View Full Version : Photobooks for promotion

24-05-2016, 11:45pm
Hey Guys,

I'm looking at making a few photobooks for promotion (to go in dr surgery waiting rooms and such) with my images in them and I was wondering if anyone could recommend any good printers?

I've seen memento and a few others and I have access to the Smart Albums software for layout. I was going to use memento pro, but since I'm not a full time professional I can't get an account open so it seems.

I'm also looking to make myself a really high quality version for my own collection (so to say), but that doesn't necessarily have to be done at the same place.

I want to avoid using specific software for the printer and would rather have control using smart albums.

Any ideas? :confused013

Cheers =)

25-05-2016, 5:46pm
*bump* =)

maybe this would be better in another section?

25-05-2016, 7:22pm
I had not comment cause momento is what I use and you discounted that in your post.

25-05-2016, 9:57pm
Do you use momento pro or standard momento Rick?

26-05-2016, 6:45am
Standard now, cause i was not using my Pro account enough..apparently

26-05-2016, 9:54am
Do you find a difference is quality? or just less options?

26-05-2016, 11:33am
Do you find a difference is quality? or just less options?

just less options, the finished product is still great. If I really need a pro one, I just use a friend's account. :D

26-05-2016, 11:55am
Thanks Rick,

yeah, We need someone to make a generic account for pro =)

26-05-2016, 2:52pm
Just had a quick look at Momento Pro out of curiosity. Appears that you can open an account if you are a member of APS or an affiliated camera club. But as Rick alluded to, they seem to only want big spenders...


27-05-2016, 5:33pm
Try Blurb. Limited choices in terms of size, but good quality at the top end with fine art papers and hard covers. Might be more expensive now with the Aussie dollar lower against the green-back. I created my own templates in PS and do all the layouts in PS before simply uploading them as whole pages.

27-05-2016, 5:55pm
You said you didn't want to use the printer's software, so this may interest you.
FWIW I use Bob Books and their software. It's pretty self explanatory and flexible. Quality is good (paper weight options are available).

Mark L
28-05-2016, 9:39pm
Do you generally think there's a market and money to be made from most people that regularly visit dr surgery waiting rooms and such?
Reckon you photobook would just get lost in the mags. I go for National Geographic, but seems like plenty look at the other crap.