View Full Version : More Lightroom Problems

09-04-2016, 2:14pm
I guess you guys are getting sick of all the problems I have. In 3 months in this hobby I have had enough problems to last me a life time.

Lightroom up until yesterday was running perfect, I changed nothing then all of a sudden it kept going 'not responding'. I did a bit of searching and found that it was recommended to update my graphics drivers (AMD). So I did and that fixed the problem last night, it was working fine again. This morning I tried to use Lightroom again and it went back to 'not responding' within 10 seconds. So I decided to uninstall and reinstall. That didn't help. So I came on here and found how to uncheck "Use graphics processor" manually, I did that also and it has made no difference.
What else can I do? I am using a compatible graphics card (AMD R5), Windows 10 and Lightroom 6.
Photoshop is working fine, but I don't like Photoshop to edit photos as much as Lightroom, so I really want Lightroom working again.

Thanks for any suggestions. :)

09-04-2016, 2:57pm
I guess you guys are getting sick of all the problems I have. In 3 months in this hobby I have had enough problems to last me a life time.
Photoshop is working fine, but I don't like Photoshop to edit photos as much as Lightroom, so I really want Lightroom working again.

Thanks for any suggestions. :)

Who, us? No we're not.
(Grr! That Joel! :angry0:)

Isolation (of the problem) is what you need.

Has Win 10 done any updates lately?
When was it last working PROPERLY?

Why don't you try a system restore to a time before that?

After Win 10 re-does your last update you might find that you will
get the problem again. (A long way of saying "I wonder if Win 10 update
installs its own graphics driver? -- or something, though I wouldn't expect it to.)

And lastly, you last statement might need revisiting:D

09-04-2016, 6:30pm
Last update from Windows was on the 23rd of March. It has been working fine since then until yesterday morning. It crashed a couple of times but would work after restarting it. Then last night it would not respond and not work at all.
The last statement isn't that great now I read it again. lol I will just have to watch some tutorials on how to use PS properly. I prefer the work flow of Lightroom.

09-04-2016, 7:47pm
Joel. Have a look at the System Restore log and see if there's a hint of what happened
when it was triggered. You might not need to do anything, but usually it says why. I just hope
it says something more than "update installed:rolleyes:".

09-04-2016, 9:27pm
Just had a look. There was one thing since April 1st and that was yesterday when I uninstalled AVG and reinstalled it. Surely that couldn't be the issue?

10-04-2016, 2:58pm
Nope! I'd say not, too. Well, that's a bovver! I'm outer space/ideas:confused013

11-04-2016, 7:30pm
Spent 3 hours on the phone to Adobe today. The guy I got was very helpful and remotely controlled my computer trying to fix the issue. First he said Lightroom is not using the right graphics card even when set to use the more powerful chip. He then said my chip isn't compatible, but it is because it's not on their list of incompatible chips, it's not on their list of recommended chips though so he said to upgrade to one of them. Not something I want to do (even if it can be done). After hours of trying different things he basically came to that conclusion. He was not able to get Lightroom to work. But now, a few hours later, Lightroom is working again? :confused013 I can't explain it and Adobe can't. I am losing faith though, I don't want to go out and spend a day shooting to come home and have Lightroom not work.

12-04-2016, 7:23am
Phoowhrrr!!:confused013 (-or sounds to that effect!)
What a pass! It could almost make the annals of "Coke and Ball"!

So it's what you rely on to convert from raw? Maybe look into Vew/Capture NX as
the main go-to and ... Any chance of stopping your subscription to LR?

Otherwise, would it be a new graphics card?

12-04-2016, 10:33am
Been having issues with OSX and Lightroom as well. Lightroom not responding.

Also have another issue where I can't move folders. Adobe claim it's a permission issue with OSX but I can manually right click on a folder in Lightroom and create a folder so that makes zero sense.

12-04-2016, 10:39am
A couple of refs:

12-04-2016, 1:56pm
So it's what you rely on to convert from raw?

He's got Photoshop, so he should have Bridge too. Use Bridge and Adobe Camera RAW. It'll look just like Lightroom when you convert your RAW files.

12-04-2016, 2:04pm
[Relying on memory.] But I think it's the free CS2 version, so I don't think it would work very well with
the early version of ACR and his camera. That's why I suggested the other.

12-04-2016, 2:07pm
Well that's not going to be much help then. :D

12-04-2016, 6:49pm
I am convinced it's not an issue on my end, considering all the other people complaining of problems it has to be software related. The fact that it worked for 2 months faultlessly and all of a sudden stopped suggests to me something wrong with the software side of things. Plus it's working again now? Albeit slowly with "use graphics processor" unchecked. But as long as it works I don't really care about speed.
I have PS downloaded so I will download Bridge. Thanks for the suggestion. I'm using CC PS and LR so the latest version.

