View Full Version : Attn: Sigma 150-600 lens owners.

15-03-2016, 9:24am
(Hey, you two! - Or is it three?)

I found this article (http://www.dpreview.com/news/2798041556/sigma-claims-new-firmware-makes-150-600mm-f5-6-3-50-faster?utm_content=buffera639a&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer) on DPR (while looking for something else).
Of course, you need the lens dock.

15-03-2016, 9:40am
I don't get DPR sometimes .. on how they format their news page.

I was there for a significant time this morning looking over the Fuji xPro2 review, and a few other bits fo news here and there.
This Sigma firmware article wasn't there, and second on the list was that Nissin radio controller listing.
Now tho, the Sigma article is NEWER than the xPro2 article and it somehow managed to get placed under the Fuji listing as news.

I understand that the review is a review and they want it to be prominent, but the layout, as it is, makes it easy to return to the site after a few minutes and miss a new item.

Well done Sigma for keeping at it too.
I generally tend to base my purchasing decisions primarily on price(per performance ratio) and had the S version of that lens on my list of next few things to acquire too. That kind of changed a bit when Nikon announced the 200-500 lens earlier and gave me more to think about in the mean time. That changed again soon after in that there were issues with the 200-500 lens early on(thanks Mongo), which made the decision on the Sigma a lot easier, even tho it's pricier at the same time.
Now I base a fair amount of my decision process on whether the manufacturer has this docking feature too now .. and as far as I can see into the future, it'll be Sigma and Tamron purchases for a while yet! ;)

15-03-2016, 11:00pm
Thanks for the post am, Mine will get done in the morning. 50% of bugger all is pretty good.