View Full Version : Don't you hate that !!!

13-02-2016, 10:16pm
Its raining, Saturday afternoon,you've done the jobs you have put off for weeks.
Nothing interesting to photograph.
Hmm I need some milk ,jump into the ute and head to the local shop.
Along the way I spot 2 large cardboard boxes meandering along the footpath with 3 pairs of legs and some holes cut in them for vision.
When I stopped laughing at these kids having a ball and being inventive I realised ,NO bloody camera.:cool:
Ah well they gave me a laugh but I missed one of those never again shots.

Mary Anne
13-02-2016, 11:57pm
Always the way isn't it, what no phone camera either ?

15-02-2016, 7:29pm
no ,I tend to leave the phone on my desk on weekends if I'm not going far

15-02-2016, 7:37pm
What you need is a PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY:nod::nod:

OK, out with the crayons and show us a sketch of what you saw:D

16-02-2016, 9:39pm
The best shots are always the ones you can't take.... bit like fishing in that case

17-02-2016, 7:59am
Always the way isn't it, what no phone camera either ?

Good excuse to treat yourself a 'take everywhere camera'. Oly Pen , or a Fuji x100 , a Leica , etc etc :th3:

Mary Anne
17-02-2016, 8:58am
What I dont need Barney is another camera.

19-02-2016, 8:26pm
What I dont need Barney is another camera.

Apologies Mary Anne I meant to direct that comment to TAG.