View Full Version : Glasses

24-02-2016, 9:00pm
So yeah, it finally happened: I got glasses. For reading and computerwork only - my arms became too short. Just +1.5 and +2, nothing major I guess.

Question to all long-term glass-wearers: do you use your reading-glasses when taking pictures or do you simply use the diopter adjustment to correct for eye-problems? Note: I use a Fuji X-T1, things might be different when using a true TTL system?

Mark L
24-02-2016, 10:09pm
Note: I use a Fuji X-T1, things might be different when using a true TTL system?

That's important.
I have reading glasses and simply don't need them for TTL.
Can't comment on your Fuji though.

24-02-2016, 10:20pm
I wear reading glasses and another pair I use for computer work. I only use the adjustment on the camera when taking photos but have to put my glasses on to check the image etc which can be a real pain at times.

25-02-2016, 4:46am
I wear glasses for reading now, too. I have not found the need to wear them for photography yet. Though as they squeeze more onto the LCD it might happen cause I have trouble reading my phone at times.

25-02-2016, 5:46am
I just use the diopter adjustment for the viewfinder but the LCD is another story.

Greg Johnston
25-02-2016, 6:31am
I too can relate to this drama. In general I wear my reading glasses when using the camera now as I need them to see the back screen on the camera etc. The problem then is that I need to look "over the top" of them when I am looking at my subject. Horrible thought: does this make me look older? :(

25-02-2016, 7:30am
^^What Llps said.

25-02-2016, 7:30am
Yep, need reading glasses.
I use the diopter.
Having and an Electrnic View Finder (EVF) camera (sony A77) also helps in this respect. I can view the photos and camera settings in the EVF with the diopter adjusted without glasses. I can not see them clearly on the LCD on the rear of the camera unless I get my glasses out and put them on.

25-02-2016, 8:26am
I have worn glasses (im VEEEERY short sighted) for the better part of 15 years and have never even thought of using the dioptre. I normally wear contact lenses while shooting and rarely take my camera out if im not. I need to experiment with this and see if I can make it work.

John King
25-02-2016, 8:49am
Even with 20/20 vision (uncorrected) I have lots of glasses. Mostly bifocals. With them I have around 20/12 visual acuity. Much of my problem is astigmatism and differential focus at different distances.

I wear them for photography. Have the dioptre correction set so that I use the distance part for the VF and the bifocal part for review. Works fine for me with my cameras, both EVF and OVF.

25-02-2016, 9:01am
I wear reading glasses and another pair I use for computer work. I only use the adjustment on the camera when taking photos but have to put my glasses on to check the image etc which can be a real pain at times.

This is me too !!!

25-02-2016, 9:09am
What I see through the view finder seems to be clear & sharp, what I see on the display screen is a different story. I have noticed that wearing glasses while using the camera has marked the led screen over time. I have now put a protective film on it, see how that goes.

Mary Anne
25-02-2016, 9:19am
I have worn reading glasses for about 30 years, and computer glasses for about 8 years they are both at different lengths and when taking photo's I dont use either.
Though also have to put my reading glasses back on to view them.

25-02-2016, 9:41am
I adjusted my diopter. I use reading glasses but so far, the LCD isn't an issue.

25-02-2016, 10:06am
I wear transition bi-focals and leave them on all the time, possibly more laziness than need, as I happily wander around in the morning without them and only put them on when I need to read something, or turn on the computer.

I look through the viewfinder with the top part of the glasses (the distance section) with both eyes open, and have done the dioptre adjustment to suit.

So to answer your question you will probably find it is better to do the dioptre adjustment and use the viewfinder without glasses, as this way you will still still be able to see your subject clearly when you look away from the camera, and then pop your specs on, which are hanging around your neck on a little cord, to check the result.

25-02-2016, 10:36am
I now wear glasses for reading.
Can't wear them for TTL with the camera(D800E and D300) tho. Very ungainly.
dioptre is fine.
I can still accurately manual focus easily enough, so the dioptre adjustment in the vf is perfectly acceptable.

Can't see nothing in Lv mode tho .. need the glasses again! :(
Same with the rest of the camera's externals .. lucky for me I know the menu system and button layout well enough to guess at what I'm changing! :p

25-02-2016, 1:19pm
In a way I guess I am lucky to be short sighted rather than long sighted. With glasses I can see what I am shooting aswell as the camera. Would be better if I wasn't blind at all though. :(

Mark L
26-02-2016, 8:24pm
The problem then is that I need to look "over the top" of them when I am looking at my subject. Horrible thought: does this make me look older? :(

Horribleness depends on how old you actually are.:confused013
As long as you move your head slowly it might be interpreted as regal or educated almost.:D

John King
26-02-2016, 8:40pm
^ I'm heading for 69 y.o., look about 50 y.o. and feel about 105 y.o. most of the time.

I'd rather look 105 y.o. and feel about 50 y.o. personally ... :nod:.