View Full Version : Windows 10 help

11-02-2016, 7:11pm
I view my Pics on the TV, but recently the photo tab, when opened, shows all the images in one folder, before you can get to the folder list.
Is there a setting I have activated for this folder and how do I get rid of it.
I tried deleting the folder and it goes, but then is not in the folder list when needed, so I put it back.
I think its in the folder sharing settings but I cant find it.

11-02-2016, 7:17pm
John. I might be not with it here, but what is the connection with Win 10?

As for what you say on a TV - well, I have a "smart tv" and it does the same.
Must admit, I haven't followed it through, being satisfied to know that I can see a
pretty good result - but with some inconvenience - on said device.

11-02-2016, 7:44pm
I am confused to. Are you using windows 10 to connect to your tv and then displaying photos that are on your computer, onto your tv? What photo tab, on the tv or on the computer? Where is this folder you talk of, it it something on your tv or is it again on your win 10 machine? I think we need a lot more info about your setup etc before we can advise.

11-02-2016, 9:45pm
OK, try again :)
Computer and TV are connected and I like to look at my 'computer picture folder' on the TV (this folder is a W10 thing, and it contains all my photos, which are in turn contained in individual folders) ie ; birds by date 2006, 2007 etc.
When I turn on the TV and link it to the computer and go through the process to get to my main computer picture folder, all is good, but when I select to open the picture folder (which contains all my sub folders) the 2014 bird picture folder is open already and I must scroll through 360 pics before the individual folders appear at the bottom of the list.
My '2014 bird folder' is in the list of folders at the end also.

Screenshot of TV - I am trying to get rid of the pictures that are already open, all I want is the folders.

John King
11-02-2016, 9:48pm
Gidday John

What happens if you change the sort order on your computer so that it displays folders first?

11-02-2016, 9:50pm
The sort order is a TV thing and I don't know how it works :(

John King
11-02-2016, 10:01pm
I haven't tried sorting files on our stupid TV ... It makes even the Unix UI look well designed ... :vomit1:

Has yours got any kind of built in manual/help screens?

11-02-2016, 10:12pm
There is no LG TV help regarding the problem. The way I see it is, Windows 10 has an extra permission to share the 2014 bird folder, but I cant find it.

John King
11-02-2016, 10:21pm
John, ours is a Sony, and I am putting off "upgrading" to Windows 10 as long as possible! The street talk about it was wonderful for about 4 weeks, and has gone seriously downhill ever since. AFAICS it has a reputation about as low as Vista and Win8 at this point ...

We are staying on XP Pro and Win7 Pro for the foreseeable future. My primary domain controller is still running Win NT4 Advanced Server. It works perfectly as a PDC ... ;).

12-02-2016, 6:14am
when you go into the folder on your windows pc, what is the bird folder called? Is the first folder, the last folder? Has it always done this, or only recently started doing it? If only recently, has the TV had a firmware upgrade, has the pc had an update to Win 10?

PS. I upgraded my laptop to Win 10 first and used it for several weeks, before upgrading my other machines. Simply put. I think Win 10 is the best version of Windoze ever!

12-02-2016, 6:49am
All fixed,
When I went to the folder properties, It gave me an option to add to library, I clicked this option and a library panel' appeared on the LH side of the screen.
Next to my 'pictures folder',there was an arrow, so I expanded it and there was the 'Birds2014' folder. I deleted the folder from the library and all is good.
When I open my pictures on the TV, only the folders appear, and I can choose what I want to look at from my computer.......YAY.

12-02-2016, 7:00am
Going by the folder directory listing on the TV(at the top of the screen shot) .. it's looks like you're in the wrong folder(or something).

the directory list you have open is:


Can you navigate to the directory above that to show:

{Computer\User}>Pictures>folders .. ie. dropping the last 'pictures' folder?

Not knowing how the TV works .. it's hard for us to help you navigate through this.

I'm curious as to why the second Pictures directory listing?

Can you elaborate on your directory structure(on the PC).

That is, I have a Photos folder. Contains all my images, under which I have each year as a folder.
In those year based folders I have each camera and user.

So as an example, if I navigate to a folder it'll be something like this:

So do you have a Pictures\{folders}\{Pictures} directory structure on your PC?

The other question is, do you have multiple copies of any folders/images, and are they also shared?

It's obviously common for us photography folks to have backup copies of our images.
if you have multiple copies of a shared folder, could the images of the 2014 birds be something like that?

The smart TV may be trying to be a bit too smart, and simply showing you all the available shared folders containing images or something.

12-02-2016, 8:30am
All fixed AK (read Above), and folder structure in the computer is shown in pic (all the folders are in the 'pictures' folder on the computer). The TV has always had the same directory structure, don't know why.

12-02-2016, 9:01am
This part of the post is an aside to the main theme of the thread, but relevant because of the thread title.

