View Full Version : One Of Those Days.

03-03-2016, 4:41pm
Yes, today was one of those days!

You know the type - you don't know whether to forget it, or make it a piece of history.
You know what I mean.:nod:

You name it: what did I achieve photographically, when I went out on an errand, doing the chores?...
Well, no use lamenting, I suppose. - Or to get excited about.

I suppose tomorrow will be another day. Hopefully, it will not be like today. Will it be better? - Worse?

I'll soon find out.

Well, that's it from me. You're welcome to add...

Am(neither here nor there... - So where?).

Mary Anne
03-03-2016, 6:34pm
I did not even get to look at a camera yesterday let alone pick one up to take a Photo of my Daughter like you do when they have a Birthday.
So mine is a piece of Family History some of this Family will never forget.

I had one of those days yesterday.. Second Daughter was having her 50th Birthday and she Face times me at some ungodly hour in the morning crying her eyes out.
I failed she said, I knew right away what she was talking about as she and her Daughter my 22 year old Granddaughter had not long started doing a Community Service course at TAFE.
My Daughter wants to work with the Elderly my Granddaughter want to work for Children, anyway seems my Daughter had to have a pass in English exit level three.
Though what happened was she did it on line on her iPad and could not understand a lot of the text everything was scrambled that's why she failed.
She had got in contact with them late the day before explained what happened and was told to write all that down get a JP to sign it and return it to TAFE by 3pm the next day and in the mean time do the test on line again.

We had bought her This computer and Office 365 (http://www.harveynorman.com.au/computers-tablets/computers/laptops/hp-stream-11-r022tu-11-6-laptop-purple.html) cheaper too the day before to give her yesterday as I knew this one was what she wanted, Grandchildren come in handy at times.
I told her to come over and do it here on the Desktop, so about two hours later three of them arrive and the Dog. Mum I dont know how to work on FF :rolleyes: no different to any other OS I told here.
I showed her what to do hard to believe some can forget what to do on computers when iPads and iPhone are used every day for a few years so about 3 hours later after a hissy fit or two and more cries she finally finished the test.
Forgets all about her Birthday present, off her and her Hubby go to find a JP then into the city to TAFE and would you believe she made it with about 20 minutes to spare.

I thought the roof would fall in when she pressed that last button to find she had passed the test and she screamed with delight ?
Though yesterday took about 10 years off my life. So much for this Special Birthday she was supposed to have I think we are celebrating it on Saturday now, as she was back at TAFE today.

03-03-2016, 9:16pm
I had one of those days today.
Spent way too many hours chasing some IT stuff that should have been so much easier than I made it for myself.

Sister just started a new business with her hubby.
She's asked me to come and help with some of the tech stuff.

Quick look at PC's in the shop that does POS(point of sale) and backend management PC for accounting stuff ... all 50 year old gear that's way underpowered for the work they want it to do.

