View Full Version : 645z scores 101; beats Sony A&Rii, D810 etc.

04-02-2016, 10:17am


The new RX1R II achieved an excellent DxOMark score of 97 points, with individual scores of 25.8 bits for color sensitivity, a wide 13.9 EVs dynamic range at base ISO (albeit slightly lower at base than the best tested), and a very good low-light ISO score of 3204 ISO. In terms of rankings, only the Pentax 645Z (http://www.pentaxforums.com/reviews/pentax-645z-review/introduction.html?src=al) with its physically larger 43.8 x 32.8mm CMOS sensor (nearly 1.7x the surface area of a full-frame (http://www.pentaxforums.com/articles/pentax-news/pentax-full-frame-officially-coming-cpplus-2015.html?src=al) 35mm sensor) is ahead by just over a half-stop in noise levels.

04-02-2016, 10:49am
Interesting, and only at a cost of $1767 per extra point. ;)

04-02-2016, 10:51am

The D800's(ie. D800, D800E and D810(which is still a D800!)) aren't doing too badly in this comparison!
Considering the D800 is now 4yo tech, I can kind'a predict that the D800's real replacement will better the D800 by about 15 of those (basically meaningless) DxO points.

So the current score of 96-97 should create a new benchmark of about 111-112, possibly even more.

... roll on the D800 replacement :p

04-02-2016, 11:21am

The D800's(ie. D800, D800E and D810(which is still a D800!)) aren't doing too badly in this comparison!
Considering the D800 is now 4yo tech, I can kind'a predict that the D800's real replacement will better the D800 by about 15 of those (basically meaningless) DxO points.

So the current score of 96-97 should create a new benchmark of about 111-112, possibly even more.

... roll on the D800 replacement :p

So at the above dollars per point, that would be about $30,000.00 worth of camera.:D

04-02-2016, 11:50am
So at the above dollars per point, that would be about $30,000.00 worth of camera.:D

The typical price point for the D8xx model range is the $3500-$4000 range.
So lets say $3999 initially, as Nikon tend to inflate initial price policies :rolleyes:

That still represents quite a bargain .. $4K for a $30K camera! :th3:

Even tho the above logic is convoluted and questionable, I may have inadvertently tempted myself to update from the D800E to the real replacement on the day it eventuates! :o

John King
04-02-2016, 12:11pm
When one compares the price of the 645Z and the D5 (its real competitor IMHO), there isn't all that much difference - for the body only ... ;). Personally, I do not want either of them, I'm happy with what I have got ... :).

However, anyone who relies on anything that DxOMark states so blithely would have to have a serious problem with head rocks ... Also just IMNSHO. In my estimation, DxOMark are even more off the planet than many camera reviewers. EVEN DPR reviewers take real photographs in the real world with cameras they review. Just FWIW ...

04-02-2016, 12:43pm
I wonder how far off the D800 series replacement is ?

Steve Axford
04-02-2016, 12:45pm

The D800's(ie. D800, D800E and D810(which is still a D800!)) aren't doing too badly in this comparison!
Considering the D800 is now 4yo tech, I can kind'a predict that the D800's real replacement will better the D800 by about 15 of those (basically meaningless) DxO points.

So the current score of 96-97 should create a new benchmark of about 111-112, possibly even more.

... roll on the D800 replacement :p

How did you figure that out??? While I agree that the table is dubious, to say the least, your extrapolation doesn't seem based on any logic at all.

04-02-2016, 3:20pm
How did you figure that out??? While I agree that the table is dubious, to say the least, your extrapolation doesn't seem based on any logic at all.

All tongue in cheek of course! .. but:

If the D700 scored 80 seven years ago(from 8 yo technology), and the D800 scored 95 four years later(ie. four years ago) .. then four years later(either this year or next)
.. add 15 to that, and you get roughly 110-112 .. simple extrapolation based on rudimentary logic!

.. tongue still firmly in cheek.

Steve Axford
04-02-2016, 4:20pm
Whoa - a lot of assumptions there. But, since I have no idea why we should take any notice of the original scores, I guess any extrapolation won't make it worse.

04-02-2016, 4:48pm
I'd love to know when Arthur's mythical 800 series replacement is due.

I'm in serious thought mode about upgrading the D800 to a D810 (no OLPF) and if history repeats itself, which for me it has a habit of doing, the new model will be available about three minutes after I hit the 'BUY' button.

I'd really like the D810A but I simply can't justify the extra bucks. I'm already committed to disposing of a family member (my beloved Suzuki Bandit) to raise the readies for the upgrade, plus I can see a lens re-arrangement in the picture, so it looks like the D810 and the Nikon 200-500mm and bye bye Samyang 14mm and Nikon 28mm f1.8 (:sad68: I love both those lens) and 'Hello' Tamron 15-30 f2.8.

I'll assess how the 200-500mm stacks up against my 300mm f4 (it will need to be bloody brilliant to top it) but if it's close the 200-500mm with VR will possibly mean the 300 going to a new home too.

Decisions, decisions ...................

@Kym .... So what's the latest on the Pentax FF ?

04-02-2016, 8:33pm
I'd love to know when Arthur's mythical 800 series replacement is due .......

there's a 99% probability that it'll be some time late this year, or early next.

Nikon tend to stick to their predetermined schedules, and if you go back through their timeline .. D800's early 2012, D810(update) mid 2014 .. so D8xx upgrade should be late 2016/early 2017.

Pentax FF is supposedly due this Autumn(northern hemisphere's spring) .. according to Pentax's own marketing material.
if they stick to their past history with tech .. ie. using Sony sensor .. it's almost certain to be the newer 42Mp Sony sensor as used in the latest A7r/RX1r.

.. and with Canon's 50Mp 5Dr, Nikon will have to respond with a D8xx upgrade sooner rather than later!

It'll be interesting to see where the D5 slots into DxO's score rankings soon too!