View Full Version : Computer Crash

29-04-2016, 8:15pm
Hi All. Last Saturday 21 April, my ***Coy name removed per site rules*** PC told me I couldn't burn a recovery disk. The pop up message told me I need a valid Windows installation. I purchased the computer from ***Coy name...*** in June 2015 with Windows 7 Pro installed. I contacted ***Coy name...*** by phone and they told me they would send a fresh Windows 7 Pro installation on a flash drive and written instructions on what to do to rectify the problem. On 26 April ( fast service) I received a upgrade disc (Windows 7 Pro) and no instructions. With no idea what I'm supposed to do next, I called a computer tech friend and he came over, sat in front of my computer and set to work. The next thing I hear is:eek::eek::eek: there's NO ##%@&@# drivers. To cut a long story short, he downloaded all the required drivers, installed the Internet connection thingy and said, "she'll be right" and went home. He was right. It was and still is right. I have now finished re installing all my programs and stuff. After being bombarded with email from ***Coy name...*** asking if my problem was now rectified and how happy and satisfied I was with their service, I weakened and replied, stating how "satisfied" I was with their support. I've had Two other PC's from ***Coy name...*** and never had this problem before. End of Rant. Now, where's my camera? Keep up the good work. Regards Russ

30-04-2016, 3:58pm
Aside: When - thankfully just the once - I got some questionable advice on what to do from [a company different from yours] I told the person I
would try my way and let her know the results. I did, and it worked. I also filled in a feedback form with the option that let me say what happened.
I called the company back and told them about it. They're usually very good and efficient.

But now...

Intriguing! How so all of a sudden, I wonder? Well, now that you have a valid version of Win 7 Pro again, have you considered upgrading to Win 10 (pro)
for "free"? OK, the catch is you cannot switch off auto updates. I'm up to my 7th machine, for self, rels, and friends.

- - - Updated - - -

PS: Oh, the other "catch": you will then have about a month to revert to Win 7 if you (for some unfathomable reason) want to.
After that your Win 7 registration key becomes "welded on" to your Win 10 installation. Ie, it is NO longer a valid Win 7 key.

- - - Updated - - -

Hang on....

I just re-read: "...reinstalling all my programs and such..."

This sounds familiar, and if it's what I think, then there was nothing wrong at all. But first...
1) How many users were able to register on that computer - ie, had their own profile?
2) If just yourself, did you notice any quick login message to the effect "signing you on as a temporary user"?

That'll do for now until you get this.

30-04-2016, 6:28pm
Hi ameerat42. To answer your first question; no thanks to Win 10. Don't know if it's relevant or not, but a week or so before my "episode" happened, I walked back into my room after turning on my computer about a half hour earlier, and saw a message from that BIG software company that if I wanted to proceed with Win 10 installation to click the relevant button. I decided against proceeding. Then a message appeared something like this; " BIG software co. will now reinstate/reinstall your win7. Please wait". Approx 15/20 mins later another message; "Do you wish to restart your computer now". So I did. And it did. I am the only user of this machine and I have internet connection via the " hard" phone line. No wireless or WI-FI. No temporary user messages. Nothing out of the norm, except of course continual bombardment about installing Win10. With all the riches and expertise that BIG company has, you would assume they could include a "decline" button on their promotions. Thanks for responding ameerat 42. I use my computer for the few simple tasks that I feel confident with and I am very lucky to have a tech savy friend to go to. Thanks again. Regards...russ01

30-04-2016, 8:28pm
Hmm! I rather thought you could decline:umm:

I never looked into that until now, as I wanted to upgrade:lol2:

So had a quick squiz and found:

this (http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/windows-10-download-windows-7-8/)
this here. (http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/microsoft-strikes-not-upgrade-windows-10/)

Mark L
01-05-2016, 7:05pm
...... End of Rant. Now, where's my camera? Keep up the good work.
Hope you found the camera and took some photos Russ. Now get your friend back around so they can show you how to put them photos up on Ap for us to see.:p;)
In the meantime go and tell me why you do or don't like the photos I post. Then get onto some others photos and just tell them how much you don't like them, but most importantly, why.:)
Yep, a long-winded way of suggesting forums are about getting a bit involved.:th3: