View Full Version : For the Phonetographer that has everything....

Grant S
31-03-2016, 8:56pm
Except this... http://mashable.com/2016/03/31/roame-flying-selfie-stick/?utm_cid=mash-com-tw-aus-link%23l7p5codLmpqQ#igVcaJmjrqq1

Can't see myself wanting one of these, but I'm sure there's a market for it.

01-04-2016, 6:51am
Undoubtedly a market. At my age I much prefer to be behind a camera rather than in front of one, but I was amazed at the number of selfie sticks in use in Europe last year. I was also amused by the effort some young ones put into their pose when taking a selfie - apparently (from seeing promotional interviews for the new Zoolander movie), it's an imitation of the pout Ben Stiller made famous in the first movie.