holding the boat in one spot. It was windy. :D

Hey JD, saw a cafe staff chasing after their sign board in between cars :eek:

13-07-2016, 7:57pm
H...I have a D90 and either a 17-50mm or a 24-70mm I can share with you... ...Though I don't have an extra tripod unfortunately...

I don't really have much to lend, but I DO have a spare tripod. I intended to take both anyway.
Happy to offer if it will help out.

Mark Aitkens
13-07-2016, 7:58pm
Yeah, I have a Pentax K5, K5iis, K3 and LX (film) to share. I will bring lenses suitable for the shoot so no trauma's there.

Yes, brining your own SD card and / or film of choice is a good idea. I have a decent tripod to share too.

13-07-2016, 8:00pm
Unfortunately due to the unpredictably of the weather it is almost impossible to nominate a date more than a day or two in advance, and then we have to do a last minute check with the cloud-spotters on the coast for a cloud free horizon.

Hey Kev, thanks for the updates and the suggestions. I've never been to the area before, I might try to get there early on the day if I can, or I might drop you a PM if I get lost. But before that, I hope I can make it, my boss is having some medical procedures done next week (nothing serious), and I might have to stand in for him, let's see what happens.

13-07-2016, 8:02pm
Hey JD, saw a cafe staff chasing after their sign board in between cars :eek:

:D I know businesses consider signage important, but is it really worth the safety of the staff?
Lol... it was another windy one today and with the chill in the air it sorted out the men from the whimpering softies outside at the lunch table at work :lol: only three of us left outside while the others went and hid in the lunch room.


...I have a decent tripod to share too...

Ahh, well that's a word I can't put with my tripod offer :D "Decent". That's the reason I now have two. ;)

Mark Aitkens
13-07-2016, 8:15pm
I got a little excited a little while back and bought some nice gear from B&H (free shipping included). Couldn't resist :D

14-07-2016, 4:07am
the generosity of you guys is bloody amazing..:nod: ill also look into maybe renting some gear as well from my friends at camerahire in manly...seriously touched guys by your offers, this is what makes a great photography forum.....cheers all

14-07-2016, 10:08am
the generosity of you guys is bloody amazing..:nod: ill also look into maybe renting some gear as well from my friends at camerahire in manly...seriously touched guys by your offers, this is what makes a great photography forum.....cheers all

My thoughts too Paul. Makes you proud to be part of the forum.

If you decide to rent I'd suggest a full frame body for the wider FOV.

- - - Updated - - -

Ahh, well that's a word I can't put with my tripod offer :D "Decent". That's the reason I now have two. ;)

:lol: Know the feeling well. I had four but moved one on.

Mark L
14-07-2016, 7:59pm
, but alas ALL my camera gear has been " permanently borrowed by a stranger "


If you get into Canon gear I have a Sigma 120-400 you can have at a bargain (just for you) price.:th3:

15-07-2016, 3:19pm
For those who may be interested, and to check that I haven't got my calculations all wrong, these are the tools I've been using.

To check the phases of the moon ..... http://app.photoephemeris.com/?ll=-33.149005,151.633526&center=-33.1903,151.6187&dt=20160803033400%2B1000&z=11&spn=0.33,0.67&sll=16.768800,-3.007300

And to check the stars and Milky Way rising ..... http://www.stellarium.org/

Please feel free to post any comments or suggestions.



15-07-2016, 10:09pm
HI all,

I'd be keen to come along being I'm only on the other side of the lake.

Shame I only recently traded my 14 2.8 lens for my 5D3 due to not using it in nearly 2 years, I had it especially for astro :(
Should be able to drum up something, maybe my fuji kit this time.

My only half decent results with astro was my first time at catho, it was a little further north of the jetty (a few hundred meters) a carpark on top of a hill. You can see the jetty etc looking south easily (not on the pic though)

This was one of the results with a 7d and tok 11-16

http://i392.photobucket.com/albums/pp4/brycemorgan452/Photography/_MG_7525-2-2_zpsafacc495.jpg (http://s392.photobucket.com/user/brycemorgan452/media/Photography/_MG_7525-2-2_zpsafacc495.jpg.html)

16-07-2016, 8:45am
My only half decent results with astro was my first time at catho, it was a little further north of the jetty (a few hundred meters) a carpark on top of a hill. You can see the jetty etc looking south easily (not on the pic though)

Is this insane shot supposed to be only half decent :eek: I'm officially worried about my astro future...

16-07-2016, 11:44am
Thanks :)

Its certainly my best but only half decent compared to what I see on the forum.

Mark Aitkens
16-07-2016, 12:22pm
yes lovely photo. If we can all get something like that then there will be smiles all round. Fingers crossed we can get together on a good night.

16-07-2016, 1:48pm
Nice one Morgo. :th3:

That very low cloud on the horizon adds to the shot, and a similar scenario shouldn't worry us too much as the tail of the Milky Way will be above the horizon.

17-07-2016, 7:15am
Hi - just joined the Forum last night and as live in Newcastle am interested in attending when conditions permit.

Mark Aitkens
17-07-2016, 8:32am
welcome crm - Im new too.

Im looking forward to this meeting (hope I can actually make it when it goes ahead given expected notice period of 24hrs). Lots of people to meet and do cool stuff (i'm new to astrophotography too).

And speaking of new, I anticipate receiving my new Pentax K-1 (Full Frame) in the mail this week. I hope I can handle of this newness :)

17-07-2016, 9:03am
Hi - just joined the Forum last night and as live in Newcastle am interested in attending when conditions permit.

Welcome to the forum.

Keep checking here from about Thursday 21/7 for updates on the possible date. The weather is looking pretty iffy up till then and there is a big front crossing the Bight so the date is very much in the lap of the gods.

- - - Updated - - -

(i'm new to astrophotography too).

