View Full Version : Help !!! I have a serious Pacific Black Duck problem ........

18-01-2016, 12:56pm
As the title suggests, I have a big problem.

Yesterday my Roxi, my Staffie, disturbed a female Pacific Black Duck in a pile of garden refuse in my yard. Yeah, I know, very messy.

Closer examination revealed a nest with about eight or ten eggs, which led me to the conclusion that Mrs Duck has been in residence for more than a day or two. Now this discovery, for me, would normally be one of much joy, however with the aforementioned Staffie's predisposition to kill and devour anything she finds in the yard it is now a concern.

Roxi has to date 'euthanised' more than a handful of Blue-tongued Lizards, some feral doves and mynahs, and a very non-feral Ring-tailed Possum, leaving only the possums tail, and one hind leg, as evidence. Whilst I'm typing this she is lying beside me as I watch an adult and juvi Blue-faced Honeyeater having a tub in the bird bath.

So what to do ? Do I try to re-locate the nest too a safer environment and hope the mother duck will follow and continue to sit? The strange thing is that when she rousted the duck from it's nest yesterday it landed about 10m away and she didn't go for it which is not like her at all.

I'm guessing the duck has been around for about a week so she has had plenty of opportunities to monster it. I don't really want to take the risk that she has 'accepted' it or doesn't know how to tackle it yet, and if it survives till the eggs hatch there will then be eight or ten fluffy little temptations to also worry about.

Is there any organisation that would be interested in re-locating mother and eggs?

Oh, and I suppose I could tie Roxi up till after the blessed event(s), incubation seemingly 26-30 days, but I'm not real happy with that idea and she wouldn't be either.

Any helpful suggestions most appreciated.

18-01-2016, 1:10pm
Maybe contact WIRES - they may have a local member who can offer advice/assistance?

18-01-2016, 1:12pm
Any way of making a "Dog-proof Fence" around the nest?

It would have to be duckling-proof, too.

Just wondering. (The movie industry is replete with prequels and sequels these days:rolleyes:)

I just think that re-locating the nest would be more disruptive than what your Staffie member did.

18-01-2016, 1:46pm
Maybe contact WIRES - they may have a local member who can offer advice/assistance?

Cheers Ionica.

I phoned WIRES and they gave me a local phone # to call.

- - - Updated - - -

Any way of making a "Dog-proof Fence" around the nest?

It would have to be duckling-proof, too.

Just wondering. (The movie industry is replete with prequels and sequels these days:rolleyes:)

I just think that re-locating the nest would be more disruptive than what your Staffie member did.

Cheers Am.

I thought about some sort of enclosure but it would need to be big enough for a 'runway' to enable the bird to get airborne to go for food and water.

I'm waiting on a call back from a local wildlife rescue group and will update when I know more.

18-01-2016, 3:03pm
Just spoke to the local wildlife group and they are coming to remove and relocate the duck and eggs.

This is a quick, very cramped shot of Mum on the nest.


18-01-2016, 3:40pm
Good move:) - would have been interesting to see them, though.

18-01-2016, 3:44pm
Good move:) - would have been interesting to see them, though.

I think it's best they move on as the local cat is getting bolder and was sneaking around the birdbath today. I introduced it to Roxi and it took off like it was jet propelled. Bloody irresponsible cat owners.

18-01-2016, 3:47pm
We have the same problem here, unfortunately, and have seen the end results.

Mark L
18-01-2016, 8:08pm
Just spoke to the local wildlife group and they are coming to remove and relocate the duck and eggs.

A bit surprised that they think that will work (though they'd know better than me.. How's daddy duck gunna find them?
Good onya for doing something about it.:th3: Wether it works or not the duck will just get on with life (and presumably not nest in your yard again:))

Bloody irresponsible cat owners.
I thought all cat o ........ (will not finish in case there's a cat owner reading.:);))