View Full Version : Hello

13-06-2016, 9:36pm
I am new to this site. I love Photography, I had the Canon 1000D and upgraded to the Canon 70D just before Christmas.

To be honest I am struggling with settings and night photography, as the 70D is much more complicated than the 1000D.

I have only been using the Camera on auto as cannot work out the setttings!

Looking forward to chatting to other about the issues and learning some tips.

I enjoy Photography of animals, landscapes and Architecture.

Looking forward to being a member.

Kind regards

13-06-2016, 10:18pm
Hi Elsa46. Welcome to AP.

Well, it's partly a matter of getting to know your camera, and also learning a bit about photography.
The Library contains information you should find useful, though it is not meant to be camera specific.
Have a look at the New to Photography plan here. (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:New_To_Photography_Book)

Set yourself a modest goal to begin with - you mentioned night photography - and work towards it.

Interaction here will get you far, so in addition to your other learning methods, try a few shots, post them here for
comment and advice, then try to follow the recommendations you get.

When you do post pictures, place them in the forum called New to Photography CC (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?177-New-to-Photography-CC-(Beginners)),
which is not the same as the Library section.

For info on how to do things on the forum, look at the Library "How Do I..."

Ask questions etc...


14-06-2016, 5:36am
Whilst many settings (and menu arrangements) appear differently on more advanced cameras, the basics of ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed are universal. Get those three down and understood and you should be able to swap from any camera to any other camera and take the photos you want.

Hope we get to see some of your photos soon.

14-06-2016, 6:29am
Like Rick said !


And post some pics as soon as you can, you will find this a very friendly and helpful site

Good Luck !

Mary Anne
14-06-2016, 7:13am
Hello Elsa :action66: and Welcome to AP, that is a big jump and I know how you feel, though it won't take you long to get the hang of it.
Plenty of Members to help here and as mentioned above, post some images on the Forums for cc that's the best way to learn.
Hope to see you posting soon :2smile:

14-06-2016, 6:59pm
Thank you all for making me feel welcome.
I have lots to learn and not sure where to start.:rolleyes:

15-06-2016, 8:28am
Thank you all for making me feel welcome.
I have lots to learn and not sure where to start.:rolleyes:

I'll add to the fanfare, welcome to AP Elsa, we're a friendly bunch. Where to start? Well oddly enough that's an easy step, navigate your way to the Constructive Critique section of the forum, find a section that interests you i.e. Night/Astro and check out what other members are capturing and how they are doing it. Next, grab your camera gear and have a crack then show us your results. It's that easy:)