And speaking of new, I anticipate receiving my new Pentax K-1 (Full Frame) in the mail this week. I hope I can handle of this newness :)

Mark, just slip the new K1 into 'Manual' and it's the same as all your previous cameras, albeit with some more goodies. :nod:

Mark Aitkens
17-07-2016, 9:30am
Mark, just slip the new K1 into 'Manual' and it's the same as all your previous cameras, albeit with some more goodies. :nod:

Goody goody, another K1 user. We can share lenses :)

I was hoping to do a 20mm compare using my FA20/2.8, M20/4, K20/4 and SMC Tak 20/4.5

17-07-2016, 9:38am
Goody goody, another K1 user. We can share lenses :)

I was hoping to do a 20mm compare using my FA20/2.8, M20/4, K20/4 and SMC Tak 20/4.5

:umm: , not quite.

I was a K20D and K5 user but then crossed to the dark side for the Full Frame offerings of Nikon. I was never really happy with the K5 although most users swear by them. Just check the old glass for those that may have coma or CA problems.

Mark Aitkens
17-07-2016, 9:50am
The K5 is an interesting beast. The only thing I disliked about it is the 'sharpness' it delivers and the AF. WRT sharpness this is why they removed the AA filter in the K5iis (and in so doing made a near perfect APS-C camera). The sensor upgrade in the K3 has not really delivered much benefit over the K5iis, but, the new camera model did improve AF performance substantially. I expect the K1 to be simply better all round.

17-07-2016, 10:02am
Sharpness is at least as much to do with what is in front of the sensor as the sensor itself.

I was into birding and came to the mistaken conclusion that to get sharp, detailed shots, I needed more megapixies, hence the move to full frame. I think the shots that Lance posts on the Bird Forum with his 20.9mp APS-C Nikon D500 disprove that theory. Of course the 15 grands worth of glass helps too. :nod:

17-07-2016, 12:01pm
Interesting article on the Milky Way in Sky and Telescope.


Mark Aitkens
17-07-2016, 12:45pm
Sharpness is at least as much to do with what is in front of the sensor as the sensor itself.

I was into birding and came to the mistaken conclusion that to get sharp, detailed shots, I needed more megapixies, hence the move to full frame. I think the shots that Lance posts on the Bird Forum with his 20.9mp APS-C Nikon D500 disprove that theory. Of course the 15 grands worth of glass helps too. :nod:

Four core elements combine to give desired sharpness.

1) Awesome optics (yes, like fine wine, the more expensive the more awesome).
2) AA filter or not (the filter is important for controlling moire but does impact sharpness).
3) A sensor capable of sufficient resolution to pick up the detail.
4) Accurate AF.

An APS-C sensor is good enough at 16MP - my K5iis is a testimony to that. The crop factor on APS-C is also a bonus if the lens optics are awesome.

Panning back to astrophotography and long exposure, sensor performance re: noise is also important if high ISO is to be used. WRT long exposure I recently stumbled across this article:


The K5 performed surprisingly well in that department. Really well. I will be sure to test this out when we meet.

17-07-2016, 1:24pm
I personally have in-camera long exposure and high ISO noise reduction turned off, preferring to do that in PP, although Nikon overrides that setting at ISO1600 or higher, and applies the in-camera noise reduction anyway.

I'm in the process of setting up my new SkyWatcher HEQ5 Pro mount, and when all the bits arrive to mount my camera (a D7200 in preference to the D800, no OLPF and better high ISO handling) I'll initially be using ISO400/800 for my multiple exposures and taking Dark frames.

Mark Aitkens
17-07-2016, 1:40pm
I personally have in-camera long exposure and high ISO noise reduction turned off, preferring to do that in PP, although Nikon overrides that setting at ISO1600 or higher, and applies the in-camera noise reduction anyway.

I'm in the process of setting up my new SkyWatcher HEQ5 Pro mount, and when all the bits arrive to mount my camera (a D7200 in preference to the D800, no OLPF and better high ISO handling) I'll initially be using ISO400/800 for my multiple exposures and taking Dark frames.

I am very keen to see how you do this. For the moment I will be taking star trails with extra long exposure (digital or film), using 30 second (or less) exposure with high ISO using K5iis/ K3 (i.e. no tracking/ tracer) or using the astrotracer function in the K1 (looking forward to this built in GPS function).

17-07-2016, 3:08pm
@ JD

How did your Catho recce go ???

17-07-2016, 6:29pm
@ JD

How did your Catho recce go ???


Funny thing happened on the way to Catho Beach the other day..."


I am hoping to try and head out that way tomorrow or Tuesday.
The camera shop in Newcastle has some equipment put aside for me, so if i don't get side tracked (it happens ;)), I'll get to take some scouting shots tomorrow arvo.
But I am EASILY distracted and so make no promises :lol2:

Mark Aitkens
17-07-2016, 7:38pm
The 'long range' forecast indicates Sunday 24th July as a possibility. Fingers crossed.

17-07-2016, 8:16pm
The 'long range' forecast indicates Sunday 24th July as a possibility. Fingers crossed.

Hey thanks for the heads up. I'll try applying for a day off from work for Monday 25th (I can cancel the leave later if it's a no go).

18-07-2016, 10:33am
This looks promising for Mon 25th, Tues 26th and Wed 27th .... http://www.accuweather.com/en/au/newcastle/12777/daily-weather-forecast/12777?day=6

:crossed: :crossed: :crossed:

18-07-2016, 11:28am
I don't think I can take any more weekdays off, I might have to pass if it's happening Monday night onwards. Would still love to see the images you guys capture though.

In the meantime, I've been shooting at the moon, and seem to have some success. Not sure how different it is from shooting at the milky way....

18-07-2016, 1:23pm
This is a shot I took a while back from the beach below the 'shooting possie'.


The view should be similar from above, without the underside of the jetty. And depending on exactly where the Milky Way sits in the frame, possibly more sky and less foreground.

18-07-2016, 5:18pm
Nice shot of the jetty Kev.

Just got home after a very pleasant day driving to Newcastle from Gosford area and returning via all the beach roads until I finally got to Catho.

