View Full Version : Who's Forgotten Already?...

23-05-2016, 6:51pm
- That there's an election looming?
Well, you're to be forgiven, I suppose. The air-waves are "fullervit"!

Specious arguments, syllogistic statements, tonight an endless (bad) air on a gum-leaf,...

Wh:confused013t to do?

Options: wring hands, gnash teeth, stop ears with wax, wear a hair shirt...

23-05-2016, 7:25pm
It's not so much a case of forgetting, it's a case of "have I done enough to avoid it yet..." I love listening to the radio in the morning (ABC is good for it) when the latest politician rolls out their little hobby horse, or gets asked questions on the latest headline. I have a little side bet how long it will take before they start blaming the other party for everything.

If the politicians stopped the blame game they would have time for some decent songs...

23-05-2016, 8:40pm
Everyone should vote independent and kick liberal and labor out completely. Get rid of parties and let everyone represent their electorates, not party policy.

Vote 1 - The muppets. Miss Piggy or Kermit. Cause no matter who you do vote for you are going to end up with Muppets.

23-05-2016, 9:25pm
It's a big joke hey. The focus seems to be on finding more ways to take additional money off us hard workers to cater for an increasing deficit. How about focusing on the tax dodgers. That is why there is not enough money to go around in the first place.

Mark L
23-05-2016, 11:23pm
It's a big joke hey. The focus seems to be on finding more ways to take additional money off us hard workers to cater for an increasing deficit.
So labour have a negative gearing/capital gains tax policy that might not affect most hard workers to much. Might raise a bit of money for the govmint at the expense of those that can afford 2/3/4/5 proprieties also:confused013
Let's not mention climate change. Bugga:D

24-05-2016, 7:33am
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24-05-2016, 9:32pm
I try to forget but every morning on the tele whilst I have my morning coffee before leaving for work, there is some poly ratting and bagging on another poli about what his or her party are doing and what they themselves will do to save the country - its like ground hog day - how can I forget there is an election coming up LOL :lol:

Grant S
24-05-2016, 9:52pm
I didn't think the election was until November. Not sure whether Clinton or Sanders will get Trumped yet.:D

Seriously we've got nothing to whinge about if we are talking long election campaigns.

Mark L
24-05-2016, 10:34pm
I try to forget but every morning on the tele whilst I have my morning coffee before leaving for work, ....

Well don't turn the tele on, take your cuppa outside and watch the light and listen for birds.:th3:

25-05-2016, 8:01am
Well don't turn the tele on, take your cuppa outside and watch the light and listen for birds.:th3:

...And forget to go to work, and get the sack, and stay home and watch TV...:p

25-05-2016, 8:58am
Vote 1 for AK83!

I'll tax any non photographic related goods at 1000%, increase the tax rate for any non photography enthusiasts to 100%, set into law that all tax dodgers will be tarred and feathered(gives the birding community more subject matter!).

and ...

I'll remove all taxes on photography related gear, and fix the exchange rate for all photographic related gear at AUD : US$2(I could have gone further, but I think this is a reasonable limit for now)

.. and line all the streets with photography related gear, free for anyone's purpose ... oh! and gold pavers too(hey! why not? I'm tired of black tar and grey concrete .. and besides all the black tar saved will come in handy for those tax dodgers! :D)

25-05-2016, 9:14am
Donkey: AK, you've got my vote!:D

(Postal votes from the farmyard are yet to be counted, while the Owl and the Pussycat
have been exempted from voting on account of their being at sea in a pea-green boat of
reportedly resplendent appearance.)

25-05-2016, 12:50pm
I have to pause and ponder whether we collectively are to blame for what we get. When all is said and done the Australian people elect our governments, and every d***head in parliament is there because "we" voted for them. Our politicians do not reflect well upon the community as a whole, because we are collectively responsible for what we end up with.

I'm inclined to agree with Rick in that we should vote for individuals rather than parties. Individuals who face automatic dismissal if they accept bribes or respond to powerful lobby groups. Individuals who can vote for what they believe rather than what they are told to believe. Individuals who focus more on the issues than the next election date. Individuals who act on behalf of Australians rather than doing what America wants.

I find the whole parliamentary system to be deeply flawed and in my view we need a parliament comprised of independents.

25-05-2016, 1:47pm
..... Individuals who face automatic dismissal if they accept bribes or respond to powerful lobby groups. Individuals who can vote for what they believe rather than what they are told to believe. Individuals who focus more on the issues than the next election date. Individuals who act on behalf of Australians rather than doing what America wants.


The issue is that it's not just the 'individuals' that are susceptible to bribery .. it appears the party is generally the more easily bribed part in the whole system!

Offer them a donation, and whatever you want is yours! :rolleyes:

.. watch Four Corners that aired on Monday(23/05/16) .. it should be replayed any day soon or available on catchup.
The 'ethanol debacle' is just freaking unbelievable.

25-05-2016, 1:59pm
Offer them a donation, and whatever you want is yours! :rolleyes:

Amazing .... why use such a long word "donation", when it's so much easier to say "bribe". :D

Mark L
25-05-2016, 8:02pm
Amazing .... why use such a long word "donation", when it's so much easier to say "bribe". :D

And it's much hard to "bribe/donated" to 150 individuals than 4 parties.

25-05-2016, 8:18pm
Amazing .... why use such a long word "donation", when it's so much easier to say "bribe". :D

Hey! you do realise that my Christian name is Arthur, yeah!

Maybe it's an Arthurian thing or something .. but like my namesake in Canberra ... I(apparently) don't have to answer such impertinent questions, and exempt myself from such baseless allegations ...

Now! .. where did that 4.4 million go ... I have a new screen and some hardware I need to pay for! :p

Mark L
25-05-2016, 9:43pm
Hey! you do realise that my Christian name is Arthur, yeah!

Maybe it's an Arthurian thing or something .. but like my namesake in Canberra ...

Who's the king namesake in Canberra? Surely your surname isn't Sinodinos? (just missed maybe:))

25-05-2016, 10:20pm

.. I'll put your name down as a beneficiary for a part of the money owing from the AEC.

Mark L
26-05-2016, 11:15pm
"You got a big black hole in your figures." he says to the Labor party.
"Hang on, that's way out, how did you figure that?" say the commentators.
"mmm, don't ask me, ask the Labor Party."
That basically happened yesterday..:scrtch:

And we wouldn't have had to stop the boats if we hadn't stopped the live cattle export trade to Indonesia.:th3: But wasn't that stopping the boats??:D

27-05-2016, 4:58am
Yeah .. it's tiring isn't it :rolleyes:

I think the most important point these morons simply don't get ....

the vast majority of voters(if not all of us) are just tired of the BS now.

While some of us care about debt and deficit and others care about 'global warming' and still others care about HECs fees and interest rates ... the one thing that's striking me as the obviously urgent agenda that needs fixing ..... corruption issues.

Fix those, and I reckon budget deficits will disappear, the globe will cooling itself, boats wont need to be stopped, and cows will be free to jump over the moon again :p

27-05-2016, 7:02am
Yeah .. it's tiring isn't it :rolleyes:

I think the most important point these morons simply don't get ....

the vast majority of voters(if not all of us) are just tired of the BS now.

While some of us care about debt and deficit and others care about 'global warming' and still others care about HECs fees and interest rates ... the one thing that's striking me as the obviously urgent agenda that needs fixing ..... corruption issues.

Fix those, and I reckon budget deficits will disappear, the globe will cooling itself, boats wont need to be stopped, and cows will be free to jump over the moon again :p

Yeah, well on this last point, that's a good solution for NASA's woes. They have been lamenting cuts in funding.
Let them go and raise a herd of free, happy cows. They can easily test the efficiency of cow launches by trying
to get a few to jump over the moon when it is at perigee. - And an offshoot of their endeavours could be a new
line of Laughing Cow cheese:nod:

Grant S
27-05-2016, 10:51am
Yeah, well on this last point, that's a good solution for NASA's woes. They have been lamenting cuts in funding.
Let them go and raise a herd of free, happy cows. They can easily test the efficiency of cow launches by trying
to get a few to jump over the moon when it is at perigee. - And an offshoot of their endeavours could be a new
line of Laughing Cow cheese:nod:
Only problem being that methane is a much worse greenhouse gas than CO2:p

27-05-2016, 12:01pm
But the moon could use a more substantial atmosphere:p

27-05-2016, 3:52pm
Just read Gov't forced the removal of all references to Australia in particular Great Barrier Reef from Unesco Report on Climate Change. Talk about head in sand.

27-05-2016, 4:40pm
Use your preferences, esp. in the Senate (you still can).
Put the majors last (Lib, Lab, Green).

If you use your preferences you vote won't be exhausted.

The new senate voting is aimed at disenfranchising the ~3,000,000 who voted for minor parties ahead of the majors last election

27-05-2016, 5:55pm
Gerrymandering wearing a disguise!!
It sounded suss from the outset. Perpetrators should be

Mark L
27-05-2016, 7:14pm
Use your preferences, esp. in the Senate (you still can).
Put the majors last (Lib, Lab, Green).

Well you don't even have to preference any of them you mentioned know. Might be an indirect way of saying "get stuffed."
I will preference two of them second last and last though. (and the other won't get a number)
The Pirate Party actually have some good policies.:nod:

28-05-2016, 6:20am
I will be exercising my democratic right by drawing a box on the ballot papers and writing the words "Trained Monkeys" and giving it a big tick because I believe that suitably skilled simians could not do a worse job than either Liberal or Labor.

28-05-2016, 6:22am
...The Pirate Party actually have some good policies.:nod:...

1. Arrgh!
2. Arrgh, me harrghtys! (Pyrates carnt spall.)
3. Avast ye scurrvy landlubbers...
And some others.

They have an interesting platform - er, plank.:nod:

28-05-2016, 8:23am
..... Perpetrators should be

That's quite a spiffy word!

.. thanks for that one :p
(maybe I'm drunk, or somth'n)

28-05-2016, 8:29am
Drunk!? That's nothin'. Just don't eat anything using a runcible spoon!
(That had me snickering:D - And if you find a definition, it will be wrong!)

Actually, most of what politicos say is runcible.:confused013

28-05-2016, 8:30am
..... I believe that suitably skilled simians could not do a worse job than either Liberal or Labor...

I'm thinking this line of thought is inaccurate!

a job implies that work is being done(irrespective of good or bad!) .. and some of the recent gaffs from so called front benchers that hoard 2million dollar houses under the guise of ripping off the majority of taxpayers .. err... undeclared negative gearing .. it would seem that the majority of said front benchers don't actually do any!

so maybe that line should read more like:

I believe that a deceased simian could not be worse at slacking around than either Liberal or Labor.


Nick Cliff
28-05-2016, 1:45pm
Arthur there is an apparent need for a 'Monkeys (rool) rule' party in the senate with one policy of "feed the monkeys bananas three times a day".

Mark L
29-05-2016, 8:52pm
I will be exercising my democratic right by drawing a box on the ballot papers and writing the words "Trained Monkeys" and giving it a big tick because I believe that suitably skilled simians could not do a worse job than either Liberal or Labor.
And then you get them main parties thinking another voter that doesn't give a shit. Doesn't matter if you're not vote for us if you're not voting against us.
Better to make a valid vote against them main parties.:th3:
If you're so unhappy, make a valid vote against the bastards.;)

30-05-2016, 8:36am
While some of us care about debt and deficit

and some seem to be more concerned about "jobs and growth" !! I'm sick of 3 word slogans .... I'm all for 4 word slogans like "Shut the F up" !!

- - - Updated - - -

Better to make a valid vote against them main parties.:th3:
If you're so unhappy, make a valid vote against the bastards.;)

Yup ... I've got friends who vote informal every time, but what does that achieve ...... Nothing! Far better to try and introduce change - every vote for change is a step in the right direction. Every informal vote is just a wasted opportunity.

30-05-2016, 8:51am
Yep, slogans! - The bane of all thinking.
Make a suggestion, and don't even state a fact. Fools will fill in their own "facts" and follow blindly.
Keep thrashing the slogans, and create a new "reality". When it doesn't work, people will forget how
it started and the whole thing can be kicked off again in a few year:nod::D

It's the "democratic" process.

Oh, and while we're at it it, yes! DO go right ahead and insert warning lights in the roadways to warn
mobile phone-befuddled pedestrians that they are crossing the road. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

When that fails, come up with a "better" idea.

Mark L
30-05-2016, 9:13pm
Yup ... I've got friends who vote informal every time, but what does that achieve ...... Nothing! Far better to try and introduce change - every vote for change is a step in the right direction. Every informal vote is just a wasted opportunity.

And I know a couple of people that refuse to go on the electoral roll.
"They know we're here and will change policies to get us involved" my BIL said to me.
"You ain't gunna vote against them, so what do they care about you" I said.:confused013

01-06-2016, 7:48pm
You all have it wrong I'm afraid.

1st off I was taught to look after #1, myself first, so that being said if we all did that and voted for #1, would we not have the most democratic country in the world where the voice of the people actually counted

01-06-2016, 8:10pm
You're probably RIGHT! Let's all do that and see what's LEFT!:D

Mark L
02-06-2016, 7:12pm
1st off I was taught to look after #1, myself first, so that being said if we all did that and voted for #1, would we not have the most democratic country in the world where the voice of the people actually counted

Wouldn't that just lead to me voting for me and then I get to start an argument with myself??? ;)

02-06-2016, 7:17pm
Wouldn't that just lead to me voting for me and then I get to start an argument with myself??? ;)

But at least you and you alone could choose whether you win or lose said argument without any repercussions.....:p

04-06-2016, 3:27am
And then you get them main parties thinking another voter that doesn't give a shit. Doesn't matter if you're not vote for us if you're not voting against us.
Better to make a valid vote against them main parties.:th3:
If you're so unhappy, make a valid vote against the bastards.;)

Continuing to use a broken machine makes absolutely no sense. If your camera is broken, you go and get it fixed. In this case, it is the system that is broken but it's going to take a concerted effort by a democratic majority to fix it. Politicians of any persuasion will deny that the system is broken when they continue to benefit from the fact that it favours a minor portion of society than the majority. They continue to lie and people continue to vote for them, like sheep. Stop giving them the one thing that they believe empowers them to act in the interests of the minority and ignore the common interests of the majority. Votes are what puts them into power in the first place and until a vast majority of the general population stops feeding them their power of legitimisation, then nothing will change and the major party dimwits will continue on their merry way. A large informal vote is the only way of making them listen because the other alternative will lead to something that has never (and I hope never does happen) in this country and that is an overthrow of government through the use of violence.

Grant S
04-06-2016, 5:35am
But at least you and you alone could choose whether you win or lose said argument without any repercussions.....:p
Mark hates arguing with himself; he knows what he's going to say half the time.[emoji1]

Mark L
04-06-2016, 5:52pm
A large informal vote is the only way of making them listen ...

So that will still have the main players left standing or the random effect of a Clive or Pauline accidentally in power.
(I think, maybe, possibly, mmm yeah that's it, oh hang on, might have to consult with Grant.)