View Full Version : Has Anyone Been To Gosse's Bluff...

21-05-2016, 2:40pm
...lately? I mean this place. (https://www.google.com.au/search?q=gosses+bluff&client=firefox-b-ab&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwivjZzkq-rMAhVlL6YKHR8fCX0QsAQIIg&biw=1920&bih=916#imgrc=DcvtJR3Ma16XfM%3A)

It looks "wild", in a :D sense. Is the road from the sealed Namatjira Drive turn-off easily done by "ordinary" sedan.
(I mean it's only about 9Km!) Just need to know. I want to go there.:nod:


21-05-2016, 4:56pm
since it's only 9k you could always walk it :D then it wouldn't matter
i would really love to get to places like this
according to this article its 4WD

21-05-2016, 5:13pm
Tar! (Or lack thereof:() That's a very interesting article.

It looks like I will have to hire a 4WD for a day or two when in the environs.

I will factor that into the CO$T. We were going to get just an X-Trail:(

It's becoming clear that to have just a small 4wd would be false economy, as what the hecque would you be able to get to and see.

Last time I was there (-38 YBP) I had a Land Rover. That gottus about:nod:

21-05-2016, 6:41pm
that article is 4 years old, so i would take the 4WD with a bit of salt
there is a big effort by state/territory governments to make tourist attractions more accessible by improving the roads
ring the nearest tourist bureau, probably Alice Springs, and ask them

21-05-2016, 6:57pm
Nah! I got the same story from 2 car hire places in AS today.

Mind you, it's a matter of how much is hype, but I suppose there are all sorts of
safety agendas and ... who knows what else in place. When I was there in good ole '78,
some of the main roads from past Hermannsberg to Kings Canyon just went "nowhere".

However, I'll keep searching, but it look like hiring a more expensive 4wd some of the time .