Mark L
15-04-2016, 9:17pm
I'm using CC PS and LR so the latest version.

You don't even have to use Bridge as Warbler suggested then. Time to learn PS and ACR.

15-04-2016, 9:42pm
You don't even have to use Bridge as Warbler suggested then. Time to learn PS and ACR.

Yes you do need Bridge, Bridge is the browser, you then select and send images to either ACR or Photoshop from their
Well you can get away with out it, I suppose, but way easier to use Bridge than the other options

Mark L
15-04-2016, 10:33pm
^ I use ZoomBrowerser EX to download and look at photos. Copy and paste the ones I'll work on into my PPing folder then open from there via ACR.
Find that easier than using Bridge, but we get used to what we get used to.
Bridge is good for adding adjustments to multiple photos via Develop Settings though.

16-04-2016, 7:20am
...... First he said Lightroom is not using the right graphics card even when set to use the more powerful chip. He then said my chip isn't compatible, but it is because it's not on their list of incompatible chips, it's not on their list of recommended chips though so he said to upgrade to one of them. Not something I want to do (even if it can be done). After hours of trying different things he basically came to that conclusion. He was not able to get Lightroom to work. But now, a few hours later, Lightroom is working again? :confused013 I can't explain it and Adobe can't. I am losing faith though, I don't want to go out and spend a day shooting to come home and have Lightroom not work.

The minimum hardware requirements for LR6 seem to be well covered by the R5.
What model/name/brand if your R5 card?

On the Lr6 specs site, it simply says
OpenGL 3.3 and later and the R5 is OpenGL 4.3

There is a note on the Lr6 site to use particular types of graphics cards, but they are 'recommendations' and not compatibility suggestions.

eg. they recommend an AMD R9, but this isn't because it's more compatible, it's simply because the R9 has grunt to power the overbearing slug that Lightroom actually is!
Who has $500+ to burn on a peripheral that in reality is not really required for most of us? :confused013

So the R5 is more than compatible enough for Lr6 according to the Adobe MSR list.
There is a list of incompatible graphics cards, and no AMD/Radeon card is on that list.

Did you install the manufacturer's driver(if they have one) for the card, or did they use the AMD Catalyst driver system?
These could be important considerations.

While I've never had any problems with my (really, very ... super!) lowly graphics chip on PS and Lr4(and Lr5 trial), I have had troubles with SATA performance in using generic(in this case Windows) HDD drivers. Updated to AMD's SATA driver and all was better.

What you want to look for in the device manager list, is whatever comes up under graphics adapters and find the R5.
It'll probably be called something like {whatever brand} R5 - {model name .. such as 230 or 255 or 320 or something}
Don't update driver via the device manager. Catalyst is the best way to update Radeon drivers.

If you installed AMD's Catalyst driver software, it's almost certain to use a slightly older driver than the current, but it may have installed v14.5(with a ton of numbers after the 5) or 15.2(with more numbers after the 2) .. there are stability issues with some drivers from the AMD Catalyst series starting with those numbers.

Link to the latest Catalyst drivers: (http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop/legacy?product=legacy3&os=Windows+10+-+64)
Down the end of the page.

The current Catalyst driver from AMD for that GFX card is v15.7.1, but I'd install the current beta version instead which is 16.2.1.

Normally most people with advise against using beta software, but AMD's is usually not as beta as most beta software .. so safe to use.
I've been using their most current (beta) drivers on every PC for over 10 years. They do sometimes make duds, but you get that from most software anyhow.
Had more trouble from nVidia 'release' drivers over the years than I've ever had from Radeon.

Oh and don't just install the default Catalyst options, do it manually read carefully through what is going to be installed(or not) and tick/untick them as you want need.
I think they tend to install some junk you don't want/need.
And again if you do install the latest Catalyst software, it will then assume you're not smart, and start itself up on every boot. Unless you want it too, you don't need it.
The only reason it does this is to inform you of a new driver if available .. you dont' need wasted resources(even if they are minimal) telling you that a new driver is now available 6 months later!

Once the driver for the graphics card is installed, I uninstall the Catalyst software .. or disable it from autostarting on every boot.

Let us know what happens either way .. and let us know what model/name/brand of graphics card you're using, and what driver it's using too.
These cards are common as dirt(and good value) and you'd expect millions of them in use around the world, and you'd also expect that of those millions, thousands of Lr users out there too.
This R5 incompatible comment by the Adobe help person doesn't make sense .. there'd be something done about it by AMD or Adobe.