View Full Version : I'm back and would like to post again ..

29-02-2016, 11:44am
Wishing everyone a happy last day of summer :)

Hi Jorge!

29-02-2016, 12:10pm
Hi Jorge. (Hola!)

Welcome to AP. GO right ahead and post.

John King
29-02-2016, 12:23pm
Welcome, PH. Another refugee from the cesspit? :nod: :lol:.

Mary Anne
29-02-2016, 5:35pm
Hello Jorge and Welcome back. Join right in and start posting on the forums, and have a go at commenting on other Members posts also.

29-02-2016, 5:47pm

29-02-2016, 8:54pm
Your name's familiar.
A DPR member too, John, From MEL?
Hi there .. Mick

- - - Updated - - -

Welcome, PH. Another refugee from the cesspit? :nod: :lol:.

Have you played around with the EM-1s new in-camera macro focus stacking abilities?
Here'as a few goes I had at it.


I judge it to be good - very useful.

John King
01-03-2016, 7:01am
Gidday Mick

I mostly use my FTs lenses on my E-M1 - don't own any of the three mFTs lenses that work for that. Maybe I will buy one some day.

Your photos certainly show how amazing and useful ghis function is! Good work, mate.

Mark L
01-03-2016, 8:57pm
Well that's some time ago that you joined up here Jorge.
"... would like to post again ..". Maybe that should be " would like to start posting." :D:p;)
Welcome aboard again Jorge. :) Please don't be afraid to get involved here. The amount of posts John has racked up in short time might suggest it's okay here.:th3: