View Full Version : Life amongst dead stuff.

29-06-2016, 8:51pm
Leaving the other day for town, l spotted these bits of life on a dead bush. Shot real close with my tamy 70-200 at 200mm f2.8 just liked the effect on this little world, and also did a bit of extra PP on a couple .

Some sort of cocoon with leaves attatched in the first 2 taken at different angles. Liked the dew on the web of the others. Cheers.

http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j471/ryzchard/rfvbgtyhngrw_zps7s6qvwrv.jpg (http://s1087.photobucket.com/user/ryzchard/media/rfvbgtyhngrw_zps7s6qvwrv.jpg.html)

http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j471/ryzchard/mnkjhoiue_zpsaftoel33.jpg (http://s1087.photobucket.com/user/ryzchard/media/mnkjhoiue_zpsaftoel33.jpg.html)

http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j471/ryzchard/DSC_2142_zps8wpsphrb.jpg (http://s1087.photobucket.com/user/ryzchard/media/DSC_2142_zps8wpsphrb.jpg.html)

http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j471/ryzchard/DSC_2142_pe_zpsf4n64vjb.jpg (http://s1087.photobucket.com/user/ryzchard/media/DSC_2142_pe_zpsf4n64vjb.jpg.html)

http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j471/ryzchard/DSC_2141_zpshv5wax9v.jpg (http://s1087.photobucket.com/user/ryzchard/media/DSC_2141_zpshv5wax9v.jpg.html)

Mary Anne
30-06-2016, 6:46am
Feathers they are beautiful images, Nature doing her best with your help of course.
Wondering why you posted them here as they all really belong in the cc Forums anyway Well Done :2encou:

30-06-2016, 7:15am
The first two are very pleasant, not critique, just an observation :D

30-06-2016, 7:28am
Great series of images feathers. Nature can give us photographers such wonderful subjects - the trick is seeing them. I always find it interesting how some of us see real beauty in nature whilst in others they see something totally different.

30-06-2016, 11:32am
Feathers they are beautiful images, Nature doing her best with your help of course.
Wondering why you posted them here as they all really belong in the cc Forums anyway Well Done :2encou:

Thanks Mary Anne:) Wasn't sure if they passed as reasonable pics. Looks like l was wrong:) Cheers.

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The first two are very pleasant, not critique, just an observation :D

Thanks Gazza:nod: Your observation is appreciated:D Cheers.

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Great series of images feathers. Nature can give us photographers such wonderful subjects - the trick is seeing them. I always find it interesting how some of us see real beauty in nature whilst in others they see something totally different.

Thanks Nellie:) Yes some days l find unusual stuff out there in nature l really like. The trick is making it look interesting enough to share. Cheers.

30-06-2016, 11:37am
Love #5, but they are all to my liking.

30-06-2016, 12:23pm
Love #5, but they are all to my liking.

Thanks TG, appreciated.:) The 5th is what caught my attention, with the early morning dew on it. Cheers.

04-07-2016, 10:25pm
I regard the first two highly for their simple soft tones and simplicity. Does that make them Minimalist?

05-07-2016, 5:33am
I regard the first two highly for their simple soft tones and simplicity. Does that make them Minimalist?

Thanks marty:) that was my intention to keep it simple with that vignetting and softening.

05-07-2016, 6:22am
I love your first shot. The soft background really makes the red stand out. Thats the sort of photo I'd like to see in a hip cafe or wine bar :)

05-07-2016, 6:36pm
I love your first shot. The soft background really makes the red stand out. Thats the sort of photo I'd like to see in a hip cafe or wine bar :)

Thanks Ann:) Glad you think it's of that caliber :) appreciated. Cheers.

31-07-2016, 10:52am
I love the first two especially with the two tone feel. Thank you for posting these.

31-07-2016, 6:06pm
A pleasure, and thanks Nicholas:) Cheers.