View Full Version : The hunt begins.

03-03-2016, 2:15pm
Hello to the members of ausphotography!

Just found this site all of an hour a go and I'm very excited to get involved.

I would class myself as a beginner and purchased my first 'real' camera in late 2014. Since then I attempted many a photo with no real understanding of what I was doing, I was consigned to the auto mode with a rare foray into Aperture priority. This lead to about 6 months of mediocre photos and general frustration. My rare attempts at manual mode were.. well lets just leave it there. That's about when I thought somethings gotta give so I bought a manual lens :confused: (samyang f/2.0 12mm). So i read up a bit and got a general idea of what I was mean to do but in reality I did a trip around the US and stuffed up A LOT of great photo opportunities :Doh:

Since then I've read up a lot and found a great online course so I think I'm ready for a few of my photos to be critiqued. Last year as a self-indulgent Christmas present for my family I got them a calendar with my favourite 12 snaps of the year. I'm planning on doing this every year to keep track of where I've been and how far I've come as a photographer :rolleyes:.

Look forward to sticking around here for a while :party7:

My kit as it stands:

Sony A6000
Kit lens - 16-50mm
Bonus lens - Sony 70-200mm
Samyang f/2.0 12mm

Photographic interests (at present):


03-03-2016, 2:27pm
Hi and welcome, PhotoHunter. (It'll be PH for sure!)

Find a lot of stuff on Beginner photography and also how to do things on AP in the Library.
There is a tab on each page.

See you around.

John King
03-03-2016, 2:32pm
Welcome to AP, PH.

Two things that are fundamentally important to all photography are the exposure parameters (ISO, aperture and shutter speed) and getting your focus correct on the spot you want if to be ...

Just about everything else is secondary or irrelevant if you cannot get these things right.

For the exposure side, I highly recommend Bryan Peterson's excellent, simple and cheap book "Understanding Exposure".

If you cannot focus properly after learning how to use your camera's focusing system, check with your optometrist ... :nod: :lol:.

03-03-2016, 4:47pm
Welcome. See you on the forums

Mark L
03-03-2016, 6:45pm
Welcome aboard PhotoHunter007.
Don't be afraid to ask questions and generally get involved. Helps make furoms work.
Also get into commenting on what you do and don't like about others photos. Actually helps you think about what you could be doing with your photos.:)

Mary Anne
03-03-2016, 9:54pm
Hello PH and Welcome to AP.. Plenty to learn here Have a read of the New to Photography Book (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:New_To_Photography_Book) you may find something there to Help at times.
Post some images on the Forums for cc that's a great way to learn, and have a go at commenting at other Members posts also.
Lots of Competitions to enter. There is the The Weekly Challenge (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?193-Member-Challenges-52-2016) something different every week, so join right in :nod:

04-03-2016, 2:06pm
Thanks guys, very much looking forward to critiquing and being critiqued. Just spent the last few hours working out the logistics of Milky Way photography, my goodness there is a bit to know!

Warren Ackary
08-03-2016, 10:07am
Welcome and enjoy

08-03-2016, 12:10pm
Hello and welcome to AP