View Full Version : 7D Mk II

20-05-2016, 1:27pm
I've had my 7D Mk II for about a month now. During that time I've shot 20,000 images. 15,000 of them were shot last week inside a dimly lit theatre. I'm pretty impressed with it so far. I bought it to replace a 1D Mk III which developed a fault and is no longer economical to repair. I must say I was hesitant to go back to the APS-C format, but this is quite a capable camera. I did have to stop using my "go to" lens for action shots in the Sigma 120-300 F2.8 after getting some very soft images in the theatre. I put my 70-200L back on and all was good. I found the performance at ISO 12800 was less than satisfactory, but ISO 6400 and 8000 was quite good. I didn't use my 5D Mk III inside the theatre as it did not have the required burst rate. I shot RAW and Large Fine JPEG to different cards and the 7D just kept shooting at 10fps, hardly ever hitting the buffer. I didn't get any of the colour banding noise of the 5D either, but lighting was different this year to last year when I used the 5D.

Shutter noise was low even though I didn't use "silent" mode. I'll post some selected shots when I get a chance, but I'll have to be choosey as they are of young girls in leotards and tutus.

20-05-2016, 10:10pm
i would hate to be looking through 15,000 photos to pick the winners :lol2:

21-05-2016, 1:08am
Thankfully, I don't have to pick the winners. The customers do that. I just have to tag them all and present them in a personal gallery from which each customer chooses. By the end of that process I develop a deep aversion to the sight of tutus. :rolleyes:

Mary Anne
21-05-2016, 6:54am
I love my 7D Mk11 also, my Canon 300mm f/4 has not been off it since I put it on, seeing at this time in my life I only get to shoot birds and most in the backyard.
I have mine on the silent shutter as I don't want to frighten the Birds as they come close at times, and when they do the images are so sharp there is no pp needed.
Noise well that was a bit of a let down though easy to fix, I have had my camera since early November 2014 gee time flies and enjoy using it as you will too.
Will look forward to seeing some shots of the Girls..

Mark L
21-05-2016, 11:45pm
Thanks for that Warbler.:th3:
One of the lures for me to stop smoking is to get better equipment. Lens are always important but for some I reason want to get a better camera first.? You've helped confirm the camera for me.:th3:

A smokers aside. You don't really think about the cost 'cause you just keep smoking and ignore it. I wasn't a heavy smoker but it still cost $15 a day (didn't realise 'til I tried to give up). Guvmnt shouldn't tax it any more unless they are gunna offer help to the last addicts to get of them fags.
Sorry about all that, helps me confirm no more smokes. None since the first week of March. Now, 7dII or Sigma 150-600mm first.

22-05-2016, 12:48am
I gave up smoking in 1998 when I lived in Sydney. Cold turkey is the only way to go. Can smell the bloke across the road lighting up these days, and can't stand being in the same room as a smoker either. I used to smoke 30 a day, and 60 on a Friday.