The other job was to connect a new screen to a surveillance camera setup, about 7 cameras in total and running this crappy software that is really not even good enough if were free.
New screen connected and won't light up. 1/2 hour later the penny dropped as to why.
The old screen had a broken stand but the screen worked. broken stand was way too dodgy, so I had an old screen lying about I replaced the old one with.
Old screen working .. new one not! :confused:
Restarted the PC DVR system to see if it were some weird driver issue .. still no dice.
replacement screen just won't light up. It flicked on a few brief moments with the message that it was going into sleep mode.
Made no sense!
What the system involved tho was that there was a screen at the back(office), the one I was replacing, but there's also a screen at the front of the shop at the counter too, and they were connected to the same D-Sub VGA port via a splitter cable!
Doh! .. the higher res more, modern replacement screen had a too high resolution mode for the ye olde worlde graphics chip on the old PC top run two screens now via a splitter cable :th3:
Easy fix .. find the cables and disconnect the front screen(for now) reset display to low res modes and all should be fine.
THIS IS where the problems then started!
Finding the cables. Turn off PC again, find the cables in what can only be described as world war 4 on cable tidyiness under the desk. 3 PCs, 7 cameras, three other screens out front, modems, routers switches and all manner of other devices(I think a printer cable too) .. all chucked in a heap under the desk.
Pull one device out and 4 other devices shift in unified dance due to the tangled cable mess under there.
Anyhow, cable finally found, front screen disconnected and PC turned on again and bingo .. replacement screen up now! :th3:
This is now half an hour later.. and the easy part done.
start up the pathetic DVR camera recording software .. and no cameras recognised! :confused013
.. frustration now sets in.
An hour or more of headbanging trying to decipher cable connections under desk and no cameras up and running on this stoopid DVR program.
Checked all the (very basic) settings(bar one) in the DVR program endlessly and still nothing.
Then two of the 7 cameras finally display their images .. yay!(belatedly).
Head now twisted in knots as to why the other 5 aren't showing up tho.
More stuffing about .. and nothing!
Another hour wasted looking here there and everywhere, except the stupidest place to look into .. the initial start up screen of this pathetic DVR software.
On the start up splash screen is a settings area that's very easy to dismiss, asking for two settings variables.
One of those settings is for either PAL or NTSC selection for the cameras .. opf course default was NTSC, and the cameras are mostly PAL types .. so no images with the wrong selection!
Why the hell this setting isn't part of the "SETTINGS" area of the program is reason to believe that stupidity is a human genetic condition that will never be eradicated .. ever!
Just insanely amazing that they wouldn't have that option in the settings area. :rolleyes:
So .. after about 4 or so hours of banging head against PC screens .. finally got some progress here.
Insufferable part tho is that with my unusable knee, I can't really crawl around under desks(basically since about 1997!).. and that was when I was young!

And all I really had planned to do for 'my day off' was to see sis in her new venture, leave her a PC screen(that I had lying around spare) wish her and her hubby well, let them buy me a cofffee ahd get home for lunch! :D

...... best laid plans, of mice and men .....

What did I achieve photographically .. a new found fondness for one of the worst software I've yet had to endure .. Nikon's CaptureNX-D.
And not because I like it now .. I just realised that there are worst programmers out there doing more damage to the human condition! :D

03-03-2016, 9:25pm
Nope, didn't have one of those days at all.

I have one of those other days, so don't even get me started. :o

04-03-2016, 7:54am
AK: Apologies for my post:o It really ruined your day:p

Mark: You should BE so lucky!:nod:

13-03-2016, 12:44pm
So, now it's been a day or few, I guess I'm calm enough to share a recent 'One off those days (early mornings)....'

I've just had a quick trip to NZ and thought I'd make the most of it by paying the extra baggage fee ($25.00) and take some gear over. The plan was to pick up a pre-paid hire car at Auckland, slowly make my way across to the East Coast (Waihi Beach), catch the sunrise, then spend another day or two travelling/photographing every bit of wildlife that moved while heading to the small community of Lake Tutira in Hawke's Bay. (near Napier)

After a safe and uneventful flight, I touched down in Auckland in the very early hours (0010)...and before customs, there I was...'last man standing' at the baggage carousel waiting for that bag!!...it never happened :(. Needless to say, I was gutted and then very worried!. I found the appropriate man to take all my details and vent my disappointments to, he was well suited to the job and promised he'd do his best (it would be another two days before that bag was back in my possession!!) He continually reassured me that everything was covered by the airline and that I wouldn't be out-of-pocket. The only problem with that was, I'd become fond/accustomed to my humble gear, and the thought of losing it was just as bad as the thoughts of having to replace it...although now, in hindsight, an upgrade may have been a good thing?

