View Full Version : No Auto Focus

02-02-2016, 10:51am
I took my camera ( Nikon D3100 ) out this morning. But it did not focus on the object. Discovered both 55mm and 200mm had the same problem. I can hear the motors, but no movement in the lens. Manual focus OK. Tried all different settings, with the same result. Is there something I have missed?. Have I accidentally changed a setting somewhere?. Is this a known problem?. etc. etc. IS IT BROKE. ???????

I @ M
02-02-2016, 11:41am
I can't say as I have heard of any known AF problems with that model.

From the sounds of things if 2 lenses are affected it will be in the camera body but to be sure firstly check that both lenses are set to AF and not manual.

Then go to the body ---

First check the AF / Manual settings in the menu to see that it is set on one of the AF modes.

Yell out if all the settings are correct but you are still having no joy.

02-02-2016, 12:11pm
Thanks I @ M ..... I thought I had gone though everything. The setting IN camera was set on MF. I have no idea how it was not on AF-A... ALL IS WELL AGAIN. and I am ready for

02-02-2016, 6:23pm
Isn't it great when you can ask a question and get an answer so promptly and resolve your issue? Good to see AP doing what it is here for.

02-02-2016, 6:29pm
and makes me look stupid..... Yep. Do not know what I would do without AP...

02-02-2016, 6:34pm
and makes me look stupid..... Yep. Do not know what I would do without AP...

No,., the person who looks stupid is the one that does not ask the question and spends days or weeks trying to work it out. Smart folk ask questions!

02-02-2016, 7:05pm
TG. I wooden wurry abouddit:D

03-02-2016, 5:41pm
I took my camera ( Nikon D3100 ) out this morning. But it did not focus on the object. Discovered both 55mm and 200mm had the same problem. I can hear the motors, but no movement in the lens. Manual focus OK. Tried all different settings, with the same result. Is there something I have missed?. Have I accidentally changed a setting somewhere?. Is this a known problem?. etc. etc. IS IT BROKE. ???????

Thanks I @ M ..... I thought I had gone though everything. The setting IN camera was set on MF. I have no idea how it was not on AF-A... ALL IS WELL AGAIN. and I am ready for

Glad you managed to get it all sorted out! :)
If the camera body was set to MF, I wonder what sounds you heard which you described as "I can hear the motors, but no movement in the lens". Sounds like you've got a gremlin living inside your camera body :eek:

Probably it's the VR mechanism, is my guess.