View Full Version : Like others,I am returned

23-01-2016, 9:51am
Haven't been around for a while,but hope to be taking part here again.

Started a Cert IV Design,Digital Photography last year and have been working on the course.Wasn't what I was expecting,as there is lots of InDesign document work and in my opinion not so much focus on actual photography itself,but when completed I will at least have a "qualification".Been a labourer all my working life until an injury put me out of the workforce.

One thing I have discovered is the different points of view of the "trainers" as to what is a good image.Some I have submitted have been criticised negatively by one,yet another has praised them,so there is always difficulties dealing with the perspectives as to what is acceptable to a Certificate IV standard.

Enough of that,I am here and will be around more often.

23-01-2016, 10:13am
Welcome back, and as you are completing a diploma, we are upgrading you straight to advanced.

Mary Anne
23-01-2016, 10:19am
Hello Peter and Welcome back, will look forward to seeing what you post on the forums.

23-01-2016, 10:31am
Thanks for the welcome.Must say I wasn't expecting the upgrade,but over the last months I have learned so much and my images have improved from when I first joined the site.The course requires proficiency in editing skills,specifically Lightroom,and Photoshop and am loving that aspect.I have had to take a couple of months away from study due to some family issues,and with my children on school holidays at the moment.Now life is getting to a point more conducive to focus on my study in earnest,and thankfully the trainers have been understanding and compassionate to allow me the time I needed.

Thanks again.

Mark L
23-01-2016, 7:47pm
welcome back.
It's interesting what you say about the "trainers" various opinions. Much like all of our opinions, they're all right to some degree.
Not as defined as 2+2 does not equal 5.:)