View Full Version : Purpose

12-04-2016, 7:02am
I love photography but have sometimes felt frustrated by not really knowing what my purpose is. I have felt the need for some sort of outlet for my photographs. But lately I've come to see things a bit differently - this new perspective has come because I've been learning the piano. The piano has taught me that art can be ephemeral and worthwhile for the immediate pleasure of the moment. I have no need to give a concert or to play for others - it is entirely about transitory, personal satisfaction. It has occurred to me that photography can primarily be about the same thing. If I take a photograph I like, that in itself is its own reward. After all, isn't it a bit shallow to need the acclamation of others?

I think there is a place for public exhibition and sharing - but I want my main driver to be personal satisfaction.


Mark L
12-04-2016, 9:42pm
Jeez it's taken some time for you to post something on AP Allan. It was worth the wait.;) Quite like what you posted.

I think there is a place for public exhibition and sharing - but I want my main driver to be personal satisfaction.

This isn't a bad place for public exhibition and sharing. Limited audience and the CC on what you might exhibit may help you get better photos and improve your personal satisfaction.
Offering CC to others (Really like that because ... . Thinking that could be better by doing ....) can also help help you with your own photography.

Go on Alan, get involved here. That's what forums are for.;)

John King
13-04-2016, 7:59am
Gidday Alan, and welcome.

Your thoughts and reasoning fit very well with my own perspectives on this, mate. Sure, it's nice when someone admires one of my prints or images, or comments favourably here, but that's not why I take or print my photos. I could write an essay on this, but will leave it for some other time and place.

13-04-2016, 10:43am
Your main purpose, is to enjoy what your are doing. It does not hurt to have some where to exhibit your art, and you learn a great deal from the comments given back to you. ( as I have )

13-04-2016, 10:54am
After all, isn't it a bit shallow to need the acclamation of others?
I think there is a place for public exhibition and sharing - but I want my main driver to be personal satisfaction.

Ultimately, whatever you do needs to be satisfying, and different people get their kicks in different ways. I've seen photographers who live and breathe winning competitions, and failure leaves them angry and disgruntled. On the other hand, there are photographers who seldom compete but who take excellent photos. At the end of the day whatever floats your boat is the way to go, but it is always nice if others like your images as well. It isn't shallow to like a bit of positive feedback because part of being human is to enjoy affirmation in whatever form it takes.

Mary Anne
13-04-2016, 10:59am
Hello Alan and Welcome to, better make that Back to AP..
Though why wait for 6 years to tell us its Personal Satisfaction you want, when most of us want that anyway :confused013
I honestly dont give a hoot if people like my images or not, it what I like that counts :nod:

13-04-2016, 5:46pm
Hi Alan

I read this a couple of times yesterday and wondered about the intent of your post. Whether it was to engage in a philosophical discussion, to vent or because that's how you're feeling at the moment, amongst other things. Either way, and like John King and the others I liked the post as it resonated with me and gave me a moment to stop and think about what you are saying. To cut a long and boring story short, I was in a job and studied in streams that were very different from photography. When I started to learn photography, like you with the piano, it enriched my perspective. All those years of doing what I did, it would have been nice to have had the good sense to have found photography earlier. It is because of photography I appreciate things in life more than I have ever done, I see things more than I have ever done. Like you and others when I take photos it is a good feeling to see something you are proud of. Is it shallow to need the acclamation of others? No, why? What would it be like if we didn't have the acclamation of others in things that we do?

My 2c worth :)


13-04-2016, 6:08pm
I think there is a place for public exhibition and sharing - but I want my main driver to be personal satisfaction.


I see public exhibition and sharing as a learning experience. If someone can tell me how to take a photo that would be better than what I have exhibited and shared, then I go out and achieve that, using that advice, then I get the personal satisfaction..from self improvement.

None of us learn a damn thing if we are isolated from everything else. Sharing lets us improve, whether that be in photography, learning a new language, doing a Masters Degree, or just as a kid learning to count to 10. We learn everything we know by interaction with others.

