View Full Version : Photography training.

21-03-2016, 5:20pm
Hi all,

I am chasing some feed back from people who may of attended courses run by this FB page.


Has anyone had experience with these people?

I have been looking at a few of their courses for here in Mackay.

Mods not 100% sure if I am aloud to post this, please delete if not appropriate.


21-03-2016, 5:59pm
You can't go too far wrong at $60. You might pick up some tips and meet some locals with similar interests. What's the worst that can happen? You waste a couple of hours and do $60.

I paid $100 to do a sunset and night photography course with a different couple of blokes in Brisbane and they really helped me to understand my camera. Worth it in my opinion.

21-03-2016, 6:08pm
I can't see the link. FB requires a log-in.
I wouldn't have thought so, but it does.:confused013

21-03-2016, 7:33pm
ameerat yep, you must log in to FB for it to work.

21-03-2016, 7:38pm
Then it's hardly useful to post the link for the many who do not have a FB account.
If they're that keen, why have such a restriction? At least can you find a non-FB link to
post? Then we can give some considered response.

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PS: If they do not have such a link, I'd ditch them on that ground.

21-03-2016, 7:47pm
Then it's hardly useful to post the link for the many who do not have a FB account.
If they're that keen, why have such a restriction? At least can you find a non-FB link to
post? Then we can give some considered response.

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PS: If they do not have such a link, I'd ditch them on that ground.


21-03-2016, 8:01pm
OK, I'm looking at the workshops offered in QLD. Which one were you thinking of in particular?
Was there one?

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Can't find any reviews (with a generic name like that!).
As Hawthy says, maybe give them a whirl.

21-03-2016, 8:19pm
OK, I'm looking at the workshops offered in QLD. Which one were you thinking of in particular?
Was there one?

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Can't find any reviews (with a generic name like that!).
As Hawthy says, maybe give them a whirl.


Worth a try as you guys say.. $60 each, will take Em as well.

I have a second hand Manfrotto 055Xprob with pan head and Manfrotto triger grip ball head on its way, make sure that shows up first before I book us in.

23-03-2016, 6:25am
He runs the same courses in Gladstone quite regularly. I've never been to one personally but know people that have. I've heard both good and bad reports but I think they differed because of the amount of experience the different people had. Not an unreasonable price if you get some knowledge out of it.

Mark L
23-03-2016, 9:04pm

On your link I like the prominent display of,
"Tip of the week,
When uploading images online, be sure to watermark your photos if you don’t want them to be used without your permission. Get into the habit of safeguarding your photos"
:) Just don't post photos on the interweb if you're precious about safeguarding them.

At least the tip was free and I don't think you both have much to loose by you both learning at the same time (suspect one will learn more than the other ;))

09-04-2016, 11:32pm
Okay just a follow up, went along last night.
Found the info given quiet helpful, the trainer was very easy to understand and very helpful.

I suppose from someone who doesn't know much it seemed helpful, and well worth the little bit of money.


12-04-2016, 8:01pm
Great that you found it beneficial. I joined a few photography groups on Meetup and attended some workshops for between $60 and $150 a pop. It's a good way of getting the toes wet without laying down too much money.