I'll post a few scouting shots in this thread soon (Got work tomorrow, so might not be all that soon :D).
There seem to be a few really good vantage points. but will depend on the position of the milkyway relevant to the jetty to know if they will work out on the night.

If the milky way is south enough, then there are plenty of vantage points that are very low and some have easy beach access to increase the composition options.
If the milky way is any where north of the jetty... Kev's earlier scouting pic showed the elevated road/car park that we will be able to use, but no easy beach access.
Still should make for a top evening.

Now the bad news.

The Catherine Hill Bay Jetty.... is still set to be demolished.
I was speaking to some young bloke who was erecting some fencing nearby and he let me know that they also intend to tear up the access road leading to the jetty.
After checking with ol' mate Google, the jetty was offered to the local council in 2010, but rejected due to maintenance cost.
The latest article I could find was from August, 2015 on the NBN News site and it says all they are waiting on is approval from the government.


Get snap happy.
Not sure how long this 1888 erected, now heritage site will be around.

My shots that I took today were rushed and so I doubt that any will be print worthy, so I will do another few day visits to make sure I have the shots I want.
Also hope that this upcoming night event isn't the last either :nod:

18-07-2016, 7:22pm
The Catherine Hill Bay Jetty.... is still set to be demolished

Seriously? :eek: Ahh what a shame... Hope Sunday night is a good night, otherwise I'll see what I can arrange with my boss.

Mark Aitkens
18-07-2016, 7:50pm
I reckon Sunday night will be fine. But we will have to go the early (6-8pm) as the moon is rising soon thereafter (moon rise is about 9:40pm)

I have just got my Pentax K-1 today. Already used the astro-tracer function to learn the art. Nothing special yet (too much light in suburbia Lambton), but I'm getting ready :)

18-07-2016, 8:12pm
Sunday night is at the start of the predicted (?) run of good nights.

I'm going for Tuesday 26th as it is in the middle of the run, and JD will be able to attend.

Let's wait till nearer the end of the week to set a definite date. And I'm definitely going to be there one night, particularly as the jetty seems to be marked for demolition.

Mark Aitkens
18-07-2016, 8:25pm
I will probably make a couple of nights out of it as I will probably crash and burn the first night. So Sunday is probably going to be my first night for experimentation followed by the 'consensus' night, be it Tuesday or whenever everyone decides.

18-07-2016, 8:30pm
Sunday night is at the start of the predicted (?) run of good nights.

I'm going for Tuesday 26th as it is in the middle of the run, and JD will be able to attend.

Let's wait till nearer the end of the week to set a definite date. And I'm definitely going to be there one night, particularly as the jetty seems to be marked for demolition.

Thanks Kev. I'll confirm attendance tomorrow after talking to my boss. The news about the demolition definitely changed things.

18-07-2016, 9:00pm
I will probably make a couple of nights out of it as I will probably crash and burn the first night. So Sunday is probably going to be my first night for experimentation followed by the 'consensus' night, be it Tuesday or whenever everyone decides.

Mark, I'm a great believer in the KISS principle.

if you adopt the attitude of keeping it as simple as possible (I'm a pretty simple sort of a person) and follow the basic rules, you will walk away with something you will be reasonably pleased with.

The basics are a stable tripod, some sort of a remote release, and your widest lens.

And your new K1 was made for this. :nod:

This shoot is all about meeting fellow enthusiasts, swapping ideas, and HAVING FUN.

Mark Aitkens
18-07-2016, 9:16pm
Mark, I'm a great believer in the KISS principle.

if you adopt the attitude of keeping it as simple as possible (I'm a pretty simple sort of a person) and follow the basic rules, you will walk away with something you will be reasonably pleased with.

The basics are a stable tripod, some sort of a remote release, and your widest lens.

And your new K1 was made for this. :nod:

This shoot is all about meeting fellow enthusiasts, swapping ideas, and HAVING FUN.

Doh, I'm definitely guilty of being enthusiastic :)

I am quite keen to get some really good shots using a range of lenses. But I guess you are right. Plenty of time to experiment.

My current excitement is definitely centred on having a brand new FF camera and a swag full of FF lenses to try out. It is like being in the lolly shop all over again, only this time with old friends (lenses I already know but with new personalities).

19-07-2016, 4:02am
The idea of making it a possible two night adventure sounds attractive.

I have been called in for more overtime today, so I will hit up the boss for an early finish Sunday.
Enough brownie points should have been earned by me lately. :D

So I will know this arvo if i can make a Sunday meet.
The Sunday meet sounds interesting with the early moon rise. Would like to get some shots of that.
But the Tuesday meet sounds like it would be less pressure and not so rushed trying to get the shot before the moon.

So +'s for either, so if I get get to both... awesome.

Here are a couple of snaps of the area off of my mobile.

This is from the middle car park in front of the club house.

This is from the end of the road. Closest location to the Jetty.

To the lower left you can see where with some rock climbing skills, a lower vantage point can be achieved. But probably not recommended for a night shoot activity.

Note: I'll try and post some more shots from other vantage points later on. Need to transfer them off the camera.

19-07-2016, 8:04am
My wonderful boss just said yes! (and gave me a raise at the same time :D)

Mark, I’ll be there Sunday night for a trial run, but won’t stay too long because I need to drive back to Sydney. I’ll be back the next afternoon (Monday) to shoot Caves beach at sunset and some other stuff, and will be staying until Wednesday.

Any recommendation on what/where to shoot and where to eat? :D

Another piece of good news - my remote trigger just arrived today.

19-07-2016, 11:14am
Well it looks like you are all OK for Sunday night. Weather depending, it's good for me too.

Stellarium for Sunday night.


The Photographers Ephermis


And low tide is 5.19pm so that makes the beach a viable option and one that I prefer, as it offers more flexibility in shooting spots. My intent is to 'anchor' the Milky Way in the ocean and have is rising up over the jetty.


All we need now is some co-operation from the weather gods. :nod:

PS: If we shoot off the beach it may be an idea to have three 'pads' to put under the tripod feet to stop them slowly sinking in the sand. I'll use some 100mm x 100mm bits of an old fence paling.

19-07-2016, 3:58pm
I've been given the ok to leave work a few hours early on Sunday!
pretty stoked.

This will mean I can get to the site in daylight hours and catch up with everyone before heading down to set up the equipment.

Kev, that Stellarium forecast looks like we should have a lot of choice with regards to vantage points.

19-07-2016, 4:26pm
Yep, looks good.

The grey line (moonrise) on the Ephermis is the one that interests me as it points pretty much due East.

At this stage I'm thinking on the beach, about halfway between the Surf Club and the jetty, although that is only a guesstimate, and it could change dramatically when we get there.

19-07-2016, 5:10pm
I am hoping that we can get there with still enough light to each find of our perfect spots.
There is a slight concern I have though. After spending a couple of hours there yesterday and with all the scouting around, I still can't decide where I want to set my camera :D

Talking of scouting. I thought I'd only taken a few shots from here and there.
just copied them to the computer for some PP and 192 pics. :eek:
It's like I'm becoming a real photographer or something.
"Just a few shots" 192!
At this rate, I'll need a new camera soon. :lol:

19-07-2016, 5:16pm
I'm aiming at being at the Catho Hill Bowlo about 4ish.

Time for a couple of relaxing libations :beer_mug::beer_mug: before heading down to the beach.

19-07-2016, 5:35pm
I'm aiming at being at the Catho Hill Bowlo about 4ish.

Time for a couple of relaxing libations :beer_mug::beer_mug: before heading down to the beach.

Sounds good. :food04:
I will leave straight from work soon after 3.
Should be able to get there under an hour.

19-07-2016, 6:14pm
Not sure if this is a deal breaker :umm:


Monday on the other hand


It might change closer to the day though.

Mark Aitkens
19-07-2016, 6:20pm
Guys I am really digging the contributions made here. No doubt rain hail or shine, we will be prepared.

19-07-2016, 6:29pm
Not sure if this is a deal breaker :umm:


Monday on the other hand


It might change closer to the day though.

After all the overtime I've been doing lately, if Sunday is a no go... don't tell my boss :shh: I might still finish early :nod:

20-07-2016, 10:44am
After all the overtime I've been doing lately, if Sunday is a no go... don't tell my boss :shh: I might still finish early :nod:

Mate, the more OT, the more moola in the D810 piggy bank. :nod:

21-07-2016, 5:24am
Hi - just joined the Forum last night and as live in Newcastle am interested in attending when conditions permit.

Welcome to the forum.

And you are more than welcome to come along and meet a few fellow photographers.

Just watch this thread for updates on the date.

The weather forecast changes on a daily (hourly :confused013 ) basis and this morning Sunday seems the best option. However, this will probably change.

Watch this space !!!

22-07-2016, 1:37am
Monday scouting trip to Catho is now available in picture form.


Soooo much PP. 192 images down to 10 and still soooo much PP.

Hope the images help some get an idea of the layout of the land and perhaps provide them with some ideas for shoot location setups.

22-07-2016, 6:30am
I've been checking the weather forecast religiously these past couple of days, and was in state of denial for a while, but now that it's over I need to get this out - it seems the clear days have moved on to Wednesday onwards :Doh:

If you guys need to move the date to Wednesday-Friday when the clear days are predicted to be, please do so.

22-07-2016, 8:03am
picz, I thought we might get a clear one for Monday, but I just checked and that seems to be lost as well.
Spewin dude. But I'm hoping this night shoot is one of many. If this one doesn't pan out for you, maybe next.

22-07-2016, 8:47am
picz, I thought we might get a clear one for Monday, but I just checked and that seems to be lost as well.
Spewin dude. But I'm hoping this night shoot is one of many. If this one doesn't pan out for you, maybe next.

Thanks JD. Since the accomodation is already booked and paid, I'll still go hang around the area to play with seascapes and perhaps try my luck with astro anyways (some weather stations actually predict clear skies after 5pm sun-tue). Initially I wasn't expecting to do decent astro on my first try, but after some rigorous reading and experiments, I'm quite determined to take home one hell of a shot :D I think these past few days I've tinkered with my camera settings more than I ever had in my entire life. I finally know why I spent all that $$$ to get this beast :lol:

I'll keep an eye out on this thread too in case anything changes.

22-07-2016, 9:53am
I've been checking the weather forecast religiously these past couple of days, and was in state of denial for a while, but now that it's over I need to get this out - it seems the clear days have moved on to Wednesday onwards :Doh:

If you guys need to move the date to Wednesday-Friday when the clear days are predicted to be, please do so.

Don't write Sunday off just yet.

The weather forecast seems to change on an hourly basis. :nod:

22-07-2016, 4:46pm
Looking at my phone and the weather suggests clear for Sunday evening.
I'm going to head there this Sunday as planned and see if I can't get something.
If a follow up trip is in order, I'll try later in the week as well.

So count me as confirmed for the Sunday meet (Catho bowlo 4pm'ish, then to the Jetty).

23-07-2016, 10:33am
Looking at my phone and the weather suggests clear for Sunday evening.
I'm going to head there this Sunday as planned and see if I can't get something.
If a follow up trip is in order, I'll try later in the week as well.

So count me as confirmed for the Sunday meet (Catho bowlo 4pm'ish, then to the Jetty).

Latest forecast reports slight clouds on Sunday night (which are clearing). At least it won't be a windy day. Monday night seems to be clear but with 20+ kmh wind.

In any case, I'll hang around the area from Sunday noon and head up to Catherine Bay bowling club at 4ish. Any hints on how I can recognize you? :D


23-07-2016, 11:30am
Looks promising enough for me to say "I'm up for it".

So 4ish at the Bowlo it is.

Any hints on how I can recognize you?

Me .... Old dude, 180cm, slim, grey beard and glasses.

PS: Hope this bloody wind dies down but I'd still suggest wearing something windproof. Don't forget to charge your battery.

23-07-2016, 12:02pm
PS: Hope this bloody wind dies down but I'd still suggest wearing something windproof. Don't forget to charge your battery.

Just checked various weather stations, and they all consistently report wind dying down. Tuesday is another possible astro night with predicted clear skies and wind less than 20 kmh, then Wednesday/Thursday after that with calm wind (possibly less than 10 kmh on Thursday) and another predicted clear skies (but too early to tell).


Mark Aitkens
23-07-2016, 12:49pm
I will be there. Looking forward to it.

I ma tall, big boned and dark hair with no noticeable grey :)

Sounds a bit like a dating website now :)

23-07-2016, 1:13pm
[QUOTE=Mark Aitkens;1369865

Sounds a bit like a dating website now :)[/QUOTE]

I thought the same thing. :lol:

23-07-2016, 6:12pm
"I'll be the one with the red carnation pinned to my lapel"

But if I can't find a red carnation, I'll be the one wandering around looking lost. :confused013
Also the grey goaty and ponytail might be a bit of a give away as well. :D

23-07-2016, 7:27pm
Midget, slim, glasses. See you all tomorrow :D

Mark Aitkens
23-07-2016, 8:46pm
Happy birthday Paul (your birthday is displayed at the bottom of the home page :) )

24-07-2016, 11:54am
Well the weather is not looking real flash from up my way.

Sorry guys but I can't see the cloud clearing in time, so I'm postponing my trip till tomorrow night.

Mark Aitkens
24-07-2016, 12:03pm
Well the weather is not looking real flash from up my way.

Sorry guys but I can't see the cloud clearing in time, so I'm postponing my trip till tomorrow night.

AS desperate as I am to come and meet everyone today I have to agree. Cloud is not clearing. Great day for a scoping trip but not for the task. Tomorrow is definitely looking much better. It seems a good idea to post pone.

24-07-2016, 12:13pm
I have the choice of staying at work or taking some pics of some grey clouds at night.

See ya there at 4.
(I haven't had time off all year so, I deserve it :D)

Mark Aitkens
24-07-2016, 12:39pm
I have the choice of staying at work or taking some pics of some grey clouds at night.

See ya there at 4.
(I haven't had time off all year so, I deserve it :D)

OK if you are going then I will go too :)

There will be something to shoot I am sure. My excuse is I haven't played with my K1 enough

- - - Updated - - -

Looking at my phone and the weather suggests clear for Sunday evening.
I'm going to head there this Sunday as planned and see if I can't get something.
If a follow up trip is in order, I'll try later in the week as well.

So count me as confirmed for the Sunday meet (Catho bowlo 4pm'ish, then to the Jetty).

See you at the bowlo

24-07-2016, 1:21pm
Just got here (red P flatmate was driving :2sleep:)

Forecast still predicts clear skies 6pm onwards (not sure if I still have faith in it). So I'll be there, if not to shoot astro, then anything else I can find in the area.

Mark Aitkens
24-07-2016, 9:02pm
OK we got some photos. What a night and thanks to all - gr8t fun. Lets do it again.

https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8763/28228391030_d930014ff0_n.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/K1rTc5)_IMG0155 (https://flic.kr/p/K1rTc5) by Mark Aitkens (https://www.flickr.com/photos/108842693@N02/), on Flickr

https://c2.staticflickr.com/9/8623/28511653985_513fe151cc_n.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KrtFp8)_IMG0154 (https://flic.kr/p/KrtFp8) by Mark Aitkens (https://www.flickr.com/photos/108842693@N02/), on Flickr

https://c2.staticflickr.com/9/8706/28511786185_78c4975df6_n.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KrumGr)_IMG0126 (https://flic.kr/p/KrumGr) by Mark Aitkens (https://www.flickr.com/photos/108842693@N02/), on Flickr

24-07-2016, 9:50pm
OK we got some photos. What a night and thanks to all - gr8t fun. Lets do it again.

https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8763/28228391030_d930014ff0_n.jpg_IMG0155 (https://flic.kr/p/K1rTc5) by Mark Aitkens (https://www.flickr.com/photos/108842693@N02/), on Flickr

https://c2.staticflickr.com/9/8623/28511653985_513fe151cc_n.jpg_IMG0154 (https://flic.kr/p/KrtFp8) by Mark Aitkens (https://www.flickr.com/photos/108842693@N02/), on Flickr

https://c2.staticflickr.com/9/8706/28511786185_78c4975df6_n.jpg_IMG0126 (https://flic.kr/p/KrumGr) by Mark Aitkens (https://www.flickr.com/photos/108842693@N02/), on Flickr

A top evening.
Was good to meet up and how well did things turn out. The cloud cover at sunset and clear skies for the night shoot.
I was really impressed with the shots You and picz were able to grab and you both had an eye for seeing something special in things other might overlook. Very creative.

I was going to post some pics, but have just spent the last 40 mins trying to PP the first one LOL:D

I'll have to put aside the idea of posting something tonight and just study what I got so I can be prepared for the next shoot.
I'm probably going tomorrow night if the weather looks good.
With so little light pollution a great chance for some clear shots.

Fully enjoyed the time there and had it not started to freeze our finger tips off, I could have stayed all night :th3:

Mark Aitkens
24-07-2016, 10:00pm
It was a top evening - gloves recommended though, and a beanie. Brrrrrrrr :nod:

A shot taken with tungsten WB setting

https://c4.staticflickr.com/9/8768/28511698955_2a18d183ac_n.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KrtULt)_IMG0153 (https://flic.kr/p/KrtULt) by Mark Aitkens (https://www.flickr.com/photos/108842693@N02/), on Flickr

Post Processing only limited to some minor changes in JPG. I dare not touch the RAWs yet. I could spend hours playing there in PS

25-07-2016, 8:37am
What a night and thanks to all - gr8t fun. Lets do it again.

If I hang out with you any longer, I fear I'll be converted to Pentax :lol: But of course it's too much fun to resist.

- - - Updated - - -

A top evening.
Was good to meet up and how well did things turn out. The cloud cover at sunset and clear skies for the night shoot.
I was really impressed with the shots You and picz were able to grab and you both had an eye for seeing something special in things other might overlook. Very creative.

