View Full Version : What studio lights do you currrently have, and what would you (realistically!) like to have now?

07-03-2016, 6:34pm
I currently have two 400 watt Flashpro studio strobes that I am looking to replace. The most important factor in the replacement strobes is a fast recycle time (under 1.5 secs at least), around 500 watts, lightweight would be a bonus and capable of being battery powered as well as mains powered (for at least one strobe) would be an even greater bonus. I bought the set I have when I first got into photography on the recommendation of the photography store. I need to replace the strobes, but there are so many options available, I thought I would ask what people were currently using and whether or not they were happy with their current choice. And, if not satisfied with their current strobes, what would be the replacement of choice?

I @ M
07-03-2016, 6:47pm
I thought I would ask what people were currently using and whether or not they were happy with their current choice.

I'm happy with the ( not so cheap ) Chinese 400ws heads we have. but they have had extensive use and will die one day.

And, if not satisfied with their current strobes, what would be the replacement of choice?

When they die, not if, they will be replaced by these (http://specular.com.au/lighting/d1). I now see buying lighting in the same way as one should consider buying tripods. You buy 2 or 3 that don't do the job before you eventually spend less in total than buying the best one to start with.

For your wants / needs criteria THIS (http://specular.com.au/lighting/batteryflash/b1)is the way to go.