14-04-2016, 1:40pm
Hi Chubby, thanks for your comments. It's good to read how positive photography has been for you. I too really love it but I've often wondered what to do with it. Once I did wedding photography (before the days of digital - scary) and I have sold some prints in a gallery and at an artisits' market - but I actually just want to enjoy photography without the pressure of trying to commercialise it. But it can seem a bit futile to just clog up my computer with lots of images if I don't publish them in some way. Lately, I've come to the realisation that photography is an art, just like music, it is its own reward. So I want personal satisfaction to be my primary driver. However, I agree that there is a place for sharing and this online community seems like a great place to do that.

14-04-2016, 3:28pm
I here exactly what you are saying.
Sounds to me like you are taking the same journey that most of us take if we choose to stick with art of photography. I remember I got to the point were I questioned why I was taking all these photographs and storing them on my harddrives, whats the purpose I thought.
Everyone appreciates it when someone else appreciates a photo you have taken but like you say, we don't do it for the sake of people saying "Great Photo" as such. It took me a long time to work out what I was doing and for a time, maybe 3 months I hardly took a frame. I had been leaning more to horse and people/child photography so took to my best mate Google on the internet :-).
I came across a video by Aaron Nace, a renowned photographer, mostly known for his PS editing skills and tutes I believe. It was an inspiring video to watch and helped me on my journey - It was a youtube vid called something like "Your journey as a photographer". I also came across a vide by Jason Lanier to the same topic.

So what changed:
I take must less frames - that is not to say I take less photos. The output of probably the same but I am now very focused on what I want the frame to be and the reason I want the frame to be that way in the final shot.
I think of what I want the photo tobe before I even pick up the camera - the first engagement of a child with a pony, what in that shot will represent the emotion and tell the story of what the photo is about - I dont want someone to like my photo or even comment - I want them to feel that photo, have a tear in there eye of joy or sadness or the like.

At the end of the day - like many of us, I went stale and questioned why I was doing photography. I think at this point it is where some give it away or continue the journey, those that do will grow into a photographer.

Well my ramblings anyhows :-)

14-04-2016, 7:09pm
Hi Alan and welcome to AP

14-04-2016, 10:52pm
How'd you know I was chubby AJB?? hehe.

This is exciting AJB, sounds like you want to take your photography in a new direction. Have you thought about hiring someone part-time to do something with your photos (books, galleries, sales, marketing, social media etc. etc.) so you can concentrate on doing what you love? Have you started anything yet, or contemplating at this stage? Are you leaning more toward fine art photography? I'd be keen to hear :)

15-04-2016, 8:54am
Sorry Chebby - bloody autocorrect decided you were overweight!
No I hadn't considered engaging someone to promote my photos. That sounds like a really interesting idea. I didn't realise that such a service exists. Can you tell me a bit more about that? What sort of agency might do that sort of work?
Your question about what type of photography I lean towards causes me to pause and think. I like landscape and seascape, wildlife, travel - a bit of a mixture really. And yourself?

15-04-2016, 10:18am
Reminder: Guys. This is the Intro forum AND you are both New Members, so promotion of services is not allowed.
Please see Rules 3-5 here (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/misc.php?do=vsarules) and the general rules for Classified here. (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/misc.php?do=vsarules&cfrset=2)

15-04-2016, 10:45am
Sorry Chebby - bloody autocorrect decided you were overweight!
No I hadn't considered engaging someone to promote my photos. That sounds like a really interesting idea. I didn't realise that such a service exists. Can you tell me a bit more about that? What sort of agency might do that sort of work?
Your question about what type of photography I lean towards causes me to pause and think. I like landscape and seascape, wildlife, travel - a bit of a mixture really. And yourself?

Hahaha, it's ok I was just joking :)

I thought of it as an idea, but didn't have any agency or service in mind, nor am I aware of any.

I'd like to be able to do really well with styled/staged portraits and fine art photography :)

15-04-2016, 12:27pm
Clearly one needs to be careful with what one says! It hadn't occurred to me that the conversation might be viewed dimly by moderators. Good luck with your photographic goals. Cheers

15-04-2016, 12:50pm
Not too dimly, really. Just that there's a place and (for newbies) a time for these otherwise quite OK conversations.:D

15-04-2016, 1:48pm
Clearly one needs to be careful with what one says! It hadn't occurred to me that the conversation might be viewed dimly by moderators. Good luck with your photographic goals. Cheers

Huh? Am I to assume that cause we are moderators, you feel we can't also comment/have views and opinions?