I was going to post some pics, but have just spent the last 40 mins trying to PP the first one LOL:D

I'll have to put aside the idea of posting something tonight and just study what I got so I can be prepared for the next shoot.
I'm probably going tomorrow night if the weather looks good.
With so little light pollution a great chance for some clear shots.

Fully enjoyed the time there and had it not started to freeze our finger tips off, I could have stayed all night :th3:

JD why are you talking as if you didn't compose creative shots yourself. You should totally redo that moonrise shot with an actual moon (I actually might try tonight :D) And we would be shooting nearly blind without all your fancy apps and gadgets.

I'm packing up to return to the area, and will be there tonight and tomorrow night - this time with full body armour (thicker jacket, beanie, gloves brrr)

Here's one from my camera roll - I'm probably doing a lot of things wrong in terms of astro photography, but am quite happy with my first try

https://c6.staticflickr.com/9/8622/27910373893_786c8ff296_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JwkXLZ)

25-07-2016, 9:39am
...Here's one from my camera roll - I'm probably doing a lot of things wrong in terms of astro photography, but am quite happy with my first try...

Looking good to me. I love the colours you've managed to capture in that shot. And the focus.

After looking through my snaps, I am pleased with some of the results.
It was a great opportunity there and even though there might be a bit of wind tonight, the rough surf warning means some interesting action for the foreground of the horizon shots.

Looking forward to heading there again tonight and this time taking the other lenses too. A few missed opportunities for me thinking I'd be right with just the prime.

:gl: everyone.

25-07-2016, 10:37am
How's the hypothermia boys? :lol2:

Well it looks like I missed an opportunity last night but in truth I don't handle the cold very well and would have had a severe case of the shivers. :nod:

@Mark.... Nice first attempt. You got some good detail in the Milky Way :th3: but at the expense of some star trailing. Star trailing gets worse the further they are away from the SCP. I like the shot looking North along the beach. It's a good reminder to always have a look to the East at sunset.
Where was the second shot in your first post taken from?

@pz.... You also got some great detail and colour in the Milky Way. The WB looks a bit too green on my monitor but easily fixed in PP. :th3:

@JD.... Well c'mon, show us what you got. ;)

I'm definitely on for tonight as low tide is 6.17pm and being down on the beach near the jetty should give some shelter from the Nor-westerly. The Bowlo only opens from 10am-1pm today so maybe meet at the Surf Club about 4.30pm?

Looking forward to meeting you guys. Oh, and a WARNING !!! This Astro thing can become seriously addictive.

Mark Aitkens
25-07-2016, 11:16am
How's the hypothermia boys? :lol2:

Well it looks like I missed an opportunity last night but in truth I don't handle the cold very well and would have had a severe case of the shivers. :nod:

@Mark.... Nice first attempt. You got some good detail in the Milky Way :th3: but at the expense of some star trailing. Star trailing gets worse the further they are away from the SCP. I like the shot looking North along the beach. It's a good reminder to always have a look to the East at sunset.
Where was the second shot in your first post taken from?

@pz.... You also got some great detail and colour in the Milky Way. The WB looks a bit too green on my monitor but easily fixed in PP. :th3:

@JD.... Well c'mon, show us what you got. ;)

I'm definitely on for tonight as low tide is 6.17pm and being down on the beach near the jetty should give some shelter from the Nor-westerly. The Bowlo only opens from 10am-1pm today so maybe meet at the Surf Club about 4.30pm?

Looking forward to meeting you guys. Oh, and a WARNING !!! This Astro thing can become seriously addictive.

Thanks :)

The star trails are there on the periphery as the astrotracer function is not able to completely correct for this on an UWA lens, expecially when I am exposing for about 2 minutes. I can bump up ISO to 1600 to reduce exposure time but I will ultimately be limited by the f3.5 aperture setting on the Sigma 8-16mm. I have a 20mm f2.8 prime but I found that to not give enough FoV for scene observed last night. Need the Milky way to be less overhead and more over the wharf for that lens to offer opportunity.

With respect to UWA lenses I am looking at this one as a possible replacement to the Sigma


25-07-2016, 11:53am
I'll be using my Samyang 14mm f2.8 tonight (21mm FOV on the D7200) and hope it's wide enough for the main shot I have in mind, which is why I want to get down on the beach. I want the Jetty to share the limelight, or any light, with the Milky Way. I may have to do some light painting with a torch. The Tamron 15-30mm f2.8 is my next lens purchase, after I replace my now gone D800 with a D810.

Don't be afraid to bump the ISO. Have a look here ... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?144597-Am-I-heading-in-the-right-direction-with-my-Night-Photography-PP at a shot I took at ISO4000 with the Nikon D800, a camera not renowned for it's high ISO performance. That was one of mt first attempts at night shots and the focus was not spot-on and I should have used 20secs instead of 30secs. I'm going to try a 'Dark' frame tonight, and blend it in DSS. Will just be using some black plastic over the lens.

This genre is all about test shots and trial and error, with the 'seeing' varying with time and location. Light pollution is our biggest challenge around large population centres.

25-07-2016, 1:09pm
...but I found that to not give enough FoV for scene observed last night. Need the Milky way to be less overhead and more over the wharf for that lens to offer opportunity...

I was so impressed seeing what you could get with your equipment dude. So much want from me. Very much envy. :D

How's the hypothermia boys? :lol2:

...@JD.... Well c'mon, show us what you got. ;)

I'm definitely on for tonight as low tide is 6.17pm and being down on the beach near the jetty should give some shelter from the Nor-westerly. The Bowlo only opens from 10am-1pm today so maybe meet at the Surf Club about 4.30pm?

Looking forward to meeting you guys. Oh, and a WARNING !!! This Astro thing can become seriously addictive.

It will be the chill factor that curbs the addictiveness of Astro shooting :lol:

But I am willing to brave another attempt. See you there at the clubhouse :nod:

So, as per request...

