View Full Version : Returned

11-04-2016, 11:55pm
As life does, it got busy ... good thing is I guess, I've been taking more photos .. and getting a little more confident ... so I guess absence is a good thing, no? :)

Anyhow, back and hoping to learn more and get less afraid to share my photos.

Mark L
12-04-2016, 12:01am
... so I guess absence is a good thing, no? :)

Welcome back Elly. Don't be afraid to post some of them photos you've taken. They may be better than you think. And if they're not, how will you know how to improve if you don't post a few?
Commenting on others photos can help you improve your photos also (Mark the bird looks awful because ....... . I must remember not to do that.:D;))

12-04-2016, 12:05am
Haha .. if you think for a moment I could say "Mark, the bird looks awful" you are crazy .. and I'm worse with being subjective with others photos .. I can appreciate what they like about it, more than I can of my own ... but I agree, the only way to learn, to grow, is to share and get feedback .. I'm starting to learn that ultimately photography is subjective and what appeals to one, won't to another .. yes, there is technique and I do get that, but purely as the art form, it is what appeals to the individual ... outside of that, my goodness I ramble, sure you want this here? :)

Now to work out what and where in the realm of posting ... mayhaps not tonight because I really should go to bed, but moving forward ... also, thanks for the welcome back :)

12-04-2016, 6:31am
Welcome back

Mary Anne
12-04-2016, 7:38am
Hello Elly and Welcome back.. No I dont think absence is a good thing, and I reckon you have probably learnt a lot since you have joined AP.
So hope to see you posting and commenting on the Forum soon :nod:

John King
12-04-2016, 8:26am
Gidday Elly

IMO, the secret to improving is to learn to be highly critical of one's own photos, without beating yourself up. That last bit is incredibly important because if you beat yourself up, you will probably just chuck it all in the bin and take up golf or sailing - both of which are horrendously expensive ... ;) :nod:.

The best way to learn the skills involved is by looking critically at others' photographs and putting your thoughts into print, as others have already said.

You can also buy and read a couple of good and cheap books on composition of form and colour.

A third way is to critically examine the pictures in any book that has ghem, on TV, billboards, etc, etc.

As composition was always my weakest point, I have had to use all of the above to help me improve.

Mark L
12-04-2016, 10:26pm
.. I'm starting to learn that ultimately photography is subjective and what appeals to one, won't to another ..
So please yourself first. Worry about others later.:th3:

12-04-2016, 10:43pm
Thank you everyone ... more so, thank you Mark ... that is grand advice :)