View Full Version : Strange things happen around cemeteries at night.

30-05-2016, 9:43pm
I went out tonight for a shoot near the local cemetery.

I did some test shots from outside the fence but decided that I needed to be inside the fence. I picked up the tripod and moved to the gate, put the tripod down and reached for the latch on the gate. Tripod, D800 and Samyang 14mm lens immediately toppled over. :oops:

Sheeeeettttt!!!!!!! :angry0: :mad: :hb:

I picked it up, expecting the worst. The Samyang 14mm had it's huge filter holder on it (I hadn't been able to remove it) and that took the full brunt of the fall, with the holder parting ways with the bit that slips over the lens hood. The lens element also hit the dirt and was covered in crap.

Bugger, and I'd made a commitment not to tread on any graves, if at all possible. I packed up and beat a hasty retreat.

When I got home and cleaned up the mess I was relieved to find that the D800 never even touched the ground. The Samyang now has some battle scars on the front element, what effect they will have remains to be seen. The filter holder that has defied all my efforts to remove it is now partially dismounted, so not all bad. The Tamron 15-30mm has now moved to the top of my wish list.

The last time I was near a cemetery I was spooked by a pair of eyes :eek: which upon investigation turned out to be two marbles on a tombstone.

I think I'm gong to have to recce some new locations. :nod:

Mary Anne
30-05-2016, 10:09pm
Oh Dear sorry to read this Kev.. I love those places though not at night.
Good to read that the D800 is ok though hope the Samyang Lens is not damaged too much.

Mark L
30-05-2016, 10:52pm
So Kev's incompetence is supposed to spook us???? :) ;)

31-05-2016, 10:11am
Oh Dear sorry to read this Kev.. I love those places though not at night.
Good to read that the D800 is ok though hope the Samyang Lens is not damaged too much.

Cheers Mary Anne.

I always feel a bit edgy in cemeteries, particularly old ones where a lot of the grave markers have long since disappeared as I feel it is a bit disrespectful to walk on someone's resting place. More so at night.

- - - Updated - - -

So Kev's incompetence is supposed to spook us???? :) ;)

Aw, c'mon Mark, be a bit charitable. :lol2:

I much prefer my 'forces from beyond the grave' theory to any thoughts that I may have been less than careful in putting the tripod down. Maybe I did it subconsciously in an effort to remove the filter holder which works like a sail when it's windy. :confused013 :lol:

31-05-2016, 10:04pm
As long as your name isn't set in stone somewhere within the cemetery boundary .. all other happenings are incidental.

sorry to hear about the Samyang too.

01-06-2016, 12:41pm
As long as your name isn't set in stone somewhere within the cemetery boundary .. all other happenings are incidental.

sorry to hear about the Samyang too.

Artie, the first thing I do each morning is to check what colour the grass is. If it's green, I know I'm on the right side of it. :lol2:

Took the Samyang out last night and couldn't really see any effects from the chips on the glass. I suspect shooting toward a bright light may be a different story tho.

Lance B
01-06-2016, 2:38pm
Ouch. I feel your pain.

On a brighter note, the camera is ok and the possible replacement Tamron is a gem of a lens. :)

01-06-2016, 3:12pm
Ouch. I feel your pain.

On a brighter note, the camera is ok and the possible replacement Tamron is a gem of a lens. :)

Cheers Lance.

The Sammy seems OK and even though it is my cheapest lens you still don't like to see good kit get damaged.

The 15-30 that you have is very appealing to me for hand held architectural work, as often you find the best shooting possie is very cramped, or worse still, on the road, so the VC is a huge plus.

Lance B
01-06-2016, 4:15pm
Cheers Lance.

The Sammy seems OK and even though it is my cheapest lens you still don't like to see good kit get damaged.

The 15-30 that you have is very appealing to me for hand held architectural work, as often you find the best shooting possie is very cramped, or worse still, on the road, so the VC is a huge plus.

So, if you buy the Tamron, then you'll have a "Sammy" and a "Tammy" :D

Mark L
01-06-2016, 5:56pm
So, if you buy the Tamron, then you'll have a "Sammy" and a "Tammy" :D
Just be careful not to slammy them then.