View Full Version : Hi i'm Mick!

05-05-2016, 4:23pm
Hi All,

I guess to get myself out there the following are my details...

Canon 7D
Canon 5Dmkii
Aquatech Sport Housing for 7D
Sigma 10-20mm
Canon 50mm 1.8
Canon 100-400 L 4-5.6 USM

I'm 99% into Surf Photography both land and water and have been shooting for about 2 years. i'd consider myself a beginner still which is great because I am seeing improvements in my own shooting all the time!

05-05-2016, 6:38pm
Welcome, see you and your photos on the forums soon

However, if you have been shooting for a couple of years, we do not deem you a beginner, so you have been upgraded to intermediate.

05-05-2016, 6:41pm
Thanks Rick!

Super keen to post some shots which will help me gauge my "status". I put beginner only because I haven't had any real critique of where my shooting might be at so I was rue to overestimate my abilities.

Thanks again :)

05-05-2016, 7:25pm
Hi Mick. Welcome to AP.
Experience level doesn't just refer to quality of your photos. Being "OFAY" with all that gear
and having more than a passing interest in the different photographic fields also count in assessing

Anyway, join in and enjoy.

05-05-2016, 8:02pm
Understand completely! haha "all that gear" is funny because I look at my gear and drool over one day being able to afford a 1DXc or a 5DSr and some serious 2.8 glass! I have a feeling i will learn a lot from the people on this site which is awesome!

Mark L
05-05-2016, 9:44pm
G'day Mick.
About time someone other than a mod said something.:)
Welcome to a good place to learn and help others. Don't be afraid to get involved. Comment on others photos is good (I've actually found it helps me think about my own photos)
I wouldn't worry to much about improving the cameras you have since I'd not be looking at buying either of then 2nd hand. :) now that long lens you could consider upgrading.:D

Mary Anne
07-05-2016, 3:49pm
Hi Mick and Welcome to AP.. Nothing wrong with that Telephoto lens you have. Will look forward to seeing what you post on the Forums.