View Full Version : D7100 top LCD crack

18-04-2016, 12:22pm
Over the course of the last week, my small camera bag fell out of the back of the Pajero, onto concrete. Inside it was my d7100.

The only damage I could see was a small crack in the lower surface of the LCD on top (nothing on the top coat). There is a small blot of LCD juice along the crack.

My concern is will this be stable, or over time will the LCD juice spread over the entire screen?

Also, is there a proper name for LCD juice?

18-04-2016, 12:50pm
I'd only be guessing, but considering what it's done so far, yes.
And so I reckon it could potentially stop the proper functioning of the panel.
What a :(:(-er!

18-04-2016, 12:52pm

Mary Anne
18-04-2016, 1:40pm
Sorry to read that, a spot of bad luck. Is your camera bag padded on all sides and inside on all sections.
Have you got your camera gear insured under your home and contents policy for portable goods it will help ease the pain if .......

18-04-2016, 2:37pm
Mary Anne, it's a padded bag, but by the look of it that corner took the entire fall (there's a small chip in the finish on the top right as you look at that picture).

As for insurance, I think anything under $1000 is covered... I guess I should read the small print.

Mary Anne
18-04-2016, 3:16pm
Good to read its padded bag and yes Insurance is the way to go, hope it works out ok for you.

18-04-2016, 3:20pm
The bottom half of the screen isn't showing anything it should be showing.

Bugger :)

18-04-2016, 3:42pm
Hopefully it will not interfere with the workings until you can get it fixed.
Do you have another camera?

18-04-2016, 3:56pm
Also, is there a proper name for LCD juice?
I'll stick my neck out and say, Liquid-crystal :D

Bugger :)
Agree....Bugger! :(

18-04-2016, 4:00pm
Hopefully it will not interfere with the workings until you can get it fixed.
Do you have another camera?

Everything else still works, the dials make the numbers change, and the settings via menu can still be operated, it's just the visual details that's missing.

I do have a backup, the d5200, but I'd rather just work with the d7100 until I can get it fixed up. Going back now makes the d5200 feel really small and flimsy.

18-04-2016, 5:52pm
Yep. Good idea. How about turning into an excuse to try manual mode:D

18-04-2016, 5:56pm
Yep. Good idea. How about turning into an excuse to try manual mode:D

I see what you're doing there, ameerat.

I'll try it over the next week. No guarantees of this forum seeing any of the results though.

18-04-2016, 6:03pm
I'll bet you fourpence that you'll be posting them up.:nod:

(Of course, if I win, I'll expect payment in present-day currency. Now how much does 5c get you:umm:)

19-04-2016, 1:17pm
Okay, just looked up my insurance, and it doesn't appear to be covered.

Called the authorised Nikon guys in Perth and they quoted $230 to get it fixed.

I'm wondering if I can just live with the details on the back LCD for a while... either way, I've just spent over a grand on a coffee machine that still needed fixing when it got back to me. Another hobby bill might just push the balance the wrong way. :)

Mary Anne
19-04-2016, 1:32pm
Ring up your Insurance Company and ask them, if you dropped it at home on the concrete driveway it may be covered.
I am not really sure as my camera gear is covered separately so I know it's covered for Home and Away.
Mind you the excess could be more than the quoted repair price from Nikon too.

Mark L
22-04-2016, 10:46pm
Called the authorised Nikon guys in Perth and they quoted $230 to get it fixed.

I hardly ever look at the photos until I get home and stick them on the computer. Others live on that little screen thing on the back of the camera to see how things are going.
$230, what camp are you in?

23-04-2016, 9:36am
MarkL, it's not the picture screen, it's the screen that tells you all the details of your settings.

23-04-2016, 9:38pm
Press the 'i' button on the back and use the 'Live View' screen as your settings advisor.

23-04-2016, 9:43pm
That's the plan for the short term... But I'd ask like to be able to have the top lcd, so I'll probably get it fixed sooner or later.

25-04-2016, 1:00am
Oh that's only the LCD cover glass, no worries.
In youtube look for : "How to replace top cover LCD window Nikon"
Remove the cover glass by detaching it with warm air from hair dryer. Lift it with a surgical knife, pluck it off with plyers. Scrape off the old glue edges.
Then position/ install the double sticky edge and position and place the new window, press a tiny bit. E Presto...big smile on ur face.
Get Nikon parts from procamerarepair.com

25-04-2016, 7:45am
Richard, it's not the glass cover, it's the lcd under the cover.