I thought to myself, "all is not lost", I still had my 600D plus the 24 - 105mm which I carried on as hand luggage, so let's get that hire car....:D

Well....(here we go again) the rental car counter assistant was busy packing up for the night/morning and informed me nothing would be going out until the next shift at 0730...!! (6 hr's or more) After a little pleading/begging/grovelling, she found my booking and then tried to convince me that my car wouldn't be available until after lunch that day...!! I very calmly, yes, calmly :nod: had to explain that, when booking a car for 0100hrs and then finding it wouldn't be ready until 1300 (1.00pm) was not acceptable (words to that effect), she finally conceded and magically located a car...(and an upgrade at that!)....there ya go, all sorted :). "We were best of friends by the time all that was worked out" (0300hrs) :D

Basically, all went well from there...
Had a very beautiful, largely un-photographed drive down NZ's scenic East Coast and through many small towns (no tripod, no ND filters, no remote release, no birding gear etc etc....)

Unfortunately, to add a little insult to injury...I was disappointed with the small lake I stayed near, lake Tutira. Along with some bad management and mainly seasonal condition, was in a very poor, almost toxic condition, so, no wildlife to be found when I finally got that bag back.

On a high note, the 60th B/day party that I originally went for, ended up being the highlight of the trip (I think?)...it lasted for two days!!!...so, very glad to be home :D

If you're still reading, you may be amused to know that the last time I crossed over the ditch, I received a call from my bank two hours before departing informing me that my accounts had been frozen because someone had hacked/emptied them. (All recovered/sorted at a later date)
At least that time, my car and bag were there ready and waiting....just no useful EFTPOS/credit cards and very little cash...:D :D

Still in all, a very nice and picturesque country to visit...maybe next time things will go to plan? - :th3:

13-03-2016, 12:52pm
So now that you're back from across the ditch, I suppose you're also back on the other side of the paddock. (NSW, ie.)

13-03-2016, 1:40pm
So now that you're back from across the ditch, I suppose you're also back on the other side of the paddock. (NSW, ie.)
Need to go to ACT shortly, then back across to Dubbo/Mudgee...if you're there at the time, I'll call in for a :beer_mug:or two (like I need anymore after that last trip...) :D

13-03-2016, 1:47pm
Gazza, CPM.

Mark L
13-03-2016, 7:32pm
...although now, in hindsight, an upgrade may have been a good thing?

...maybe next time things will go to plan? - :th3:

Maybe you can organise a plan for that stuff to get lost on the return journey next time.:confused013

13-03-2016, 7:37pm
Maybe you can organise a plan for that stuff to get lost on the return journey next time.:confused013
Now...that makes far better sense :shh: :D

14-03-2016, 5:25am
Yikes Gaz - do I dare ask which airline. We're off to NZ in April - only the south island - cross your fingers for us. At least with a bag each we should (touch wood) have at least one tripod arrive safely. Glad to hear you had a good time catching up with family.

14-03-2016, 5:51am
Yikes Gaz - do I dare ask which airline. We're off to NZ in April - only the south island - cross your fingers for us. At least with a bag each we should (touch wood) have at least one tripod arrive safely. Glad to hear you had a good time catching up with family.
I flew Air NZ, Glenda. (my normal choice) I've never had trouble before in the 20 or so times I've ventured over that ditch in the last 40 years...there's alway that first time I guess :D

A handy hint, you probably do this anyway...
My brother & sister-in-law travel a lot with their work and holidays. They often lose a bag (it's become the norm for them) so now they pack ½ their clothes in each others bag, just a thought for you guys. That way they have fresh cloths while waiting for the other to turn up. (I didn't want to mention above that I was also stuck in the same cloths for 2 days, some people may have been eating breakfast :o)

Enjoy your time over there. April should be an ideal time, the South Island is so beautiful - :th3:

14-03-2016, 6:08am
We've yet to lose a bag while travelling but usually I put one set of clothes each in our cabin luggage - just in case. Might be more difficult this trip as we'll be packing mainly winter clothes.

14-03-2016, 6:50am
Same here to both. Found out 1nce.:(

14-03-2016, 2:26pm
hhehe... I know losing your cloths for a few days is probably not funny... But it is a good read this thread. has added a giggle to my arvo in the office doing paper work. :lol:

15-03-2016, 7:47pm
I went for a drive up to see my sis in her new business again today(see post #3).
This time was a lot easier. She'd asked if I could add a lock to one of the cupboards for security.
They had a few tools for the job, but nothing proper .. so had to do a lot of guesswork as to where the lock and striker plate was to line up too on the carcass and door.
I had a plan A set up in my mind and it all went well.
Supermarket near her business had the stuff I needed for most of my groceries for a few days, so did that on my way home.

Get home, and this is where OTD's syndrome set in again.
Front door lock won't open! :confused013
Key won't turn at all.
Had a few problems with door in this on again/off again heat and humidity with an expanding door frame, but this time the door frame isn't the problem.
The lock simply won't turn like I'm using the wrong key!
Hands full of a few shopping bags which of course makes it harder to operate a recalcitrant lock, thinking my half @$$ed key turning effort is probably the cause.
Nope!. Shopping now on the ground, bags collapse and groceries all over the ground too now, with tomatoes rolling all over the place .. etc. etc! :rolleyes:
Door lock just won't turn, and keys are easy to break.
So the decision is now made, door won't open, I have to clamber in via an unlocked window.
For any abled person, even if they are old and decrepit, this would be a pain to do, but not impossible. An old, decrepit and disabled bone rattler like myself tho .. it's mission impossible of the highest order.
My knee simply can't bend far enough for me to clamber into the window and onto the kitchen sink. Eventual entry was even less graceful than a Donald Trump speech!(if that's even possible) :p

After fighting my may in, I finally collect up the mess that were supposed to be my groceries and went immediately to 'fix' the door.
Lock apart .. I love that Lockwood make them so easy to disassemble now :th3: .. and no way that lock was going to turn.
It's like the key suddenly changed form for no reason leaving me out in the cold.
Anyhow, lock won't fully come apart for me to get it apart, because part of the process of disassembly is that the lock has to turn to access one screw.
Nothing for it other than to mangle the lock mechanism to get to the last vital screw to fully disassemble the lock to see what's jamming it.

One mangled part later, which now makes the lock useless, and it turns out that the lock was fine anyhow, but the door(timber) is a bit too soft.
There needs to be a specific distance between the front key barrel and the rear deadlock section. The door material is a wee bit soft and the front part had recessed itself in a few mm's making the internals jam just enough that no matter how much effort I used that lock was never going to turn .. ever(unless I mangled the part that I had too, to see what the problem was).
Lucky for me I had a few spare parts here and there, and got the lock working again .. about 2 hours later, and that wasn't without it's controversy either tho.
As the door timber is too soft to rigidly support the front lock section, I had to use something to properly support the front lock. Without this support, I'd be back at square one and not be able to turn the lock key from the outside again.
In the end after looking for all manner of bits of steel, screws, washers etc, the only thing that would reliably hold the front section far enough outward was a roll duct tape specially unrolled so that it fit in the cavity perfectly!
I reckon I wasted about 10 meters of duct tape just for that cardboard roll, with a few mm's of duct tape remaining .. all that duct tap in the bin. :(

Anyhow, that's what took two hours to do .. the search for something strong enough to hold the lock perfectly in place.
It's holding up just OK .. I now have to decide to either make up a new metal striker plate for the front section of the lock or just replace the front door.
New door is the better option, but the problem is the need for a new frame first.

15-03-2016, 7:52pm
I think you can add another dis-bonus of those days for that effort, AK.
I thought the story was going to end with you having the wrong (but fitting) key.

