View Full Version : It's been awhile

13-04-2016, 4:27pm
Hi all,
Well doesn't life get busy. Been trying to keep up with the kids as they forge their way through high school and weekend sport which has had the knock on effect of not much photography. However, as an upside my eldest daughter seems to have been bitten by the photography bug and is showing much interest and promise. We'd like to get her a nice entry level SLR but I'm out of the loop with what's on offer these days so any help would be great.

13-04-2016, 5:17pm
Welcome back, Harry.

You might make up a new post about it in, perhaps, General Help.

I see an obvious way to go:D

13-04-2016, 5:59pm
Welcome back Harry

Mary Anne
13-04-2016, 8:21pm
Hello Harry and Welcome back yes life does get busier as the Family gets older.
Good to read that your Daughter has been bitten by the photography bug, its such a great hobby.
Perhaps give her your camera and get yourself a new one. Just a Thought :D

14-04-2016, 7:20am
Thanks Rick, Mary Anne and ameerat42, nice to be back. Great suggestions, perhaps it is time time for an upgrade, and lets face a D90 is not such a bad hand-me-down:)

Mark L
17-04-2016, 8:22pm
Great suggestions, perhaps it is time time for an upgrade, and lets face a D90 is not such a bad hand-me-down:)
No it's not and I hope you enjoy your new Canon.:lol:
May be suggest a younger one could get involved here? I know it's not social media that some are used to but ...