View Full Version : Camera Sky

14-05-2016, 12:16pm
I am just about to buy myself a Nikkor 16 - 35mm VR lens for my D800 as I don't have an ultra wide angle lens for my full frame camera.

I was just wondering if anybody has had any dealings with the company "Camera Sky". They are an Australian owned company and they seem to be offering the best price at the moment on this particular lens?

14-05-2016, 1:35pm
Do your due diligence Nell.

Google 'Camera Sky Reviews'. They have a mixed bag of reviews, mostly not too flash.

I personally wont buy anything 'Grey' that has a PCB and/or a motor in it. For the sake of the extra couple of hundred bucks I have the peace of mind that only a local manufacturers warranty gives.

In any case I'd be having a look at the Samyang 14mm f2.8. I have one, and it works very well on the D800. Or if you are flash with cash the Tamron 15-30mm f2.8 VC seems to be getting rave reviews. I think Lance has posted his impressions of it on here.

14-05-2016, 2:22pm
Thanks Kev. I would also have loved the Tamron 15 - 30mm but it would have meant purchasing a whole new filter system and as I am more into portraiture more than landscapes, I figured the Nikkor 16 - 35mm will do the job well enough for me.
I have now purchased the lens through CameraPro in Brisbane. I have dealt with them before and had no problems. Nikon are offering cashbacks on certain lenses until 31st May if you purchase through one of their dealers/distributors.

05-07-2016, 1:27pm
I've purchased from camera sky in the past. some m43 gear, a body, and some lenses, and all items arrived quickly and without issue. nothing broke in the time i owned it, i just sold most of it and bought some film gear instead :)
my experience was all positive.

Lance B
05-07-2016, 4:56pm
Thanks Kev. I would also have loved the Tamron 15 - 30mm but it would have meant purchasing a whole new filter system and as I am more into portraiture more than landscapes, I figured the Nikkor 16 - 35mm will do the job well enough for me.
I have now purchased the lens through CameraPro in Brisbane. I have dealt with them before and had no problems. Nikon are offering cashbacks on certain lenses until 31st May if you purchase through one of their dealers/distributors.

Did you end up buying the lens Narelle?

06-07-2016, 12:01am
Did you end up buying the lens Narelle?

Yes I did Lance. I ended up buying it from Camera Pro in QLD. The lens also came with a cash back of $150.00 from Nikon. I haven't used it much yet but I intend to give it a good workout when I go over to England and then on a Mediterranean cruise in a couple of weeks time.

Lance B
06-07-2016, 12:05am
Yes I did Lance. I ended up buying it from Camera Pro in QLD. The lens also came with a cash back of $150.00 from Nikon. I haven't used it much yet but I intend to give it a good workout when I go over to England and then on a Mediterranean cruise in a couple of weeks time.

Great. Have a wonderful holiday!

05-04-2019, 11:07am
Camera Sky fined record $3 million for breaking Australian consumer laws

On ABC News today:

An online electronics retailer has been fined a record $3.15 million after it failed to deliver mobile phones, cameras and other electronic goods to customers across Australia.

Digital Marketing Solutions — which traded online as Android Enjoyed and Camera Sky — and its Hong Kong-based director also failed to repair goods and misled consumers, the New South Wales Supreme Court found.

NSW Fair Trading received 637 consumer complaints about the company between January 2017 and July 2018.

"Either the goods wouldn't come, or they wouldn't come in a timely way or when they did come they weren't able to be used because something was wrong with them," New South Wales Fair Trading commissioner Rose Webb said.

More at: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-04-05/android-enjoyed-ordered-to-pay-3-million-dollars/10972312

05-04-2019, 2:12pm
Imagine if they turned to selling pies!:D

17-04-2019, 9:44am
cannot help with this one Nellie but you have done well anyway. Tannin may well have the answer.

17-04-2019, 7:41pm
So glad I didn't purchase the lens from Camera Sky!!!