15-03-2016, 7:57pm
I thought the story was going to end with you having the wrong (but fitting) key.
I thought the same thing...the key from the sisters place :D :D

15-03-2016, 8:00pm
With all the knee-bending problems, you could have tried hurling the bags of groceries at the door.
I reckon a good run-up along the path, and then an almighty HEAVE!! - And the good thing would be:
you'd still have duct tape:nod:

Mark L
15-03-2016, 10:50pm
Our bathroom's being totally renovated. The last thing we need to buy is a light we like for above the mirror. Stuff all choice in Mudgee. We also need to get some paint and stuff to do the ceiling and walls above where the tiles will finish.
So off to Bathurst yesterday and I was sure it was gunna be one of those days (doesn't help that the better half needs to analyse everything 5 times, even a paint brush. Yes I have a lot of those days :)).

Well we had a list of places to go for a light and paint stuff. How much am I looking forward to all this.:(
Was going to Bunnings first but fortunately I missed the road to go down (just the start of OOTDays I think) so we ended up going to Masters first. Aren't they going broke and useless?
We lucked upon a wonderful lady that actually knew her stuff in the areas we needed to know about (how often do you ask for help from someone that it turns out knows less about the subject than you do? Thinking our local Bunnings here.) She was happy to take time to explain things and help us. (she reckoned she'd rather take the time to help people than stack selves on a Monday.) 45 minutes later we had all the last things we need for our bathroom.:)
So yesterday turned out to be one of those days that I thought would be one of those days that turned out to be one of those days that I wish would happen more often.
A couple of blokes are doing our bathroom but I have to do the painting later this week. That means stand by for OOTdays. I'm sure I can stuff it up.:)

16-03-2016, 5:04am
Half way through Arthur's post I thought maybe he had the wrong house - glad that wasn't the case.

Mark - aren't bathroom renos wonderful - well they are when they are finished.

16-03-2016, 7:20am
Half way through Arthur's post I thought maybe he had the wrong house - glad that wasn't the case.

Mark - aren't bathroom renos wonderful - well they are when they are finished.

Llps. I went to put the key in the car door one afternoon, only to find the lock had been vandalised!!:eek:
Cripes! And I was only away 5 mins!! Neither would the key turn.

I was about to utter another imprecation, when... - Oops! Wrong car. (Only a couple away from each other.)
Boy, was I glad for that. [/Nonchalant whistling emoticon]

Mark. Keep away from OWLs when painting. You wouldn't want to have TWO OOTdays in a row:eek:
Funny how you always weave birds into your posts. I didn't know you 'ad drongos out there at [a name].:D

Mary Anne
16-03-2016, 1:28pm
Arthur.. I thought I had another bad day, you seem more unluckier them me. Time for you to write a Book about these days.
I feel for you trying to get in that window, does that mean you have only one entrance door into or out of your home.

Mark L
16-03-2016, 10:50pm
Mark - aren't bathroom renos wonderful - well they are when they are finished.

What, they actually get to be finished. A week to go. or was that two weeks. Or ... it will be finished. Looking forward to OOT weeks becoming OOTdays.
Not sure about AM saying "Keep away from OWLs when painting." Would be more than happy if an owl dropped in to make it OOTdays.

17-03-2016, 5:12am
What, they actually get to be finished. A week to go. or was that two weeks. Or ... it will be finished. Looking forward to OOT weeks becoming OOTdays.
Not sure about AM saying "Keep away from OWLs when painting." Would be more than happy if an owl dropped in to make it OOTdays.
Well mostly. We had our bathroom and ensuite done last year - did take longer than originally planned and eventually was finished while we were overseas - scary as we had to rely on our son to inspect the workmanship before handing over the final payment. We too elected to do the painting ourselves which in the ensuite was only the ceiling and window trim. Ceiling was done immediately - still waiting for the window trim to be done.

17-03-2016, 6:30am
Our bathroom's being totally renovated. ......

Oh man!!!
Don't get me started on bathroom renovations :eek:

For me it also turned into 'one of those days' .. fourteen times over. :rolleyes:

17-03-2016, 6:36am
Well I would add to this post of OOTD but it is too depressing so will just enjoy reading others. But needless to say my reasons for not being very active lately :(

17-03-2016, 6:39am
C'mon, guys. This is just not Cricket!:(

Well I would add to this post of OOTD but it is too depressing so will just enjoy reading others. But needless to say my reasons for not being very active lately :(

She's usually so up-beat:nod:

17-03-2016, 6:41am
Well I would add to this post of OOTD but it is too depressing so will just enjoy reading others. But needless to say my reasons for not being very active lately :(
You could leave out the depressing stuff and just fess-up to all the embarrassing stuff :D :D

17-03-2016, 7:09am
Well I would add to this post of OOTD but it is too depressing so will just enjoy reading others. .....

Hope it all gets better for 'ya Cricket.
Been there done that, and just hung in there to see it to the end.

My bathroom story as brief as I can( to hopefully put a smile on 'ya dial).

This a while back now .. maybe '09 or '08 .. can't remember.
Work was getting more and more sparse and devalued, so income was stretched to breaking point.
There was no way I could afford a bathroom reno back then, but my (other) sis has a partner that is a builder.
They have all sorts of leftovers and unwanted bits of builds that just sit in their storage area .. anyhow she offered to fix the bathroom for me multiple times prior but with no actual effect.

So one day(Sat or Sun .. can't remember again) .. we caught up and she tells me "we'll start the bathroom soon".
My thought was "Yeah, Yeah" (whatever, heard it all before .. doesn't matter I can live with it.
The backstory is tho, that the bathroom was almost to the point that it was unusable, heavily contaminated with mould. The previous owners trying to sell up quickly with minimal outlay had painted over some very heavy mould. it started to come through a few years later .. and by 08-09 it was basically texture of the entire walls.

So, one Monday with no clue as to what's about to come ... I went to work as usual, come home to a massive pile of rubble in the driveway. :confused013
Bathroom was totally stripped bare. Only things left were the frame and the window .. no door nothing. Pipes all blocked off and just a shell of a room now! :eek:

Would have been nice to know ON THE DAY, so that I could plan for it .. but never mind.
Next day plumber did the pipe layout :th3:
Next day the builder started most of the plaster, but left the wired wall. :th3:
Next day electrician came and added new wires in the same place .. no thumbs here as the plan wasn't laid out too well.
Problem was that the door opened the wrong way for the new layout. It opened into the new shower and onto the new toilet(where no toilet was before).
Door had to be re-oriented to open the other way .. no worries, except that it opened onto the electrical plug.
So before door was finalised and walls plastered, the electrics had to go barely 1 meter across the door frame onto the other side.
This one day delay was the problem!
Turned a 3 day build(easy build too) into a 2 week waiting game and a backbreaking exercise.

Elec came back on the fourth day, and I started some plastering on the remaining two walls after work. Easy nuff, did all the large pieces easily myself and builder would come back to finish off what I couldn't.
The last piece of plaster I had to put in place was a teeny little tacker about the size of your palm, but it was low down where the skirting would end up. The finish didn't matter as the skirting would hide it anyhow .. just didn't want any hidden holes and stuff, and it was needed for the tiles used for the skirting to bond too.
In the reach down to nail it in, I snapped my back! Sciatic nerve pain, couldn't move now and therefore do nothing else in the bathroom myself.
This is where the problem now began. Builder(sister's partner) had planned for a 3 or 4 day build, so their holiday was already pre planned. I was to do what I could while builder wasn't there, but that all went down the drain(pun intended!), as I couldn't do anything. Could lay the base for the shower, or start to setup the frameless shower screen or anything at all.
Could barely wash myself .. so the whole process got delayed again and again.
So I was without a bathroom for two weeks now instead of the originally planned 3 days, and I was unable to work due to an immovable back.

In the end I had to relent and drive up to mum's for showers and stuff, and I think I stayed up there a couple of days too. If were only a few days, I could live with a quick sponge up in the laundry .. but not two weeks.
All that pales into insignificance now tho as the bathroom still looks schmick! :th3:

17-03-2016, 11:32pm
Maryanne, aren't you lucky to have such an interesting life, and also be a bit useful.