John, ours is a Sony, and I am putting off "upgrading" to Windows 10 as long as possible! The street talk about it was wonderful for about 4 weeks, and has gone seriously downhill ever since. AFAICS it has a reputation about as low as Vista and Win8 at this point ...

We are staying on XP Pro and Win7 Pro for the foreseeable future. My primary domain controller is still running Win NT4 Advanced Server. It works perfectly as a PDC ... ;).

I can't agree, John. My OWN experience - rather than "street talk" - tells me quite the opposite. I know you have fairly good computer experience, but spare a thought for people who
do not.

Two important points for others who read this:
1. How long will Win XP and Win 7 be supported with security updates? What happens when you go on the
internet after that? - Win XP is already unsupported.

2. The FREE Win7/8.x to Win 10 upgrade ends this July. By the time people have figured out that it's worthwhile, they
will have to PAY for it.

End of aside.

Glad you've got it fixed, John. Will have to have another look at this as a display option.

John King
12-02-2016, 10:37am
Gidday Am

This part of the post is an aside to the main theme of the thread, but relevant because of the thread title.

I can't agree, John. My OWN experience - rather than "street talk" - tells me quite the opposite. I know you have fairly good computer experience, but spare a thought for people who
do not.

I have spent most of my working life doing just this, some 40+ years, both in my own business and profession and working for what was then the largest organisation in Australia ...

I am very hot on securing computers from all angles.

Two important points for others who read this:
1. How long will Win XP and Win 7 be supported with security updates? What happens when you go on the
internet after that? - Win XP is already unsupported.

Agreed, but the OS has precious little to do with Internet security. e.g. Both Internet Explorer and Google Chrome see nothing whatsoever wrong with allowing some sites to put 10+ third party tracking cookies on one's computer/s. Running Ghostery as a plugin to Firefox (as well as something like AdBlock Plus) blocks all this garbage. MS and Google see nothing wrong with allowing all their mates to party on one's hardware and in one's software, apparently!

Any time over the last 20 years MS could have blocked execution of all code from the Internet download and temp folders, the user and system temp folders and MS Outlook. They have never done so. This is still not done by default, is hard for an end user to do, and is the primary route of infection for malware of all descriptions. I have edited the registries on all my PCs to make execution from these locations impossible. It adds a layer of irritation, in that the user has to copy the file wanted to another disk location from which execution is allowed, then run the file from there. What is the chance of even a naive user doing this with a file they do not recognise?

Have you ever seen a computer trashed by ransomware? I have. It's really, really ugly ...

2. The FREE Win7/8.x to Win 10 upgrade ends this July. By the time people have figured out that it's worthwhile, they
will have to PAY for it.

Agreed that the decision will have to be made by then for it to be "free".

However, I would rather pay for something that doesn't force 'updates' on me, and/or open doors into all sorts of sensitive and confidential personal and client information on my computers ...

End of aside.


Mate, I am not any kind of Luddite, and take security extremely seriously. I urge others to do the same. I have at least six layers of security before anything even gets to the Windows execution security. This latter I see as a mere irritation, as it does nothing to prevent programs running using the alternate streams technology built in to all versions of NT. Apparently, MS are happy for malignant code to be downloaded and installed on one's computer/s, then try to prevent it from running at the USER level!! What a joke.

And don't start me on Apples. Just two weeks ago I had a fellow tell me that he didn't have any viruses on his Apple computer, and there was no need to run AV software because "Apples couldn't get viruses"! What a joke. How would he even know when he isn't running AV s/w ... ?

I recommend Malwarebytes for Mac or Windows, available from here:
https://www.malwarebytes.org/antimalware/mac/ or here:

Use the 30 day free trial of the full version (real time protection) and run a scan of the entire computer. This will usually take many hours. If it finishes in 20-40 minutes, you have only performed a "quick" scan ...

Hope some of this drivel helps someone.

12-02-2016, 10:47am
Ta John. This is certainly a comprehensive reply. I know you're not a Luddite.
Also, I routinely use that program.

Well, I guess we'd better give John D his thread back:D

Maybe you might occasionally mention some of your insights in new threads (in this section of the forum).

I have a Win 10 thread going somewhere - oh, here. (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?140953-MS-Windows-10-anybody).
Don't know if you've seen it.

John King
12-02-2016, 11:13am
G'day again Am

Perhaps you could copy post #9 and move posts #14 and onwards to a new thread in this sub-forum? Title "Internet security considerations"?

I really should write up an introduction to computer security and another about backup strategies. I will have a look about over the next few days and see if I have anything meaningful anywhere that I can cut and paste rather than writing it all up from scratch.

Mark L
12-02-2016, 10:27pm
Another irrelevant aside.:)
John, have you by chance recently moved away from Mudgee? It's a long shot.;)