Mark Aitkens
25-07-2016, 2:10pm
Sorry can't join everyone tonight. I might be able to come out tomorrow but will require a leave pass to do so.

@JD - you will need to upgrade to a Pentax K-1 :)

25-07-2016, 2:28pm
@pz.... You also got some great detail and colour in the Milky Way. The WB looks a bit too green on my monitor but easily fixed in PP. :th3

Thanks Kev. I'll take care of that green when I get back to Sydney. See you this afternoon.

Mark Aitkens
25-07-2016, 6:59pm
Thanks Kev. I'll take care of that green when I get back to Sydney. See you this afternoon.

Hope you guys are enjoying the shooting stars

Speaking of green, I have posted some frog photos (piczilla and JD) as promised :)


I can take people of froggy shoots when the time comes :)

25-07-2016, 8:03pm
Hope you guys are enjoying the shooting stars

Speaking of green, I have posted some frog photos (piczilla and JD) as promised :)


I can take people of froggy shoots when the time comes :)

Another great night Mark, and thanks to JD's tips, focusing is now a breeze :D

I'll have a look at your froggy photos back in Sydney (my mobile data is rapidly depleting). Also, I might drop by the reptile park on my way home on Wed in hopes of shooting some frogs. Will hold you to your word on frogging expedition too :D

25-07-2016, 8:38pm
Sorry can't join everyone tonight. I might be able to come out tomorrow but will require a leave pass to do so.

@JD - you will need to upgrade to a Pentax K-1 :)

Hope you guys are enjoying the shooting stars

Speaking of green, I have posted some frog photos (piczilla and JD) as promised :)


I can take people of froggy shoots when the time comes :)

Hey Mark. It was good to get to meet Kev tonight and I did mention to him your wiz bang Pentax and as many of it's bells and whistles that I could recall :D
I probably will hold off on another trip for now. I need to take a bit of time studying and PP'ing what I have collected over the last couple of nights and work out what I want from the next shoot. I felt some of my shots tonight were better after having learnt from last night.

But with that said, if we get some interesting cloud cover, might be enough for me to make the run up there again.

Looking forward to a frog shoot. I have water proof hiking boots on the shopping list, will be a good reason to go out and buy a pair.


Another top night. Mostly clear skys, but there was a bit of Smoke haze drifting out towards the horizon. Might have been a burn off somewhere in the Newie area today?
Many ships parked off shore made getting wide clear shots a struggle and I noticed a few halos of light poking up from the edge of the horizon, so looks like more ships on the way.
The surf was going off when we got there and even when it died down some, made for some nice misty shots from the long exposures.
Finally the cold got to us all and we headed off.
Everyone seemed pleased with their shoot and I'm sure there will be some more Catho Astro shots flooding the forum soon.:nod:

Thanks Kev for organising this.

And Picz, hope you have a good time tomorrow checking out the area around there. The whole water front there is amazing. Enjoy the reptile park and hope that they have some frogs :th3:

25-07-2016, 9:37pm
Enjoyable night till the breeze freshened up.

Great to meet piczilla and JD. :th3:

The ships offshore waiting to get into the coal-loader threw out an unbelievable amount of light pollution and really lit up the haze. :(

Didn't come away with anything overly exciting but will do some serious PP on a couple and see what turns out.

Thanks for the company guys.

26-07-2016, 12:56pm
One for you Pz.

Cannibal Kermit lives in my yard and his diet seems to be mostly Perrin's Tree Frogs. He's a big fellow, over 10cm high sitting up, and I saw him on the front porch one night with just the back legs of his supper protruding from his mouth.

I also found the back end of another frog I think he'd snacked on, a pretty little thing with Black and Gold markings.

The well fed Cannibal Kermit.


28-07-2016, 9:58am
I think my second try was infinitely better than my first. We had more planes passing through the first night, but way more ships sitting over the horizon on the second night. Not sure which is the luckier night :confused013

Had a great time with everyone, and Kev wasn't kidding about it being addictive - I can't stop looking at Samyang 10mm lens :Doh:Hopefully the urge passes by before I commit any purchases....

So I posted one shot here, but I might hold off editing the others for awhile.


Big thanks to Kev for organizing this, and everyone for the great company :th3:

Cannibal Kermit lives in my yard and his diet seems to be mostly Perrin's Tree Frogs. He's a big fellow, over 10cm high sitting up, and I saw him on the front porch one night with just the back legs of his supper protruding from his mouth.

Definitely looks well fed Kev :D I've seen some of his kins in Reptile park. Are they called "splendid tree frogs"?

Speaking of, I got to shoot frogs in Reptile park. My life is so complete right now... :2angel:

28-07-2016, 9:42pm
Definitely looks well fed Kev :D I've seen some of his kins in Reptile park. Are they called "splendid tree frogs"?

I think it's just an ordinary Green Tree Frog.

I didn't come away from our meet with any shots that I was pleased with. At least the company was great. :nod:

A new camera, smoke haze, planes, and a coal hauler lit up like a Xmas tree and reflecting light off the haze all made shooting difficult. However it was a good learning experience and I'm glad I went.

This is possibly the best of my bad lot. Not particularly sharp, and only two planes in it. I would have liked to do some light painting on the jetty but left my 12v flashlight by the door where I put it so I wouldn't forget it. :lol2:


29-07-2016, 7:22am
...I would have liked to do some light painting on the jetty but left my 12v flashlight by the door where I put it so I wouldn't forget it....

The exact spot i left mine also.
the night before Mark had suggested some interesting ideas regarding light painting and flash bombs,etc.

I think on a warmer clear night we could get another meet happening and try out some of the ideas.
The images people can get using lit steel wool at night is on that is high on my to do list.

The pic you've posted has made good use of the coal loaders.
Nice work.

29-07-2016, 11:36am
I think I need a new wide angle lens.

The Samyang 14mm hit the deck recently, hard enough to mark the front element and I suspect put the focus mechanism out of alignment.

This was probably my pick of the night as I was happy with the colour, not so much with the plane that snuck into the shot.


D7200, Samyang 14mm, ISO4000 @f2.8 for 20secs

29-07-2016, 3:18pm
I had another fiddle with the jetty shot, got rid of the plane trail and lightened the foreground a tad. Finished with it. :nod:

Now trying to work out how to afford the Tamron 15-30mm f2.8 lens. I could go for a cheaper DX wide angle but as the D810 is on top of my wishlist I've decided to go with the Tamron for future proofing.

Final edit of the jetty


30-07-2016, 9:30am
Now trying to work out how to afford the Tamron 15-30mm f2.8 lens. I could go for a cheaper DX wide angle but as the D810 is on top of my wishlist I've decided to go with the Tamron for future proofing.

Great image Kev. Love how that milky way rises up from that ship light. Speaking of which, have you heard of Laowa lenses before. The review is quite impressive, and they're releasing a 12mm f2.8, which some users swear by. Apparently for a wide angle lens, it's supposed to have very little to no distortion.


- - - Updated - - -

My version of the jetty - Seems to be one of the luckier shots of the night (no plane trail). I'm not thrilled with that haze over the horizon though. I might do some more work on it, but I need to take a break from astro editing and revisit my frogs :D

https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8662/28355462750_7371b82e87_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KcFabN)

30-07-2016, 10:25am
Wow. That lens has me drooling. No distortion and the focus ACTUALLY stops at infinity! Will be looking into that some more.

I really like what you've done with that jetty image. As I'm on my phone I should probably wait until I can see it on my big monitor, but here we go.

The jetty has come out quite clear and defined while there is darkness and contrast in the sat field. There is excellent colour in both the milky way and the water.
Perhaps you could use layers to either minimise the haze or do what I've been working on and use tone, contrast and saturation to bring it out to make it a feature of the image.

Like what you have there.
And I don't blame you for taking a break from the astro pp, mine has been getting to me as well. :eek::D

30-07-2016, 10:30am
Well done Erny. :th3: I like your lighter version much more than mine.

I just noticed in my shot a red glow in the bottom RH corner and it looks suspiciously like the same colour as my red torch. :Doh::hb:

That smoke haze on the horizon presents a big challenge in PP. Good luck with it. And when you have another look at the shot in PP, straighten your horizon a bit as it is dropping away to the right.

Overall, a very pleasing result. :wd:

PS: I noticed that you used your 24-70mm f2.8 for the shot. I had mine in my bag and wish I'd used it as I've lost confidence in the 14mm Samyang after it's fall.

30-07-2016, 1:03pm
Wow. That lens has me drooling. No distortion and the focus ACTUALLY stops at infinity! Will be looking into that some more.

I really like what you've done with that jetty image. As I'm on my phone I should probably wait until I can see it on my big monitor, but here we go.

The jetty has come out quite clear and defined while there is darkness and contrast in the sat field. There is excellent colour in both the milky way and the water.
Perhaps you could use layers to either minimise the haze or do what I've been working on and use tone, contrast and saturation to bring it out to make it a feature of the image.

Like what you have there.
And I don't blame you for taking a break from the astro pp, mine has been getting to me as well. :eek::D

Well done Erny. :th3: I like your lighter version much more than mine.

I just noticed in my shot a red glow in the bottom RH corner and it looks suspiciously like the same colour as my red torch. :Doh::hb:

That smoke haze on the horizon presents a big challenge in PP. Good luck with it. And when you have another look at the shot in PP, straighten your horizon a bit as it is dropping away to the right.

Overall, a very pleasing result. :wd:

PS: I noticed that you used your 24-70mm f2.8 for the shot. I had mine in my bag and wish I'd used it as I've lost confidence in the 14mm Samyang after it's fall.

Thanks all.

Sorry to hear about your lens tragedy, Kev. I actually dropped my 24-70mm once (poor thing was in pieces). After I had it serviced, it seems to be OK though. The IQ and the focus are as sharp as pre-fall condition. Cost me $200 to get it fixed. Perhaps you can try doing some daylight tests to see if yours is still in good condition?

The Laowa 12mm f2.8 lens is yet to be released, but from testers' review, it seems to be highly promising, and some reported the image quality of the 2nd version is even better. Hopefully, the price isn't too shocking, but that's probably just wishful thinking considering the specs & IQ.

One last adjustment before I switch on to frogs - I think astro editing is quite possibly the most tedious in my experience (even portraits didn't leave me this exhausted lol) - Straightened the horizon, also stamped & stitched the haze.

The water actually gave me quite a lot of grief, as there were some patchy colours here & there from the noise (stamped those out in PS).

K, frogs are calling, I must abide :D

https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8854/28025367484_7e2097484b_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/JGvkn7)

30-07-2016, 1:53pm
I think astro editing is quite possibly the most tedious in my experience (even portraits didn't leave me this exhausted lol) - Straightened the horizon, also stamped & stitched the haze.

The water actually gave me quite a lot of grief, as there were some patchy colours here & there from the noise (stamped those out in PS).

K, frogs are calling, I must abide :D

Well done Erny. :wd:

The rework has come up nicely. You should be pleased with that. :nod:

I'm leaning toward the Tamron 15-30mm f2.8 because according to the reviews it is not only sharp, with no more distortion than other UWA lens, but it also has OS (Optical Stabilisation), a big plus for me in my architectural shots as often the best shooting possie is in the middle of the road with about a 15 second gap between traffic.

PS: I'm going to have another go at it too, starting at square 1 with a different approach.

30-07-2016, 6:15pm
...One last adjustment before I switch on to frogs - I think astro editing is quite possibly the most tedious in my experience (even portraits didn't leave me this exhausted lol) - Straightened the horizon, also stamped & stitched the haze.

The water actually gave me quite a lot of grief, as there were some patchy colours here & there from the noise (stamped those out in PS)...

Look at that.
picz, all that effort has paid off. Well done.
(Bugger, I've gotta go back and redo all mine now. :D (I didn't pay nearly enough attention to the water))